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September London Conference Announcements. A whole new congregational year ! An unlimited range of possibilities! This could be the year your congregation comes alive with a new & vital mission life. Or, it could be more “same- ol ’, same- ol ’! . Which will it be?. It’s all up to you!.
September London Conference Announcements
A whole new congregational year ! An unlimited range of possibilities! This could be the year your congregation comes alive with a new & vital mission life. Or, it could be more “same-ol’, same-ol’! Which will it be? It’s all up to you!
Effective LeadershipInterview Team Training For congregations with completed Ministry Profiles, in order to receive applications and prepare for interviews September 16th, 7pm – 9pm Dunwich United Church September 17th, 7pm – 9pm London Conference Office, Suite 111, 747 Hyde Park Road, London RSVP: michelle@londonconference.ca
Looking for justice-related resources for individuals and/or congregations? United Action for Justice is a United Church e-newsletter highlighting issues related to justice, human rights, ecology, peace, global partnership, and ecumenical relations. To learn more and subscribe, visit: united-church.ca/communications/newsletters/uaj
Been thinking about using social media for your church? If so, you may find some of the statistics from this internet presentation helpful. http://www.slideshare.net/NiciElmore/social-media-connecting-the-world-with-businesses
Dr Douglas John Hall Will give the Cousland Lecture at Emmanuel College on “The Future of the Church” Wed. Oct. 16th – 1:30 pm It will be “live streamed” to Oxford Presbytery On Sat. Oct. 19th 10:30 am to 12:30 pm Doug Hall, in person, will be in Oxford for a seminar based on his Cousland Lecture. Details on Oxford Presbytery web page http://oxfordpresbytery.com
BOUNDARIES The United Church policy on Sexual Abuse Prevention and Response REQUIRED continuing education for all Ministry Personnel. Wednesday, September 25th Central United, Stratford. RSVP: michelle@londonconference.ca
Check out our new website at www.londonconference.ca
The Native Women's Association of Canada (NWAC) has crafted a petition to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, to create a National Inquiry into missing and murdered Aboriginal women and girls. United Church General Secretary, Nora Sanders, has written to the Prime Minister of Canada to support this call by NWAC. Download a copy of the petition at: http://www.nwac.ca/sites/default/files/download/ NWAC/2012%20NWAC%20Inquiry%20Petition_FINAL.pdf
Are churches ready to look toward the future and ‘jump’ onto this social media train? Ready to reach out to those they wouldn’t normally be able to? new-worship.us/2012/01/25/blogusing-social-media-in-ministry/
Unsettling Goods:Choose Peace in Palestine and Israel Join the United Church initiative in working for peace and justice in Palestine and Israel. Visit united-church.ca/peace/unsettling-goods to learn more.
Creation Time in the Season of Pentecost begins on the second Sunday of September and ends on the second Sunday of October. A number of denominations worldwide are including similar "creation times" in their calendars. Orange is the recommended liturgical colour. For more information: http://www.united-church.ca /files/planning/seasons/creation_liturgical.pdf
TURNING OVER TABLES UNCOVERING HOPE 2ndNational Justice Gathering / 2eRassemblement national de la justice Quebec City/Ville de Québec OCT 17-20, 2013 Registration now available at: turning@united-church.ca
http://events.united-church.ca/behold/ Come and learn about intercultural visions and what they could mean in your context, deepen your engagement with intercultural ministries, and leave with practical and useful ideas. Interculturalism is about all kinds of difference including age, gender identity, racial identity, ethnicity, ability, ideas, and beliefs. To be intercultural is to effectively engage with all communities of difference. “Behold!” 2013 is a national conference featuring elements of the rich and diverse histories and cultures of the Maritimes, with opportunities for all ages and cultural backgrounds.
