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Acts 17

Acts 17. Click for Question. According to Acts 17:1, what 2 places did Paul pass through before coming to Thessalonica?. Amphipolis, Apollonia. Click for: Answer and next Question. According to Acts 17:2, how many Sabbaths did Paul reason with the Thessalonians from the scriptures?.

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Acts 17

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  1. Acts 17 Click for Question

  2. According to Acts 17:1, what 2 places did Paul pass through before coming to Thessalonica? Amphipolis, Apollonia Click for: Answer and next Question

  3. According to Acts 17:2, how many Sabbaths did Paul reason with the Thessalonians from the scriptures? 3 Sabbaths Click for: Answer and next Question

  4. According to Acts 17:3, what was Paul explaining and demonstrating to the Thessalonians? That Christ had to suffer and rise again Click for: Answer and next Question

  5. According to Acts 17:4, who were some of the people who were persuaded by and followed Paul and Silas? Devout Greeks Leading women Click for: Answer and next Question

  6. According to Acts 17:5, who took evil men from the marketplace, gathered a mob and set the city in an uproar? Envious Jews who were not persuaded Click for: Answer and next Question

  7. According to Acts 17:5, whose house did the mod attack? Jason’s house Click for: Answer and next Question

  8. According to Acts 17:6, When the mob could not find Paul and Silas, who did they drag to the rulers of the city? Jason and some brethren Click for: Answer and next Question

  9. According to Acts 17:6-7, the mob accuses Jason of harboring these who have done what to the world? Turned it upside down Click for: Answer and next Question

  10. According to Acts 17:7, what did Jason and the brethren say that made the mob accuse them of acting contrary to the decrees of Caesar? There is another king - Jesus Click for: Answer and next Question

  11. According to Acts 17:8-9, troubled by the charges of the mob, what did the rulers do to Jason and the rest? Took security from them and let them go (they had Jason post bail) Click for: Answer and next Question

  12. According to Acts 17:10, where did the brethren send Paul and Silas to? Berea Click for: Answer and next Question

  13. According to Acts 17:10, when Paul and Silas arrived in Berea, where did they go? To the synagogue Click for: Answer and next Question

  14. According to Acts 17:11, how were the Bereans different from the Thessalonians? They were more fair-minded Click for: Answer and next Question

  15. According to Acts 17:11 how did the Bereans receive the word? With all readiness Click for: Answer and next Question

  16. According to Acts 17:11, what did the Bereans do daily? Search the scriptures Click for: Answer and next Question

  17. According to Acts 17:11, why did the Bereans search the scriptures daily To find out if the Things they were told were so (true) Click for: Answer and next Question

  18. According to Acts 17:12, many believed including what groups of people? Greeks, prominent men and women Click for: Answer and next Question

  19. According to Acts 17:13, what happened when the Jews from Thessalonica heard Paul was preaching the word of God in Berea? They came and stirred up the crowds Click for: Answer and next Question

  20. According to Acts 17:14, what did the brethren do immediately when the Jews from Thessalonica stirred up the crowds? Sent Paul away immediately Click for: Answer and next Question

  21. According to Acts 17:14, who remained in Berea after Paul was sent away? Silas and Timothy Click for: Answer and next Question

  22. According to Acts 17:15, where did they bring Paul to after they sent him away from Berea to go to the sea? Athens Click for: Answer and next Question

  23. According to Acts 17:15, who did Paul command to come to him with all speed? Silas and Timothy Click for: Answer and next Question

  24. According to Acts 17:16, what did Paul see in Athens that provoked his spirit? The city was given over to idols Click for: Answer and next Question

  25. According to Acts 17:17, what 2 places did Paul go to reason with people? The synagogue The marketplace Click for: Answer and next Question

  26. According to Acts 17:18, what type of people were the Epicureans and Stoics who encountered Paul? Philosophers Click for: Answer and next Question

  27. According to Acts 17:18, what did some of the philosophers call Paul? This babbler Click for: Answer and next Question

  28. According to Acts 17:18, why did some of the philosophers say Paul was a proclaimer of foreign gods? Because he preached about Jesus and the resurrection Click for: Answer and next Question

  29. According to Acts 17:19, where did the philosophers take Paul to find out more about this new doctrine? The Areopagus Click for: Answer and next Question

  30. According to Acts 17:20 – 21, what did the Athenians and foreigners spend all their time doing? Telling or hearing some new thing Click for: Answer and next Question

  31. According to Acts 17:22, what did Paul perceive about the men of Athens? That they were very religious Click for: Answer and next Question

  32. According to Acts 17:23, what was the inscription on one of the altars that Paul found? “to the unknown god” Click for: Answer and next Question

  33. According to Acts 17:23, who was Paul going to proclaim to the men of Athens? The One (God) they worshipped without knowing Click for: Answer and next Question

  34. According to Acts 17:24, Paul tells the men of Athens God made what? The world and everything in it Click for: Answer and next Question

  35. According to Acts 17:24, God is LORD of what? Heaven and earth Click for: Answer and next Question

  36. According to Acts 17:24, the LORD dwells in temples made with hands – true or false? False, He does not Dwell in temples made with hands Click for: Answer and next Question

  37. According to Acts 17:25, what does God give to all? Life, breath, all things Click for: Answer and next Question

  38. According to Acts 17:26, God has made every nation of men to dwell on the face of the earth from what? One blood Click for: Answer and next Question

  39. According to Acts 17:26-27, why has God determined the pre-appointed times and boundaries of dwellings of the nations? So they would seek the LORD and find Him Click for: Answer and next Question

  40. According to Acts 17:27, is God far from each of us? no Click for: Answer and next Question

  41. According to Acts 17:28, in Him we _____ and _____ and have our ______ Live, move, being Click for: Answer and next Question

  42. According to Acts 17:29, why should we not think that Divine Nature is like gold or silver or stone? Because we are the offsping of God Click for: Answer and next Question

  43. According to Acts 17:30, what did God overlook The times of ignorance Click for: Answer and next Question

  44. According to Acts 17:30, what does God command all men everywhere to do? repent Click for: Answer and next Question

  45. According to Acts 17:30-31, why should all men everywhere repent? Because a day of judgment has been appointed Click for: Answer and next Question

  46. According to Acts 17:31, how are we assured that God will judge the world in righteousness by the Man He has ordained? God raised Him (Jesus) from the dead Click for: Answer and next Question

  47. According to Acts 17:32, what did some do when they heard of the resurrection of the dead? They mocked Click for: Answer and next Question

  48. According to Acts 17:32, what did others say when they heard of the resurrection of the dead? We will hear you again Click for: Answer and next Question

  49. Based on Acts 17:34, give the names of the two people mentioned who believed and joined Paul in Athens. Dionysius the Areopagite, Damaris Click for: Answer and next Question

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