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SIGAda Viability Review

SIGAda Viability Review. March 8, 2010. Finances. Conferences 2007: +$30K 2008: -$10K 2009 : -$2K Trend is reduced revenue, vendors and attendance Problem: Numerous conference subsidies to members

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SIGAda Viability Review

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  1. SIGAda Viability Review March 8, 2010

  2. Finances • Conferences • 2007: +$30K 2008: -$10K 2009: -$2K • Trend is reduced revenue, vendors and attendance • Problem: Numerous conference subsidies to members • Solution: Everyone will pay at least for the cost of meals Washington DC venue should increase vendors • Fund balance • Healthy, but trend is a declining balance • Mostly tied to conference revenues/expenses • Member dues • Not raising rates dues since it’s not a large increase in revenue

  3. Member Benefits • Annual SIGAda conference and proceedings • Ada Letters published three times per year • Reduced rates at SIGAda and Ada Europe • Academic grants to conferences • Access to SIGAda material in Digital Library • Evolution of Ada through WG9 liaison • Ada 95, Ada 2005, and Ada 2012 • Outstanding Ada Community Award • ACM SIGAda Distinguished Service Award

  4. SIGAda Goals Sustainment • Annual SIGAda conference • Goal: Share advances in Ada S/W dev and language (Ada 2012) • Need to increase revenues, reduce member subsidies • Monitor paper acceptance rates, maintain high quality of technical papers and tutorials • Continue network of educators, practitioners, Ada Europe • Publish Ada Letters three times per year • Continue paper versus electronic, 3 versus 2 issues • Continue the relationship with Ada Europe • Growing use of Ada in European systems/projects • SIGAda International Representative, VIP agreements • WG9 Ada language evolution has wide impact and influence • SIGAda Booth

  5. SIGAda Goals Growth • Advocate Ada in safety critical, high-integrity systems as well as cyber-security systems • Continue critical influence on FAA, NSA Ada projects • Encourage Ada cyber-security research at Academies, Auburn • Potential to reach >200 engineers, students and researchers • Volunteer well-being • Less email, more structured meetings, RegOnline, EDAS • Connect to ICW SIGs • Reciprocal agreements for booth exhibit hall costs • Academic outreach and support • Continue grants to students and professors • Support the GNAT Academic Program (GAP)

  6. SIGAda Goals Challenges • Finances • Conference revenues declining, vendor support declining • Focusing on having conferences break-even or better • Still above required fund balance • Membership • SIGAda is a mix of practitioners, military and academics • Level at ~300 for last few years • Very high retention rates, around 80% • Goal: Maintain academic ties, despite declining use of Ada • Local Chapters and Working Groups • Baltimore/DC chapter is dormant, need to re-energize • Potential for Huntsville chapter with Army Ada connections

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