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Species Effects on the H-mode Threshold and ELM Behavior in H(He3) and He4(H) Plasmas in C-Mod

Investigating how the H-mode threshold power scales in H and He plasmas, and how ELM behavior changes in low-density conditions in He. This analysis aims to support ITER operation planning for optimal performance.

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Species Effects on the H-mode Threshold and ELM Behavior in H(He3) and He4(H) Plasmas in C-Mod

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  1. Species Effects on the H-mode Threshold and ELM Behavior in H(He3) and He4(H) Plasmas in C-Mod J A Snipes, P Lamalle ITER Organization

  2. The latest H-mode threshold power scaling for deuterium plasmas is: The isotope dependence based on JET results in H, D, and D-T indicates that Pthresh 1/A for hydrogen isotopes IF this scaling holds for ITER, H-mode will not be possible with Pin = 73 MW in hydrogen and hysteresis will be required to remain in H-mode in deuterium To reach H98y2 ≥ 1, experiments indicate Pin > Pthresh is required ITER may depend on α power to sustain high confinement regimes How does the H-mode threshold change in helium? What Power is Required to Reach High Confinement ? (Y. Martin, HMW 2008)

  3. Can ELM Mitigation be Demonstrated in He in ITER? • ASDEX Upgrade has shown: • Pthresh(He) = Pthresh(D) • Latest threshold powers are lower than the recent scaling • More results in He would help extrapolate to ITER • Robust Type I ELMy H-mode in He in ITER would allow ELM mitigation techniques to be demonstrated before the active phases • This is very important for the ITER Research Plan

  4. Species Effects on H-mode Threshold and ELM Behavior Motivation: To have more information to extrapolate H-mode power threshold and ELM behavior in H and He plasmas to ITER so that the non-active phases of ITER operation can be planned accordingly. Goals: 1) Determine how the H-mode threshold power scales in H and He. 2) Determine how the ELM behavior changes in H and He at low *. Plan of execution: Scan ne from 11020 m-3 down to 41019 m-3 in He(H) ICRF plasmas and determine the H-mode power threshold vs ne. Operate at low * and determine the ELM behavior in He (Type I ?). Repeat these experiments in H(He3) ICRF plasmas to compare. The H plasmas could be planned during the last week of operation before the next planned opening of the machine to avoid difficulties returning to D(H) ICRF operation. 2 days requested.

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