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The PATENTSCOPE search system

Join our webinar to explore the power of CLIR, search examples, PCT Licensing feature, and advanced search techniques. Discover how to search efficiently in multiple languages while improving precision and recall rates. Stay ahead in patent research! Connect with us for any inquiries or concerns at patentscope@wipo.int.

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The PATENTSCOPE search system

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The PATENTSCOPE search system December 2012 Sandrine Ammann Marketing & Communications Officer

  2. To the PATENTSCOPE search system webinar

  3. Questions/concerns patentscope@wipo.int

  4. Agenda • Retrospective 2012 in 6 points • Future plans • Unveiling ceremony • Q & A

  5. End of 2012

  6. CLIR

  7. CLIR CLIR stands for Cross Lingual Information Retrieval and will allow you to search a term or a phrase and its variants in: Chinese Dutch English French German Italian Japanese Korean Portuguese Russian Spanish and Swedish

  8. CLIR: the interface

  9. CLIR: precision vs recall

  10. Example: precision

  11. Example: recall

  12. CLIR: 2 modes 2 modes: automatic and supervised Automatic: 1 step Supervised: 4 steps

  13. Automatic mode

  14. Automatic mode: results (EN_TI:("hearing aids" OR "hearing prosthetic"~21 OR "auditory aids"~21 OR "auditory prosthetic"~21) OR EN_AB:("hearing aids" OR "hearing prosthetic"~21 OR "auditory aids"~21 OR "auditory prosthetic"~21)) OR (DE_TI:("Hörgeräte" OR "Hörhilfegeräten") OR DE_AB:("Hörgeräte" OR "Hörhilfegeräten")) OR (ES_TI:("audífonos") OR ES_AB:("audífonos")) OR (FR_TI:("audioprothèses" OR "appareils de correction auditive" OR "production d'appareils auditifs") OR FR_AB:("audioprothèses" OR "appareils de correction auditive" OR "production d'appareils auditifs")) OR (JA_TI:("穴形補聴器") OR JA_AB:("穴形補聴器")) OR (KO_TI:("보청") OR KO_AB:("보청")) OR (PT_TI:("audiofone" OR "auxìlio de audição") OR PT_AB:("audiofone" OR "auxìlio de audição")) OR (RU_TI:("слуха протезно"~22 OR "прослушивания протезно"~22 OR "слуха спидом"~22 OR "слуха наведения"~22 OR "прослушивания спидом"~22 OR "прослушивания наведения"~22 OR "слухоулучшающих протезно"~22 OR "слуховой протезно"~22 OR "слухоулучшающих спидом"~22) OR RU_AB:("слуха протезно"~22 OR "прослушивания протезно"~22 OR "слуха спидом"~22 OR "слуха наведения"~22 OR "прослушивания спидом"~22 OR "прослушивания наведения"~22 OR "слухоулучшающих протезно"~22 OR "слуховой протезно"~22 OR "слухоулучшающих спидом"~22)) OR (ZH_TI:("助听器") OR ZH_AB:("助听器"))

  15. Supervised mode: 1 of 4 steps

  16. Supervised mode : 2 of 4 steps

  17. Supervised mode : 3 of 4 steps

  18. Supervised mode : 4 of 4 steps

  19. Supervised mode: results

  20. Search examples: clothes for sport Entering “sports clothes” in the Simple search interface will return 11 results Entering “sports clothes” in the CLIR interface (in automatic mode) will return 791 results Entering “sports clothes” in the CLIR interface (in supervised mode) will return 455 results

  21. PCT Licensing feature

  22. PCT Licensing feature • In force since January 2012 • Show willingness to license applicants’ invention • Licensing information viewable and searchable in PATENTSCOPE • At filing and up to the expiration of the 30-months time period

  23. Licensing feature: field combination

  24. Search examples: use of NEAR vs AND cutting NEAR5 trunk About 600 results will be retrieved by the system and most are related to the wood industry. The number 5 placed after the Boolean operator NEAR indicates the distance max between the 2 words. cutting AND trunk More than 10,000 results, most of which have nothing to do with the wood industry, will be retrieved.

  25. Search example: use of BEFORE “Field of the invention” BEFORE100 “surgical instruments” Only documents containing surgical instruments positioned 100 words after “Field of the invention” will be retrieved.

  26. Advanced search

  27. Search examples: field code, Boolean and range operator Inventions made by Steve Jobs published during the period from 2007 to 2009 comprising the keyword “touch” in the description. IN:(Jobs) AND DP:[2007 TO 2009] AND EN_DE:(touch) This search query uses field codes, a Boolean operator, and a range operator. The field codes: IN for inventor DP for publication date EN_DE for English description. The Boolean operator AND is used to ensure that all search terms are included in the search results The range operator TO is used to define a range of publication date values.

  28. Search examples: a complex query EN_TI:((((windturbine OR ((eolic OR eolian OR aeolian OR wind OR windmill) NEAR2 (turbine OR power OR generator))) NEAR500 (HAWT OR (horizontal NEAR2 (axle OR shaft OR axes OR axis)))) AND ((armature^5 OR rotator^5 OR rotor^20 OR helix^5 OR "helical member"^5) OR (aerofoil^5 OR vane^5 OR fins^5 OR paddles^5 OR airfoils^5 OR blade^5))) ) OR EN_AB:((((windturbine OR ((eolic OR eolian OR aeolian OR wind OR windmill) NEAR2 (turbine OR power OR generator))) NEAR500 (HAWT OR (horizontal NEAR2 (axle OR shaft OR axes OR axis)))) AND ((armature^5 OR rotator^5 OR rotor^20 OR helix^5 OR "helical member"^5) OR (aerofoil^5 OR vane^5 OR fins^5 OR paddles^5 OR airfoils^5 OR blade^5))) ) OR EN_CL:((((windturbine OR ((eolic OR eolian OR aeolian OR wind OR windmill) NEAR2 (turbine OR power OR generator))) NEAR500 (HAWT OR (horizontal NEAR2 (axle OR shaft OR axes OR axis)))) AND ((armature^5 OR rotator^5 OR rotor^20 OR helix^5 OR "helical member"^5) OR (aerofoil^5 OR vane^5 OR fins^5 OR paddles^5 OR airfoils^5 OR blade^5))) ) OR IC:("F03D 1/06")

  29. Advanced search

  30. Simple search

  31. Field Combination

  32. Search examples Inventions by Steve Jobs in 2007 Patent documents containing microchip with licensing availability.

  33. Search examples Patent documents without an IPC code

  34. Field Combination

  35. Browse by week

  36. PATENTSCOPE: how to read the results

  37. First component

  38. Second component

  39. Display options: table/graph –bar/pie

  40. Display options: table/graph –bar/pie

  41. Third component

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