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Learn the essential rules, procedures, and responsibilities for hosting a successful speech contest, including contestant eligibility, officials' roles, and contest chair responsibilities. Get insights on how to promote the event, conduct the briefing, introduce contestants, and present awards effectively.
Creating a Great Speech Contest Ross Mackay, DTM, PID Accredited Speaker District 60 DEC Meeting November 10, 2018
What makes a great speech contest? Interesting speeches. Well-organized contest chairs. Fair and impartial judges. Good location. Enthusiastic audience. Planning. Conformance to the rules.
Rules Procedures Checklists Materials
Ineligible to Compete in any Contest • Member competing beyond the club and is a serving Judge in the same Contest. • Contestant in more than one Area Contest. • Any Judges & Officials at the contest they’re serving. • Presenters of Educational Sessions at the event at which the contest will be held. • Candidates for elected District Officer positions.
Contestant Eligibility • Member in good standing • Member of a club in good standing (New, dual or reinstated; dues and membership with HQ) International Speech Contest: • Completed #6 in CC manual or 2 Levels of Pathways (or Charter member for less than 1 year)
Contest Officials Club* Area Division District Contest Chair. 1 1 1 1 Chief Judge. 1 1 1 1 Voting Judges. 5 5 7 7 Tiebreaking Judge. 1 1 1 1 Counters. 3 3 3 3 Timers. 2 2 2 2 Sgt. At Arms. 2 2 2 2 * If practical
Contest Chair Responsibilities: www.toastmasters.org > Resources > Speech Contest > Materials > Speech Contest Tutorial
Contest Chair Responsibilities: Select Date, Time and Location of Contest. Determine Budget. Order Certificates, Trophies and Other Materials. Appoint a Chief Judge and a Test Speaker. EnsureContestants & Officials are notified. Conduct the Contest Briefing & the Contest.
Committee Functions • Promote the contestto local media. • Post fliers to libraries & community centres. • Organize venue access and set-up. • Purchase trophies and certificates. • Design and print agenda. • Arrange for any refreshments. • Ensure volunteers for SAA and registration.
Contest Briefing: Confirm pronunciation of name and speech title. Review eligibility & speech originality. Advise protest procedures. Timing lights, staging and props. Review interview & award presentation procedure. Draw for speaking position.
Contest Chair Welcome: Announce Contest. Keep aisles clear • No photos, cell phones orrecording devices. During speeches no one to leave or enter. One minute of silence between speeches. Chief Judge will NOT read contest rules.
Evaluation Contest: Welcome to ……. Introduce Test Speaker. Name – Speech Title Speech Title – Name. At end of the test speech all Contestants shall leave the room to prepare their evaluations under the supervision of the SAA. Interview the Test Speaker for 5 minutes and thank them for their contribution.
Introduction of Contestants: No Preliminary remarks about Contestant, topic or of their club or residence. Introduction in Evaluation Contest:- announce Contestants name twice. Introduction in International Contest:- Name – Speech Title – Speech Title – Name. One minute of silence between speeches. At the end, request silence until Chief Judge and Counters leave the room.
Contestant Interviews: Invite Contestants to stage in speaking order. Each Contestant is asked to identify their Club, Area, & Division as appropriate. All other questions are optional as time permits. Use a script for questions. Keep questions to Toastmaster topics. Present Certificates of Participation, and invite them to leave the stage.
Presenting Awards: Receive Contest Results from Chief Judge. Invite District Leaders to platform. Announce any disqualifications for time. but do not name the disqualified Contestant. When 5 or more Contestants announce top 3. when 4 or less, only announce top 2 and in reverse order with winner last. Have District Leaders present the trophies. Thank Committee & Volunteers and Adjourn.
And the Winner is…. Everyone..!!