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Glossary Terms The Devil’s Arithmetic

Glossary Terms The Devil’s Arithmetic. anti-Semitism- hostility towards Jews Final Solution- Nazi Plan for the extermination of Jews Holocaust- Systematic extermination of the Jewish people in Europe during the years of Adolph Hitler and the Nazi’s in Germany (1933-1945).

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Glossary Terms The Devil’s Arithmetic

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  1. Glossary Terms The Devil’s Arithmetic

  2. anti-Semitism- hostility towards Jews Final Solution- Nazi Plan for the extermination of Jews Holocaust- Systematic extermination of the Jewish people in Europe during the years of Adolph Hitler and the Nazi’s in Germany (1933-1945)

  3. Yiddish- Primary Language spoken by Jews goy (gentile)- any non-Jew Rabbi- Jewish spiritual leader Sabbath- For Jews, the period from sundown Friday, to sundown Saturday

  4. Passover-Jewish festival celebrating the deliverance of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt Seder- Jewish ceremonial dinner celebrated at Passover to remember the Exodus from Egypt Haggadah- book read at Seder containing a narrative of the Exodus and Passover rituals

  5. The Torahis made up of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible — Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. For Jews, the Torah is the most holy of all the Biblical writings. • Kosher: ceremonially clean: fit to eat

  6. matzo- unleavened bread in the form of large crackers eaten at Passover afikoman- piece of matzo which has been hidden away at the beginning of the Seder’ It is customary for children to “steal” it during the meal, to be offered to the head of the household in exchange for a gift

  7. yarmulke- skull cap worn by Jewish men and boys when at prayer or study, and at meals malach ha-mavis- Angel of Death

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