1. When and How to Develop Domain-Specific Languages Marjan Mernik, University of Maribor
Jan Heering, CWI
Anthony M. Sloane, Macquarie University
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol 37, No. 4
2. Introduction Many computer languages are domain specific languages (DSLs) as opposed to general purpose languages (GPLs)
Aid in writing programs in specific domains
DSLs have been around since the late 1950s (BNF)
3. Introduction DSLs trade generality for expressiveness
Offer gains in productivity
Reduce maintenance cost
Enable non-experts in the domain to more easily program applications
DSLs enable reuse
4. Introduction With an application library (API providing classes and methods), a GPL could act as a DSL but
Domain-specific notations are difficult to express in a operator notations provided by GPLs
Domain-specific constructs and abstractions cannot always be mapped well to functions and objects (i.e. traversals and error handling)
A DSL can be used to analyze, verify, optimize, parallelize and transform DSL constructs. The GPL could not because it source code patterns are too complex or not well defined.
DSLs need not be executable
5. Introduction Still, many DSLs are actually domain-specific embedded languages (DSELs)
DSELs are made with GPL APIs.
DSELs are often the most cost effective solution
6. Introduction: Executability of DSLs Well-defined execution semantics
Input language of an application generator
ATMOL: atmospheric modeling
Application generator compiles the DSL, still executable
More declarative and less well-defined execution semantics
Not executable but useful for application generation
BNF: purely declarative, but can be an input language for a parser generator
DSL not meant to be executable
Domain-specific data structure representations
Benefit from editors, analyzers, consistency checkers
7. Introduction: DSLs and Reuse Contribute to software engineering by allowing reuse of software artifacts
i.e. grammars, source code, software designs and domain abstractions
Application generators
enable programmers to reuse semantic notations in the DSL without having to perform detailed domain analysis
Reuse of source code
8. Scope of the Paper When and How to develop DSLs is difficult to decide
DSL development is hard
Need domain and language development knowledge
DSL development techniques are more varied than those for GPLs
Providing training materials, language support, standardization and maintenance can be time-consuming
Often the need for a DSL is not evident until much effort has been put into using a GPL. Therefore think of DSL development as an important step in software reengineering
The paper identifies patterns in DSL development
9. Pattern Classification Decision
Deployment (not discussed)
A pattern used in one phase does not effect patterns used in other phases
10. Pattern Classification: Decision Helps answer when to develop a DSL
Decision patterns are common situations in which developers in the past have successfully developed DSLs
DSLs must offer more economical software development and maintenance
Providing a quantitative analysis of the benefits is difficult
11. Pattern Classification: Decision Adopting an existing DSL is less expensive, but one which is appropriate could difficult to find and not well documented
Improved software economics
Enable software development by users with less domain knowledge and programming experience
12. Pattern Classification: Decision 1. Notation: are appropriate notations available?
Transforming visual to textual notation
Add user-friendly notation to an existing API or turn an API into a DSL
2. AVOPT (domain-specific Analysis, Verification, Optimization, Parallelization, Transformation)
A DSL will allow these operations where a GPL usually will not
13. Pattern Classification: Decision 3. Task automation
An application generator for the DSL can generate code that follows the same pattern
4. Product lines
Software products lines share common architecture and common elements that can be specified with one DSL
5. Data structure representation
Required data structures could be difficult to write and maintain with a GPL
14. Pattern Classification: Decision 6. System front-end
DSL-based front-end can handle a systems configuration and adaptation
7. Interaction
DSL can help specify complicated and repetitive input (Excel macro language)
8. GUI constructs
Implemented with DSLs
15. Pattern Classification: Analysis Identify the problem domain and gather knowledge
Inputs are domain knowledge
technical documents
domain experts
Existing GPL code
Customer surveys
Domain-specific terminology (vocabulary)
Domain-specific semantics in abstract form
16. Pattern Classification: Analysis 1. Informal
2. Formal
Outputs a domain model
domain definition/scope
domain terminology
domain concepts
feature model describing commonalities and variabilities in concepts and their interdependencies
i.e. Feature Oriented Domain Analysis(FODA)
3. Extract from code
17. Pattern Classification: Ananlysis Variabilities indicate required information for specifying an instance of the system (variable)
Commonalities define the execution model and primitives of the language (mandatory)
18. Pattern Classification: Ananlysis Example using FODA
tries to recreate human behavior while accessing and manipulating web resources with slow tramissions
The feature model:
Represents hierarchical decomposition of features and their character (mandatory, alternative, optional)
Defines semantics of features
Gives feature composition rules describing valid and invalid combinations of features
Provides reasons for choosing a feature
19. Domain consists of Resources, behavior, and services
Commonalities (status and rate)
Variabilities (atomic vs compound)
20. Pattern Classification: Design Need to consider
the relationship between the DSL and existing languages
the formal nature of the design description
1. Language Exploitation
easy to implement and easy for users to use
Piggyback: use existing language partially with domain features
Specialization: restrict existing language
Extension: extend existing language with new features
21. Pattern Classification: Design 2. Language Invention
Completely new DSL with no existing commonalities with existing languages
Difficult to develop and characterize
Common design ideas such as economy of form and orthogonality are not necessarily right for DSL jargon
22. Pattern Classification: Design 1. Informal designs
Natural language
Easy to use
2. Formal designs
Specification using one of the available semantic definition methods
i.e. Regular expressions, attribute grammars, abstract state machines
Difficult but help hash out potential problems before implementation
23. Pattern Classification: Design
24. Pattern Classification: Implementation When an executable DSL is designed the most suitable implementation approach should be chosen
DSL specific techniques are less known
The right technique will impact the implementation effort
25. Pattern Classification: Implementation 1. Interpreter
DSL constructs are recognized and interpreted using a fetch-decode-execute cycle
Good for languages with dynamic character or execution speed is not an issue
Simple, easily extended, control over execution environment
26. Pattern Classification: Implementation 2. Compiler
DSL constructs are translated to base language constructs and library calls
Offers complete static analysis on DSL specification
DSL compilers are application generators
27. Pattern Classification: Implementation 3. Preprocessor
DSL constructs are translated into an existing language
Static analysis is limited to that done by the base language processor
28. Pattern Classification: Implementation 4. Embedding
DSL constructs are embedded in an existing language by defining specific abstract data types and operators
Uses application libraries
Have completed access to host language
Operator overloading (C++) can be harmful to semantics
29. Pattern Classification: Implementation 5. Extensible Compiler
Extends a GPL compiler with domain-specific optimization rules/code generation
Compilers are usually difficult to extend
6. Commercial Off-The-Shelf
Existing tools are applied to a specific domain
7. Hybrid
A combination of the others
30. Pattern Classification: Implementation Interpreter/Compiler
DSL syntax close to that used by experts
Good error reporting
Large development effort; a complex language processor is needed
Designing from scratch creates potential incoherencies
Language extension is difficult because language preprocessors are not meant to be extended
31. Pattern Classification: Implementation Embedded
Modest development effort (an existing implementation is reused)
Usually produces a more powerful language since many features are given for free
The host language infrastructure can be reused (debuggers)
User training cost are usually lower since they may know the host language
Syntax will not be optimal because host languages do not allow arbitrary syntax extension
Overloading existing operators is confusing
Error reporting is in terms of host language concepts and not DSL concepts
Domain-specific optimizations and transformations are difficult. Efficiency is therefore reduced.
33. Review DSLs are important and can be benefitial
Patterns for decision, analysis, design and implementation