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Funding opportunities for INPE-ifgi cooperation in Germany and Europe

Funding opportunities for INPE-ifgi cooperation in Germany and Europe. Christoph Brox. Purpose. Apart from 6 joint publications and 6 joint PhD/Masters thesis topics, workshop goals are to come up with 1 proposal for (big) joint research project

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Funding opportunities for INPE-ifgi cooperation in Germany and Europe

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  1. Funding opportunities for INPE-ifgi cooperation in Germany and Europe Christoph Brox INPE-ifgi Workshop

  2. Purpose • Apart from 6 joint publications and 6 joint PhD/Masters thesis topics, workshop goals are to come up with • 1 proposal for (big) joint research project • 3 proposals for mobility measures – personal contacts essential for INPE-ifgi cooperation • Showing you options • Not for details, but overview • Presentation as work document (follow links), see background information at Wiki • My support for all types of proposals at Ilhabela INPE-ifgi Workshop

  3. Overview Funding opportunities for • Projects • Institutional mobility measures • Individual mobility to Germany • Individual mobility to Brazil INPE-ifgi Workshop

  4. 1. Projects INPE-ifgi Workshop

  5. 1. DFG Research project („Research Grants“) • Big research project (max. 3 years), funding of staff, scientific instrumentation, consumables, travel, publication costs • Parallel submission in Brazil (DFG-Partners: CNPq, CAPES, FAPESP) • http://www.dfg.de/en/research_funding/individual_grants_programme/research_grants/index.html • No fixed deadline • Self-made proposal template (20 pages + annexes) • (t.b.d.: external partners, e.g., ITC, Rio?) INPE-ifgi Workshop

  6. 1. BMBF • http://www.bmbf.de/en/5316.php • In der Forschungsförderlandschaft gibt es neben den Bundesförderinstitutionen (CNPq, CAPES, FINEP, etc.) auch auf Ebene der Bundesländer Brasiliens bedeutende Förderinstitutionen, wie z.B. FAPESP in São Paulo und der FPERGS in Rio Grande do Sul. Mit allen genannten Institutionen bestehen bilaterale Kontakte zu Deutschland, wobei der Nationale Wissenschaftsrat Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq Hauptansprechpartner ist. • Zur Förderung der Initialphase von Kooperationsprojekten in Forschung und Entwicklung finden jährliche Ausschreibungen statt. Die Förderung erfolgt auf deutscher Seite durch das BMBF, auf  brasilianischer Seite durch CNPq und umfasst vor allem den Austausch von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern (Mobilitätsprojekte). • Currently no call – not known when the next call will be INPE-ifgi Workshop

  7. 1. EU – FP7 • Huge project with many partners • Too complicated for now • Maybe option to „jump on a running train“ INPE-ifgi Workshop

  8. 2. Institutional mobility measures INPE-ifgi Workshop

  9. 2. DAAD – PPP (-> PROBRAL) • Requirement: common research project • Only additional costs for cooperation are funded (travel), not staff costs • PhD students, post-docs, professors • For Brazil = PROBRAL, currently no open call • DAAD (BMBF) and CAPES (more info at CAPES website??) • http://www.daad.de/deutschland/foerderung/stipendiendatenbank/00462.en.html?detailid=10&fachrichtung=5&land=48&status=4&seite=1&daad=0 INPE-ifgi Workshop

  10. 2. UNIBRAL • DAAD and CAPES • Funding of students (3. year, Master students ok); • http://www.daad.de/ausland/foerderungsmoeglichkeiten/stipendiendatenbank/00658.de.html?detailid=218&fachrichtung=5&land=48&status=3&seite=1 • No call open (more information at CAPES website?) INPE-ifgi Workshop

  11. 2. Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window • Funding mobility measures on all levels (prof/post-doc/students/administrative staff) • Waiting for Call 2009 (deadline Call 2008 is on Mar 13, 2009) • http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/extcoop/call/index.htm • (not too optimistic: huge monster projects with (too) many partners) INPE-ifgi Workshop

