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Discussion Topic 2 Discussions TOPIC 3: Some new elements of Directive 2008/50/EC Miriam Markus-Johansson Project Manager, REC. New elements.
Discussion Topic 2DiscussionsTOPIC 3: Some new elements of Directive 2008/50/ECMiriam Markus-JohanssonProject Manager, REC
New elements • The merging of most existing legislation into a single directive (except for the fourth daughter directive) with no change to existing air quality objectives. • New air quality objectives for PM2.5 (fine particles), including the limit value and exposure-related objectives — exposure concentration obligation and exposure reduction target. • The possibility to discount natural sources of pollution when assessing compliance against limit values. • The possibility for time extensions of three years (PM10) or up to five years (NO2, benzene) for complying with limit values, based on conditions and the assessment by the European Commission. Also consult DG Environment’s website: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/air/legis.htm
Recommended approach • Unless transposition of the framework directive and its four daughter directives is in an advanced stage, it would be more cost effective and logical to focus on transposing and implementing Directive 2008/50/EC, which covers all the relevant provisions.
National PM 2.5 exposure reduction target – Art 15 • Measures to reduce exposure to PM2.5 to attain national exposure target in Section B of Annex XIV • Exposure of whole population • Exposure concentration obligation – Section 2 of Annex XIV • Assess average exposure indicator – Section A of Annex XIV • Sampling points – minimum requirements in Annex III, Section B of Annex V
New 2.5 PM target and limit values – Art. 16, Dir 2008/50 • Measures to ensure that PM2.5 values don’t exceed target values in Annex XIV, D • National exposure reduction target for 2020: 0-20% • Exposure concentration obligation for 2015: 20ug/m3 • Target value for 2010: 25 ug/m3 • Limit value 2015 (25 ug/m3) and 2020 (20 ug/m3) • Concentrations of PM2.5 cannot exceed the limit value laid down in Section E, Annex XIV • Margin of tolerance defined as well as measurement method
Examples of implementation in MS - Sweden • Not introduce stricter values than set out in the Directive • Target and limit values to be implemented locally (or regionally) • Nation-wide value to be implemented and monitored by the EPA (three measuring stations)
Discussion points • What is the current situation with PM2.5 pollution in your country, e.g. has there been any studies regarding the concentration levels, the main pollution sources, potential remediating measures? • Any plans or measures currently planned to address PM2.5 • Which pollutant is mostly a problem PM10 or PM 2.5? • Which authority will be involved in setting target values and monitoring compliance?
Derogations of benzene, PM10, NOx, benzene – Art. 22 NOX and benzene limit values in Annex XI • Can be postponed for a max of 5 years for a given zone or agglomeration but not on national level if air quality plan has been established (Art. 23) including • Sufficient information set out in Section B of Annex XV on pollutants • Demonstrating how limit values will be met before new deadline • Values cannot exceed the total tolerance value during the derogation period • No specific factors or reasons
PM10 derogation • Derogation until 11 June 2011 possible in a given zone or agglomeration regarding limit values set out in Annex XI due to: • Site-specific dispersion characteristics (valley), • Adverse climatic conditions (e.g. smog, heavy precipitation) • Transboundary contributions (import from neighboring state) Conditions: • air quality plan including information about pollutants • Describe how conformity will be achieved • Demonstrating that all appropriate measures have been taken at national regional and local level • Values cannot exceed the total tolerance value during the derogation period MORE STRINGENT DEROGATION CONDITIONS
Uncertainties in estimating concentration rates • Traffic patterns – difficulties complying with the 24-hour objective of PM10 near busy roads • weather in any future year will have a large impact on the extent of exceedences of objectives • uncertainties about the response of PM concentrations to changes in emissions of precursor gases • uncertainties about the source apportionment of PM. • Measures to reduce on pollutant such as NOx can lead to increased concentrations of ozone
Exceedence of values • Even Member States like the UK and Sweden have documented that there will be exceedence of several objectives including PM10 and ozone • Difficulty in meeting the conditions for the derogations (Sweden announced it won’t apply for this reason)
Discussion points • Are you planning on taking use of the derogations, for which pollutants, the period to be requested? • Describe the situation in your country in regard to current concentration of NO2, benzene and PM10 and measures taken • Have any programmes and plans with measures been introduced, at what level?
Thank you for your attention! Miriam Markus-Johansson, Project Manager, REC Hungary (mmjohansson@rec.org)