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Explore the inspiring story of Caleb's unwavering faith and courage in claiming the promised land. Witness how spiritual energy and persistence can lead to the fulfillment of divine promises. Draw strength from Caleb's example to overcome challenges and inherit God's blessings today.
Energyoffaithtopossesstheinheritance Joshua 14 and 15
CALEB’s persistence and spiritual energy • The Lord asked Moses to send 12 men to search out the land of Canaan. (Num. 13,1-16). He did so, because of the moral condition of the people (see also Deut. 1, 19-22). • Caleb, the son of Jephunneh, was one of the spies, who represented the tribe of Judah (V. 6). Caleb’s name means “a dog”. (Dogs are noted for their unwavering devotion to one master). He was evidently a Gentile proselyte in Israel (a Kenizzite). • The spies brought back words of discouragement (Num. 13, 26-33). • Only Caleb stood up against the others (V. 30): «And Caleb stilled the people before Moses and said: Let us go up boldly and possess it, for we are able to do it.» • He had faith in God who is «able». He believed the promises of God! • He had real courage and stood up against the opinion of others – the majority of the people. • He tried to calm down the people and encouraged the people to go up boldly, but the congregation/the people wanted to stone Joshua & Caleb. • Joshua and Caleb were sad about the reaction of the people and rent their garments (Num. 14,6). • They both said: “The land is a very, very good land” and “Jehovah is with us” (Num. 14, 7-10).
CALEB’s persistence and spiritual energy • God made a promise to Caleb: “But my servant Caleb, because he hat another spirit in him, and hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the land where into he came; and his seed shall possess it.” (Num. 14, 24). • God always honours faith (Example: Abraham). That is a principle still valid for us today! • God also punishes unbelief (the others died by the plague before Jehovah – V. 37). • Some rebellious people went up against the will of the Lord and they all died (V. 39-45). • Caleb went not with them – but he bore the judgement of the Lord with His people for almost 40 years! Do we identify today with the weakness of God’s people and do we bow under it? • Caleb continued to trust the Lord and was able to wait for His time! Can you wait for His time? • The people died in the wilderness because of disobedience and unbelief (Hebr. 3, 18-19).
CALEB’s persistence and spiritual energy • Joshua 14, 6 – 15: • The turn is now on Judah to receive their inheritance (Verse 6). • Finally, the waiting and hoping comes to end for Caleb. His faith, depending on the Word of God, claimed what rightly belonged to him (Verse 9). • He could say: “I wholly followed Jehovah, my God.” (Jos. 14, 8). What does it mean? • He always believed in the Word of God and acted accordingly. • His report fully honoured the Lord! He stood firmly for the Lord. • He was not influenced by the opinion of the people, but brought a word, “as it was in his heart”. • He never compromised, nor changed his mind, but stood firm in midst of unbelief (Verse 8). • Caleb was 40 years old, when sent out as a spy, now he was 85 years of age, and still spiritually and physically strong, because he continued following the Lord! • Caleb had absolutely no fear of the Anakim, because: God is stronger than the giants. • He received HEBRON (= Kirjath-Arba), which means communion, “because he wholly followed Jehovah, the God of Israel”. (this is mentioned 3 times in this passage!) – See: John 14, 23.
Achsah, his daughter, andOthniel, her husband Joshua 15, 13 – 19
Achsah and Othnielencourageothers and bring blessingtoothers • Caleb enjoyedthecommunionwithGod and was gladtoencourageothers in God’sservice. • Caleb gaveopportunitytootherstocapturethisKirjath-Sepher and promisedtogivehisdaughtertotheone, whowouldtakeDebir (oracle = speakingforHim). • Othniel, hisnephew, respondedtothechallenge. Othnielmeans«lionofGod», speakingofthecouragetoactforGod. Therearemanychallengestoday! How do werespondtothem? • Achsah (=anklet) persuadedOthnieltoask her fatherfor a field(an inheritance). • Achsahalso askedforspringsofwater. Shereceived a double portion: • a) The uppersprings: refreshmentofenjoyingourinheritance in heavenlyplaces. • b) The lowersprings: furnishuswithgracetowalkthroughtheworld in obediencetoGod. • Do we also askGod in simple faith, whoindeedis a liberal giver? (James 1,5-6).
The daughters of Zelophehad Joshua 17, 3 – 6
The daughtersofZelophehadGodrespondstofaith • The namesofthe 5 daughters: • Mahlah - 1. weakness, 2.mild, tender • Noah - 1. agility, 2. flattery • Hoglah - «Magpie» = a chatteringbird • Milcah - 1. counseller, 2. queen • Tirzah - charm, delight, pleasant • The 5 sisterswerevery different in theircharacters, but united in theirfaithtoGod. • TheywerefromthetribeofManasseh. • Theirnamesarementioned 4 times: • Num. 26, 33 - same sequence • Num. 27, 1 - same sequence • Num. 36, 11 - different order • Josh. 17, 3 - same sequence • The inheritancemeantverymuchtothem. Theydid not wanttolooseit, becausethere was noson. • Theirrequest was honouredbyGod: «The daughtersofZelophehadspeakright.» (Num. 27, 6-7) • Itbecame a law/blessingforothers (V. 8 – 11).
The daughtersofZelophehadGodrespondstofaith • Numbers 36, 1 – 12: • The chieffathersof Manasseh (Joseph)sawanotherproblem: «Iftheymarry a man fromanothertribe, will Manasseh loosetheirinheritance? • Godsaidagain: «The tribeofthesonsof Joseph hathsaidwell». Theirconcern was justified and right. • A newlaw was given: «Letthemmarrywhomtheyplease; onlytheyshallmarryoneofthetribeoftheirfathers» (V. 6). • Marrying an unbelieveristotallywrongaccordingtoGod’s Word (2. Kor. 6, 14). • Marrying a believeris not enough, ithastobe «in the Lord». • Marrying a believer, whounderstands and walks in the same «way», isveryimportant, ifwe do not wanttoloose «ourinheritance». • The daughtersofZelophehadwereobedientand did, asJeahovahhadcomanded Moses – so theydid! (V. 10). Theyarementionedagain, but in a different order.
The daughtersofZelophehadGodrespondstofaith Joshua 17, 3-6: Even thoughthe Lord haspromised an inheritancetothedaughtersofZelophehad, theyhadtowait a long time, beforetheycouldtakepossessionof it. Theyshowedpatience and endurance! Finallythe turn was withthesonsof Manasseh. But againtheyhadtowait: First themalesand theirfamiliesreceivedtheirinheritance (V. 1-2). Nowthedaughtersof Z. camepersonally(did not send theirhusbands!) toclaimtheirinheritance – «as Jehovah commanded Moses» (V.3-4). Whatan energyoffaithshowedthese 5 women! There was nodiscussion: «He gavethemaccordingtothecommandmentof Jehovah an inheritanceamongthebrethren».
The daughtersofZelophehadGodrespondstofaith Joshua 17, 3-6 (cont.): Manasseh received10 extra portions– as a resultoftheirfaith (V. 5). Manasseh was split in two: one half tribe was in Gilead and Bashan, and theother half tribe was in theland. The portionsofthe 5 daugthersofZelophehadwere in theland, not «beyondthe Jordan». Theyenjoyedthefullblessingoftheland! Ps. 16, 6: «The lines (portions) are fallen untome in pleasantplaces; yea, I have a goodlyheritage.» We also areblessedwithevery spiritual blessingin theheavenlies in Christ (Eph. 1, 3). Do youtake hold ofitorareyousatisfied «beyondthe Jordan»?