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Spec of Lifelog data. 2010/02/01 Takao Shime. Directory Structure. About Environment ( storeed per sensor ). About Researcher ( stored per person ). Directory Structure ( MicArray ). Create directory per day ( yyyymmdd ). create file per minute ( hhMM.yaml ). ( Setting of sensor ).
Spec of Lifelog data 2010/02/01 Takao Shime
Directory Structure About Environment ( storeed per sensor ) About Researcher ( stored per person )
Directory Structure(MicArray) Create directory per day (yyyymmdd) create file per minute (hhMM.yaml) ( Setting of sensor )
- TS:20100201083015 MS: 120 Ch: 1 Lev: 2974 Vol1: -139.18 Vol2: -138.25 Vol10: -145.70 - TS:20100201083015 MicPos: - Ch: 1 SPosX: 3264.0 SPosY: 134.0 BandVol: - Name: Vol1 BandMin: 0 BandMax: 100 File Format(MicArray) Timestamp of bellow logs (yyyymmddhhMMss) yyyy : year, mm: month, dd: day, hh: hour, MM: minute, ss: second • hhmm.yaml (ex: 0830.yaml) • MicArray.yaml Millisecond Chennel ID (1 ~ 96) Speech Level Volume of each speech frequency domain (Vol1 ~ Vol10 ) TimeStamp of setting bellow parameters (yyyymmddhhmmss) Channel ID (1 ~ 96) x-coordinate(cm) of microphone position y-coordinate(cm) of microphone position Speech frequency Name Bottom boundary of speech frequency domain Top boundary of speech frequency domain
Directory Structure(Video[meta data]) Create directory per day (yyyymmdd) create file per camera (【camela id】Comp.yaml) create file per camera (【camela id】Jpeg.yaml) create file per camera (【camela id】.yaml) ( Setting of sensor )
- TS:20100201083015 Clev: 0 - TS:20100201083015 Dur: 001500 Path: D:\Multi... Clev: 1 - TS:20100201083015 SposX: 949.0 SposY: 883.0 SposX1: 870.0 SposY1: 5 Path: \\192.168... File Format (Video[meta data]) TimeStamp of bellow compressions(yyyymmddhhMMss) yyyy : year, mm: month, dd: day, hh: hour, MM: minute, ss: second • 【camera id】Comp.yaml (ex: 0Comp.yaml) • 【camera id】Jpeg.yaml (ex: 0Jpeg.yaml) • 【camera id】.yaml Compression level for video data (0 ~ 5) Start time of bellow compressions(yyyymmddhhMMss) Duration of compressions (hhmmss) File path of compressed video data in video server Compression level for video data (0 ~ 5) TimeStamp of setting bellow parameters (yyyymmddhhmmss) x-coordinate(cm) of camera position y-coordinate(cm) of camera position x-coordinate(cm) of box’s corner position which render the shooting range y-coordinate(cm) of box’s corner position Video Camera data path
Directory Structure(Video) Create directory per camera (00 ~ 38) create file per day( yyyymmdd ) create file per 15 minutes (hhMM.yaml) create several file for one second (hhMMss【index number】.pcm) create several file for one second (hhMMss【index number】_【comp flag】.pcm) - comp flag 0 : no compressed 1: compressed
Directory Structure(Floor) Create directory per day (yyyymmdd) create file per minute (hhMM.yaml) ( Setting of sensor )
