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Learn how to install and launch FastMap, a mapping tool for genetic analysis. Includes step-by-step instructions and troubleshooting tips.
FastMap Tutorial
Installation Requirements • Computer with 2GB of RAM • JAVA Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 • http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/?intcmp=1281
How to launch FastMap • Unzip the FastMap.zip file anywhere • Executable files in the directory: • FastMap.exe • FastMap.bat • FastMap.alt.bat
How to launch FastMap • To launch the application: • Double-click on FastMap.exe • If FastMap.exe doesn’t work: • Double-click on FastMap.bat
How to launch FastMap • If the application cannot be launch with FastMap.exe or FastMap.bat: • Edit FastMap.alt.bat • Put the path of the directory where the JAVA 6 JRE is installed in the variable JAVA_HOME
How to launch FastMap • Put the path of the directory where the JAVA 6 JRE is installed in the variable JAVA_HOME
Interface Tasks buttons Menus Genes List Chart Cancel task buttons Progress bar
Association Plot Chromosome Gene Threshold levels 99% 95% 90% 50% Correlation Values SNPs
Menu • File menu (short cut: Alt+F) Open and load a gene expression file (short cut : Alt+F then G or Ctrl+G) Open and load a SNP file (short cut : Alt+F then N or Ctrl+N) Open and load a HapMap SNP File (short cut : Alt+F then H or Ctrl+H) Open and load Transposed PLINK file (short cut : Alt+F then R or Ctrl+R) Quit the application (short cut : Alt+F then Q or Ctrl+Q) Tasks buttons
Menu • Association menu (short cut: Alt+A) Plot the Correlation or F-Statistic (short cut : Alt+A then P or Ctrl+P) Write the Correlation or F-Statistic into files (short cut : Alt+F then W or Ctrl+W) Save the plotted chart (short cut : Alt+F then C or Ctrl+C) Open the UCSC browser (short cut : Alt+F then U or Ctrl+U) Write LocusZoom ready chromosome data file (short cut : Alt+F then L or Ctrl+L)
Menu • Tools menu (short cut: Alt+T) Open the option window (short cut : Alt+A then O or Ctrl+O) Open the SNP Similarity window Open the SNP Analysis window
SNP similarity window Allow two groups to be defined based on SNP similarity and to perform a mean or median subtraction on each group values for the correlation or F-statistic. The checked strains form the first group and the unchecked strains form the second group.
SNP similarity window Example of two groups
SNP similarity window Example of two groups
Input files • The application expects either: • A gene expression file and SNP file that are both tab delimited text files. • Or a gene expression file and a tree file which is a binary file produce by FastMap.
Input files • All the strains that are in the gene expression file must be in the SNP file. • The strain order does not matter. • The SNP file can contain more strains than the gene expression file.
Gene expression file Something more meaningful like the gene name Strains Gene expression data Microarray probe ID Fist line is the header FastMap will display this
SNP data file Strains Chromosome SNP Mb position
Select the association type Set the association type Correlation: window size = 1 F-Statistic: window size > 1 Recommended size = 3
Load the files The files can be loaded by using the menu or the buttons bar Open and load a gene expression file (short cut : Alt+F then G or Ctrl+G) Open and load a SNP file (short cut : Alt+F then N or Ctrl+N) Tasks buttons
Plot a chart Double-click on a gene name Right-click on a gene name
Association chart Zoom in or out by using the mouse wheel or by selecting an area
UCSC browser Send data to UCSC browser if the current view is on a single chromosome.
UCSC browser FastMap track
LocusZoom ready files • FastMap allows the user to write LocusZoom ready files to send results directly to LocusZoom, which will plot genes and SNP annotation in a specified region of interest.
LocusZoom ready files Write LocusZoom ready files.
Write associations Set writing options Set the default output directory where the correlation or F-statistic files will be written Set what output files will be written
Write association Several genes can be selected Right-click on a gene name