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課程名稱: 論文選讀(下) - 2009 學分數: 1 開課系所: 生科四(甲) 上課時間: Mon, 1:40~3:30 PM 任課教師: 賴金美老師 ( bio2028@mails.fju.edu.tw ) 上課地點: ES 408. 需 撰寫摘要 ;摘要需於前一週 W1 交給老師以做修改,並於報告當天發給每位同學。 口頭報告 40 分鐘,同學或老師提問 10 分鐘。 由前一週同學負責借用及歸還投影機並擔任該週報告之主持人(負責介紹及發問)。 評分:
課程名稱:論文選讀(下)- 2009學分數:1 開課系所:生科四(甲)上課時間:Mon, 1:40~3:30 PM 任課教師:賴金美老師(bio2028@mails.fju.edu.tw)上課地點:ES 408
需撰寫摘要;摘要需於前一週W1交給老師以做修改,並於報告當天發給每位同學。需撰寫摘要;摘要需於前一週W1交給老師以做修改,並於報告當天發給每位同學。 口頭報告40分鐘,同學或老師提問10分鐘。 由前一週同學負責借用及歸還投影機並擔任該週報告之主持人(負責介紹及發問)。 評分: Presentation: 60% [Abstract (20%); Presentation & Discussion (40%)] Raising question: 15% Final report (modified power point file): 15% 出席率:10%(遲到扣分:0.5分/次)
Cell migration in 3D ECM Review article Tumor-cell invasion and migration: diversity and escape mechanisms Nature Review 2003 (3) 362-374
Many studies confirm that the multistep model of cell migration applies to cancer cells. ECM-degrading enzymes, such as matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are frequently up-regulated in tumor cells, and facilitate migration in vitro, as well as dissemination and metastasis in vivo. The over-expression or activation of the Rac, Rho, ROCK or MLCK signaling pathways have been correlated with in vitro tumor cell migration, as well as in vivo invasion and progression. Pharmacological inhibitors that block integrins, MMPs, ROCK or MLCK are being developed to interfere with cancer-cell invasion.
* Intercellular junctional complex apical basal
Cell-cell adhesionresults from interaction between extracellular domains of cadherins from opposing cellsto form a "cell adhesion zipper", which, if extensive, would hold cells together with great strength different cell types might engage in different types of interactions The greater the number of interacting cadherins in a cluster, the greater the strength of adhesion between apposing cells
Embryonic development is characterized by changes in gene expression, cell shape, cell motility, cell adhesion, etc. * mesenchymal-epithelial transition Mesenchyme (loose, primarily nonadhesive cells) N-cadherin Epithelium (tightly adherent, organized cell layer)
Sites of EMT and MET in the emergence and progression of carcinoma. Nature, Vol. 2, 442-454
The morphological transition of EMT was accompanied by scattering and directional migration toward serum factors, a gain of mesenchymal cell markers (fibronectin, vimentin, and N-cadherin), and a loss of epithelial markers (E-cadherin, and a- and g-catenin). Drivers and mediators of EMT. Cell, Vol. 118, 277-279