- TS:20100201083015 SheetNo: 15 SXPos: 2633.220 SYPos: 32.710 XPitch: 1.250 YPitch: 1.250 Width: 240 Height: 240 Bit: 8 File Format(Floor) TimeStamp of bellow logs (yyyymmddhhMMss) yyyy : year, mm: month, dd: day, hh: hour, MM: minute, ss: second - TS:20100201083015 MS: 120 FN: 149 RUN: - {pos: [c30, 9],vals: [a]} - {pos:[ac, b3],vals:[1]} • hhmm.yaml (ex: 0830.yaml) • FloorSensor.yaml MilliSecond Frame number of 1 hour data TimeStamp of setting bellow parameters (yyyymmddhhMMss) Number of floor sensor sheet x-coordinate(cm) of floor sensor’s origin position y-coordinate(cm) of floor sensor’s origin position x-way length of sensor unit y-way length of sensor unit x-way number of sensor unit y-way number of sensor unit Resolution of pressure value (ex: 8bit = 0 ~ 255)
- TS:20100201083015 ANTID: chkLab.1 X: 1964.10 Y: 312.58 RFID: 0000000000000D000651 ASSET_ID: フロー体験喜びの現象学 Detail Data (RFID) • Directory Structure • File Format Create directory per day (yyyymmdd) Create one file per day TimeStamp of detecting bellow books (yyyymmddhhMMss) RFID antenna ID x-coordinate(cm) of antenna position y-coordinate(cm) of antenna position Tag ID Book title
- TS:20100201083015 From: Yamada Size: 1032 Date: ‘Mon, 01 Feb 2010 08:25:56 + 0900’ To: - Tanaka - Kato - 1 - 0 Detail Data (EMail) • Directory Structure • File Format Create directory per day (yyyymmdd) Crete one file per day TimeStamp of sending bellow emails (yyyymmddhhMMss) Mail sender name Data size of mail Date information of mail header Mail receiver name CCIL researcher : each name Othrs : 0 ( internal person of NEC) 1 ( external person of NEC)
Directory Structure(HumanKnowledge) Crete directory per day (yyyymmdd) (Human Location Data) (PC Operation Data 1) (PC Operation Data 2) (Inspiration Button)
Directory Structure(HumanKnowledge_Intra) Crete directory per day (yyyymmdd) (PC Operation Data 1) (PC Operation Data 2)
- TS:20100201083015 NID: 010201ea X: 2556.12 Y: 1231.94 - TS:20100201083015 PID: 920 ProcessPath: ‘C:\WINDOWS\...’ Operation: Open Target: - ‘C:\tmp\test.txt’ IP: File Format(HumanKnowledge) TimeStamp of bellow logs (yyyymmddhhMMss) yyyy : year, mm: month, dd: day, hh: hour, MM: minute, ss: second • Smaloc.yaml • digital.yaml IR Sender’s ID x-coordinate(cm) of IR Sender’s position y-coordinate(cm) of IR Sender’s position TimeStamp of bellow logs (yyyymmddhhMMss) Process ID of Windows System ProcessPath Operation type (Start, End, Open, Close, InternetAccess, Capture, Copy, Paste) Operation Target (not outputed when operation type is Start/End or Copy/Paste) (If Operation type is InternetAccess, first one is access URL, second one is referrer URL) PC’s IP address
File Format(HumanKnowledge) TimeStamp of bellow logs (yyyymmddhhMMss) - TS:20100201083015 TypeFreq: 3.0 EnterFreq: 1.0 BackSpaceFreq: 1.0 MouseMovement: 134.4 MouseSpeed: 243.1 LeftClickFreq: 2.0 RightClickFreq: 1.0 WheelMovement: 123.1 WheelSpeed: 412.4 ActiveWindow: 190 IP: • operation.yaml • Inspiration.yaml Key type frequency per one second Enter key type frequency per one second Backspace key type frequency per one second Mouse movement per one second Mouse speed per one second Left click frequency per one second Right click frequency per one second Wheel movement per one second Wheel speed per one second Process ID of active window(process) PC’s IP address Not outputed when no active window Not outputed when value is 0 TimeStamp of pushing inspiration button (yyyymmddhhMMss) - TS:20100201083015 Value: HL Pushing Value ・pushing duration is within one second - HL ・pushing duration is over one second - L:pushing timeH:release time
Appendix • Coordinate Setting Y(cm) 0 X(cm)