Regulate Canadian Mining Companies Operating Abroad United Church Partners have called on the Church totakeactionto: • Ensure Mining Canadian Companies comply with Human Rights Standards & Canadian Values overseas • Collect signatures for a Petition to the House of Commons to regulate Canadian Mining Companies operating abroad Take Action. Sign the Petition. united-church.ca/getinvolved/takeaction/
Many churches are seeking ways to improve communications with their congregations, and e-newsletters seem an obvious choice. But, before you launch your first e-newsletter you might want to avoid some common mistakes by reading this article: “Keeping it Real” When Launching an E-Newsletter by Martin Davis http://www.churchleadership.com/leadingideas/leaddocs/2013/130814_article.html
Co-facilitated by Peter Bishop, Conflict Resolution Facilitator in Montreal and Ottawa Conference Commencing with dinner on Sunday, October 27th , concluding with lunch on Tuesday, October 29th Queen Of Apostles Renewal Centre, 1617 Blythe Rd, Mississauga, where two nights' accommodation will also be provided. For more information & registration contact: Cheryl-Ann Stadelbauer-Sampa <c-a@londonconference.ca>
Interested in playing an important role in social Justice for London Conference? Then the Social Justice Committee would like to hear from you! E-mail Matthew Stevens at: matthew@londonconference.ca
Effective Leadership Introducing The Forms and Tools For Articulating Mission and Ministry A workshop specifically intended for Settlement Committees & Presbytery Leaders Wednesday, September 11th, from 9:30 till Noon, Followed by Lunch Riverside United Church, 451 Dunedin Drive, London RSVP Tanya Cameron at tanya@londonconference.ca or 519-672-1930
What Shall We Sing? Saturday, September 21, 2013 at Erie Street United Church, Ridgetown. 10 am to 2 pm Leadership by Rev. Michael Brooks In Voices United and More Voices there are over 1,000 choices for hymns, responses and other musical elements of worship. Worship leaders are often stepping into unfamiliar settings, and selecting congregational music for a one-time occasion can be a daunting task. This workshop will provide some tools for choosing congregational music that is sing-able and meaningful, while respecting local traditions.
Brescia Auditorium, Brescia University College 1285 Western Road, London, Ontario Free Admission and Parking
Your Executive For 2013 to 2014 President: Philip Newman * President-Elect: Jeff Crittenden Past President: Paul Browning Exec. Secretary Cheryl-Ann Stadelbauer-Sampa Treasurer Bev Slater Algoma Thom McDonough Elgin Diane Macpherson Essex Paul Rodey Huron-Perth Paul Ross Kent Judith Fayter Lambton Connie Ellis Middlesex Joyce Payne Oxford Douglas Peck GC Rep Exec Doug Wright GC Rep Exec Charles McMillan Communication Bill Butt F&A Mary Anne Silverthorn MPE Tyler Powell Mission in Canada Pat Whitton Social Justice David Williamson Staff Support John Brown UCW Clare Walker Inc. Ministries Vacant Cong. Futures Louise Hall Nominations Chuck Scott
MESSY FIESTA A workshop on Messy Church, to be held at: Trinity United, Wallaceburg on Saturday, November 2nd. This will be a limited registration event so keep an eye out for more information
Copies of any or all of these PowerPoint slides for use with your congregation, are freely available for download at the London Conference website. http://www.londonconference.ca/content/forms-resources
Rob & Keiko Witmer are on Home Assignment in 2014 For the full year they require a home in the greater London region. If you know of a furnished, single-family home available for year-long lease at a modest rate, please contact: Ms. Judy White - whitehj@yahoo.ca
To help financially support your congregation’s mission Seeking funds from foundations and agencies in the broader community? This free and informative workshop will help your congregation! Algoma Presbytery Friday, September 20th, 2:00 to 4:00 PM – Registration required by September 11th Central United Church, 160 Spring Street, Sault-Ste-Marie AND Essex Presbytery, Wednesday, October 23rd, 7:00 to 9:00 PM – Registration required by October 18th Essex United Church, 53 Talbot Street, South, Essex, Presenters Heather McLean DougFlanders Financial Development Officer, Director of Major and Planned Gifts, London Conference The United Church of Canada Registration is FREE Pre-registration is required to ensure a binder of useful information and resources will be ready for you. RSVP to Heather McLean at: hmclean@united-church.ca
MESSY FIESTA A workshop on Messy Church, to be held at: Trinity United, Wallaceburg on Saturday, November 2nd. For further information or to register contact: dhewitson@mdirect.net Cost of the workshop $30 per person, or $25 if three or more from one church.
BOUNDARIES The United Church policy on Sexual Abuse Prevention and Response REQUIRED continuing education for all Ministry Personnel. Wednesday, September 25th Central United, Stratford. RSVP: michelle@londonconference.ca