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Energy. Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time HBR, Schwartz & McCarthy, October 2007. Time is a finite resource. Energy is a renewable resource. What is energy ?. The capacity to work. Where energy comes from ?. 4 main wellsprings in human beings. Your Body Your Emotions Your Mind

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Energy Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time HBR, Schwartz & McCarthy, October 2007

  2. Time is a finite resource

  3. Energy is a renewable resource

  4. What is energy ? The capacity to work

  5. Where energy comes from ? 4 main wellsprings in human beings

  6. Your Body Your Emotions Your Mind Your Spirit

  7. energy Audit Are You Headed for an Energy Crisis? HBR 2007, the Energy Project, Schwartz & Catherine

  8. What do we need?

  9. Systematically expand&regularly renew our energy

  10. HOW?

  11. By establishing specific rituals Behaviors that are intentionally practiced and precisely scheduled, with a goal of making them unconscious and automatic as quickly as possible

  12. 14rituals for systematically expand & regularly renew our energy

  13. Physical Energy Rituals

  14. 1. earlier bedtime

  15. 2. cardiovascular activity

  16. 3. Eat small meals every three hours

  17. 4. notice signs of imminent energy flagging

  18. 5. Take brief but regular breaks away from your desk, at 90-to120-minute intervals throughout the day.

  19. Emotional Energy Rituals Quality of energy

  20. 6. Buying Time Ritual

  21. Write it down! What kinds of events trigger your negative emotions?

  22. 7. Appreciation Ritual

  23. 8. Lenses Ritual

  24. Mental Energy Rituals Focus Of energy

  25. 9. Leave your desk and go into a conference room, away from phones & e-mail whenever you have a task that requires concentration

  26. Switching Time phenomenon A temporary shift in attention from one task to another increases the amount of time necessary to finish the primary task by as much as 25%

  27. 10. Ritual of checking voice mails & e-mails at designated times during the day

  28. 11. Every night, identify the most important challenge for the next day. Then make it your first priority when you arrive at work in the morning.

  29. Spiritual energy Rituals energy of meaning and purpose

  30. 12. Sweet spot Ritual

  31. Write it down! What is your sweet spot?

  32. 13. Allocate time and energy to what you consider most important

  33. 14. Live your core values

  34. Purification of the heart Sound Heart

  35. The Purification Process First, understand the necessity of having courtesy with God and the importance of fulfilling its requirements Second,be aware of the diseases of the heart, their causes, and how to remove them.

  36. Giving money toward charity anonymously & openly (to encourage others)

  37. Love desire for good & benefit to come to others

  38. Visiting righteous people

  39. Experience hunger One aspect of traditional medicine related to a spiritual cosmology----whether this tradition was Greek, Chinese, or Arab---- is the belief that too much food harms the spiritual heart and, in fact, can kill it.

  40. Realize that envy can never benefit its holder The Prophet said “None of you has achieved faith until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself”

  41. Reflect long and hard on the fact that God alone is the Fashioner and the Giver of Blessings Vanity

  42. Recognizing that nothing takes place without God’s leave Anger

  43. Companies role to support energy renewal rituals in your firm

  44. Renewal rooms Subsidize gym memberships Suggest that people stop checking e-mails during meetings

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