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USAF Air Traffic Controller Retention and FAA Hiring Practices

USAF Air Traffic Controller Retention and FAA Hiring Practices. POC: Lt Col Mike Munn. FAA Hiring Practices. Background.

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USAF Air Traffic Controller Retention and FAA Hiring Practices

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  1. USAF Air Traffic Controller Retention andFAA Hiring Practices POC: Lt Col Mike Munn

  2. FAA Hiring Practices Background • During a recent visit to Luke AFB, the AF/CV was asked about FAA hiring practices. The AF controller community is concerned that the FAA won’t hire military controllers over 31 years old.

  3. FAA Air Traffic Control Hiring • Public Law 92-297 allows DOT to establish maximum entry age limit for appointment to FAA • DOT policy person must be appointed prior to age 31 • Public Law also establishes age 56 as the mandatory retirement age for working controllers • FAA 1999 wage scale increased salaries by 30% • FAA radar controller estimate base salary $89-121K Source: HQ FAA/AAT-5

  4. Current AF ATC ManningFY 9901 ATC Keep Rate FY98 * - 1st Term - 27% ** - 2d Term - 40% ** Currently 1,203 of 2,901 assigned are under age 31 * Source: AF/DPRS

  5. Notional AF ATC ManningFY 2004 Notional Keep Rate FY04 * - 1st Term - 27% ** - 2d Term - 40% Source: AF/DPRS

  6. ATC Staffing Get Well Date 2002 TPR 500 3200 3000 TPR 650 2850 Authorized Asgn/500 Attr OJT Lag Time 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 Fiscal Years

  7. AF ATC Requirements Total Requirement:3287 Authorized: 3163 Plus 124 for EAF

  8. Pay Chart/Lifetime Earnings Total Earnings to Age 56 - $1,864,752 FAA Pay $1,095,900 FAA Retire Military Pay $768,852 Military Retirement Years Source: SAF/FMBOP (Military Annual Std Composite Pay) NATCA ATC Target (FY01) Pay Chart

  9. Pay Chart/Lifetime Earnings Total Earnings to Age 56 - $2,546,964 FAA Pay $2,192000 FAA Retire Military Pay $354,.964 Years Source: SAF/FMBOP (Military Annual Std Composite Pay) NATCA ATC Target (FY01) Pay Chart

  10. Pay Chart/Lifetime Earnings Total Earnings to age 56 $2,845,300 FAA Pay $2,743,500 Military Pay $101,841 FAA Retire Years Source: SAF/FMBOP (Military Annual Std Composite Pay) NATCA ATC Target (FY01) Pay Chart

  11. Recommendations • Near Term: • Leave age 31 policy intact • Explore conversion to civilian to support NAS • Long Term: • Increase ADSC • Contract low density control towers • Increase civilian instructors at Keesler

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