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Everything you need to know about dehydration during pregnancy

The most recommended ultrasound baby scan clinic in Coventry has discussed every snippet regarding dehydration during pregnancy. We have a detailed blog on this topic please check it out https://privateultrasoundscancoventry.blogspot.com/2022/05/everything-you-need-to-know-about.html<br>Our website- http://windowtothewomb.co.uk/find-a-clinic/coventry-baby-scan-clinic/

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Everything you need to know about dehydration during pregnancy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Dehydration During Pregnancy Everything You Need To Know

  2. Dehydrationcanbeseriouslyproblematic, especiallywhenitcomestopregnancy.

  3. Waterplaysavitalroleinfetalgrowthand developmentanditindicatesthatstaying hydratedalltimeisamustduringpregnancy.

  4. Let us discuss the causes, complications, and symptoms of dehydration through today’s presentation.

  5. What causes dehydration during pregnancy Dehydrationisconsideredtobearesultofyourbodylosingwatermore frequently.Asaresult,yourbodyneedstodomorestruggletoexecute thenormalfunctions.Eventually,ifyoudonotreplacethelostfluidwith sufficientliquidintake,yourbodywillbedehydrated.

  6. Some common causes of dehydration during pregnancy include: Severe vomiting and nausea (often referred to as morning sickness) Not drinking sufficient water and other healthy fluids Fever Practicing vigorous physical exercise Having a tendency to sweat excessively

  7. What are the possible complications of dehydration during pregnancy Lowamnioticfluid Pre-maturelabor Birthdefectofthechild Poorproductionofbreastmilk Defectsinneuraltube

  8. What are the major signs of dehydration during pregnancy Whenamommy-to-bebecomes dehydrated,herbody spontaneouslyexhibitssomesignsorsymptomsthatsheneedsto recognizeassoonaspossible.Forbetterunderstanding,letus dividethesignsintotwoparts-

  9. Signs of mild to moderate dehydration- Feelingthirstyeverynowandthen Stickyanddrymouth Headache Constipation Dizziness Decreasedurgeforurination

  10. Signs of severe dehydration- Darkyellowurine Maternaloverheating Verylittleorevennourine Lowbloodpressure Dryskinlackingitselasticity Extremelydrymouthalloverthedayandnight Rapidheartbeatandshortnessofbreathing

  11. If you have been experiencing these signs or symptoms of dehydration, increase your water intake as much as you can.

  12. Thank you for watching

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