  12. 2. FP7-PEOPLE (ex-Marie Curie)-International staff exchange scheme IRSES • Funding mobility measures on all levels (prof/post-doc/students/administrative staff) • deadline Mar 27, 2009 -> next year? • Primarily EU-> non-EU, non-EU -> EU for countries such as Brazil • Min. 2 EU and 1 non-EU partner (ifgi, INPE, ISEGI) • Funding up to 12 months, 1.800 € per month • 2-4 years, 500.000 € or more, at least 10-20 mobility measures INPE-ifgi Workshop

  13. 2. FP7-PEOPLE (ex-Marie Curie)-International staff exchange scheme IRSES • Problem: „secondment“: Research staff has to have and keep a position at home – the funding (1.800 € per month including travel costs) is an add-on. • For Brazilians: Apart from keeping the position (and payment) at home, 25% contribution to 1.800 €/months should be own contribution • EC expects also the conduction of events (e.g., summer school), which are not funded • -> feasible??? INPE-ifgi Workshop

  14. 3. Individual mobility to Germany INPE-ifgi Workshop

  15. 3. MIWFT • ifgi has already acquired scholarships • Students from several emerging countries • 2 scholarships M.Sc. in Geospatial Technologies, 3 semesters • 5 scholarships M.Sc. in Geoinformatics • Start: Sep 1, 2009, 4 semesters • ~ 1.000 € per month • Waiting for MIWFT written (!) approval INPE-ifgi Workshop

  16. 3. IRTG • International Graduate School on „Semantic Interoperability of Geospatial Information“ • Partners: ifgi, U Buffalo, U Bremen • http://irtg-sigi.ifgi.info/ • Scholarships for 3-years PhD, ~ 1.400 € per month • Next call: ~ Nov 2009 • Next start: Mar 1, 2010 INPE-ifgi Workshop

  17. 3. DAAD – research grants – sandwich model for PhD candidates • http://www.daad.de/deutschland/foerderung/stipendiendatenbank/00575.en.html • PhD prepared and completed at home • 1-2 years in Germany • „joint protocol“ signed by both the local and the German supervisor • Supervisor travels abroad at the beginning and for final supervision/defense • Optional: foreign co-supervisor travels to Germany INPE-ifgi Workshop

  18. 3. DAAD – research grants - others • Complete PhD (only structured PhD programs) www.daad.de/ipp • Research visits without targeting a degree (up to 6 months without deadline) • Grants for Masters students or post-docs only in exceptional cases INPE-ifgi Workshop

  19. 3. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung – Stipends for PhD students • http://www.daad.de/deutschland/foerderung/stipendiendatenbank/00462.en.html?detailid=427&fachrichtung=5&land=47&status=2&seite=1&daad=0 • 100 stipends per year • PhD student already has to be enrolled at a German university (! – problem) • Engagement in politics/society INPE-ifgi Workshop

  20. 3. Gottlieb Daimler- und Karl Benz-Stiftung – PhD students • http://www.daad.de/deutschland/foerderung/stipendiendatenbank/00462.en.html?detailid=413&fachrichtung=5&land=47&status=2&seite=1&daad=0 • Max. 2 years INPE-ifgi Workshop

  21. 3. World University Service (WUS): Jahresstipendium • Funds attending Bachelors or Masters program • 1 year • http://www.daad.de/deutschland/foerderung/stipendiendatenbank/00462.en.html?detailid=429&fachrichtung=5&land=48&status=2&seite=1&daad=0 INPE-ifgi Workshop

  22. 3. DAAD-bilateral exchange of young scientists – post-docs • 14 days – 3 months • Travel costs to Germany paid by CAPES • DAAD pays allowances in Germany • (what‘s bilateral? – CAPES has a corresponding program?) • http://www.daad.de/deutschland/foerderung/stipendiendatenbank/00462.de.html?detailid=4&fachrichtung=5&land=48&status=3&seite=1&daad=0 INPE-ifgi Workshop

  23. 3. A. v. Humboldt – post-docs • http://www.daad.de/deutschland/foerderung/stipendiendatenbank/00462.en.html?detailid=544&fachrichtung=5&land=48&status=3&seite=1&daad=0 • 600 post-docs per year – all fields, highly qualified • 6-24 months • 2.250 € per months + extras INPE-ifgi Workshop

  24. 3. A. v. Humboldt – experienced researchers • http://www.daad.de/deutschland/foerderung/stipendiendatenbank/00462.en.html?detailid=469&fachrichtung=5&land=48&status=3&seite=1&daad=0 • 6-18 months • 2.450 € per month INPE-ifgi Workshop

  25. 3. Fritz-Thyssen – post-docs • ~ 25 per year • All fields, all countries • 1 year • ~ 1.300 € per month + 100 € • http://www.daad.de/deutschland/foerderung/stipendiendatenbank/00462.en.html?detailid=458&fachrichtung=5&land=48&status=3&seite=1&daad=0 INPE-ifgi Workshop

  26. 3. DFG-Mercator – guest professors • http://www.dfg.de/forschungsfoerderung/wissenschaftliche_kontakte/mercator/mercator_kompaktdarstellung.html • Research + teaching, W2/W3 • 3-12 months INPE-ifgi Workshop

  27. 3. FP7-Marie Curie – Incoming research fellowships • http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/mariecurieactions/iif_en.html • High-level researchers • Research + teaching in Germany W2/W3 • 3-12 months • FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IIF, published 18 March 2009, deadline 18 August 2009 • (high competition) INPE-ifgi Workshop

  28. 3. DFG – Emmy Noether-Programm • Post-docs 2-4 years after PhD, international experience • Also foreigners -> after scholarship scientific career in Germany is targeted • 5-6 years • BAT Ia/Ib + personnel and other costs for research group • http://www.daad.de/deutschland/foerderung/stipendiendatenbank/00462.en.html?detailid=462&fachrichtung=5&land=48&status=3&seite=1&daad=0 • (ifgi internal: maybe even better for German applicant!) INPE-ifgi Workshop

  29. 4. Individual mobility to Brazil INPE-ifgi Workshop

  30. 4. DAAD – PhD students scholarships • Short-term up to 1 year • Also in the context of a sandwich PhD (requires agreement, allows travel costs for „doctorfather“) • Deadlines: Mar 31 and Sep 30 • http://www.daad.de/ausland/foerderungsmoeglichkeiten/stipendiendatenbank/00658.de.html?detailid=206&fachrichtung=5&land=48&status=2&seite=1 INPE-ifgi Workshop

  31. 4. DAAD – Graduates • 1-year scholarships • Requires Portuguese language skills or courses in English at INPE • http://www.daad.de/ausland/foerderungsmoeglichkeiten/stipendiendatenbank/00658.de.html?detailid=210&fachrichtung=5&land=48&status=2&seite=1 • Deadlines: Mar 31 and Sep 30 INPE-ifgi Workshop

  32. 4. DAAD – Master courses 1 semester • 1-semester scholarships (3-4 months) • Requires Portuguese language skills or courses in English at INPE • http://www.daad.de/ausland/foerderungsmoeglichkeiten/stipendiendatenbank/00658.de.html?detailid=324&fachrichtung=5&land=48&status=2&seite=1 • Deadlines: Mar 31 and Sep 30 INPE-ifgi Workshop

  33. 4. DAAD – Finalizing Master thesis • 1-4 months • http://www.daad.de/ausland/foerderungsmoeglichkeiten/stipendiendatenbank/00658.de.html?detailid=325&fachrichtung=5&land=48&status=2&seite=1 • Deadlines: at least 3 months before going abroad INPE-ifgi Workshop

  34. 4. DAAD – post-doc • 3-24 months • http://www.daad.de/ausland/foerderungsmoeglichkeiten/stipendiendatenbank/00658.de.html?detailid=218&fachrichtung=5&land=48&status=3&seite=1 • Deadlines: • at least 3 months before going abroad (short-term 3-6 months) • Nov 15, Mar 15, Jun 15 (more than 6 months) INPE-ifgi Workshop

  35. 4. More • DFG Forschungsstipendien • Alexander von Humboldt • … INPE-ifgi Workshop

  36. Other: E-Learning • Previous ALFA projects • Previous idea for following up: e-learning for GILA • New idea: e-learning for Brazil • GITTA (Swiss Virtual Campus) • Tons of courses • Interested in translation into Portuguese • Some price money • Edzer interested in open source teaching materials INPE-ifgi Workshop

  37. Thank you very much for your attention! Questions Discussion Comments broxc@uni-muenster.de http://ifgi.uni-muenster.de INPE-ifgi Workshop

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