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European Funding Streams for Renewable Energy Catherine Ledig Director ADEC Associate professor Faculty of Law UDS cl@adec.fr. What has the EU contributed so far to the sector of renewable energy?. EU financial support given to renewables is relatively low. For the period 2007-2009,
European Funding Streamsfor Renewable EnergyCatherine LedigDirector ADEC Associate professor Faculty of Law UDS cl@adec.fr
What has the EU contributed so far to the sector of renewable energy? • EU financial support given to renewables is relatively low. For the period 2007-2009, • funds spent on renewable energy amounted to roughly €9.8bn, (€3.26bn/a), the bulk • of which in the form of loans from the European Investment Bank. • During this period the financial support was made up of: • - €8.4bn in loans and assistance from the European Investment Bank; • - €565m from the European Economic Recovery Plan; • - €110m for the "Intelligent Energy Europe" Programme, which co-funds analysis • and policy research in renewable energy; • - €499m of EU Structural and Cohesion Funds were allocated by Member States, • to projects and demonstrations of renewable energy (with a total of • approximately €4.8 billion planned for 2007-2013) ; • - €250m from the EU R&D Framework Programme; • - In addition, the EIP GIF budgeted €151M in venture capital or loan guarantees; • - Separately, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development granted • SEI loans of approximately €140M • MEMO/11/54 Brussels, 31 January 2011
Aims of various European funding streams FP 7 Support / Demonstration / Development © Catherine LEDIG - 2010
Environmental Technologies Action Planhttp://ec.europa.eu/environment/etap/ The European Technologies Action Plan (ETAP) was adopted by the European Commission in 2004. The objective of this ambitious plan is to further environmental technologies to improve the environment and European competitiveness. It complements the Environment Directorate-General's regulatory approaches and directly addresses the three dimensions of the Lisbon strategy: growth, jobs and the environment. Funding through:
1. Research and Technology Development Fund, Framework Programme 7 : • 2007-2013.
Major building blocks of FP7 http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/home_en.html and budget: 50,521 milliards € (2007-2013) Capacities 7 Themes & Budget 4 097 M€ • Research infrastructures 1715 • • Research for the benefit of SMEs 1336 • • Regions of Knowledge 126 • • Research Potential 340 • • Science in Society 330 • • Specific activities and • international cooperation Cooperation Ideas People 10 Themes & Budget 32 413 M€ Health 6100 Alimentation, agriculture fisheries biotechnollogy 1935 ICT 9 050 Nanosciences ,nanotech Material new production technologies 3475 Energy 2350 Environment 1890 Transport 4160 Socio economic science s & the humanities 623 Space 1430 Sécurity 1400 Budget 7 510 M€ • Projects are implemented • by “individual teams” • around a “principal • investigator”. • he programme is implemented v • ia the new European • Research Council (ERC). • , see www.erc.europa.eu Themes & Budget 4 750 M€ Researcher mobility and • career development, • both for researchers • inside the European Union • and internationally. • Actions • Initial training of researchers • - Marie Curie Networks • • Industry-academia partnerships • • Co-funding of regional, • national and international mobility • programmes • • Intra-European fellowships • • International dimension • - outgoing and incoming fellowships, • international cooperation • scheme, reintegration grants • • Marie Curie Awards Euratom Budget : 1 751 M€ (2007-2011) The programme for nuclear research and training activities will • comprise research, technological development, international cooperation, dissemination of technical information, and exploitation • activities, as well as training. Two specific programmes are planned:• the first programme includes: fusion energy research (in • particular ITER), and nuclear fission and radiation protection;
7PCRD >coopération>energy • Objective • The objective of energy research under FP7 is to aid the creation and establishment of the technologies necessary to adapt the current energy system into a more sustainable, competitive and secure one. It should also depend less on imported fuels and use a diverse mix of energy sources, in particular renewables, energy carriers and non polluting sources • What will be funded? • The EU Member States and the European Parliament have earmarked a total • of € 2.35 billion for funding this theme over the duration of FP7. • Emphasis will be given to the following activities: • Hydrogen and fuel cells • Renewable electricity generation • Renewable fuel production • Renewables for heating and cooling • CO2 capture and storage technologies for zero emission power generation • Clean Coal Technologies • Smart energy networks • Energy efficiency and savings • Knowledge for energy policy making
7PCRD >coopération > environment • Objective • The main objective of research for the environment under FP7 is to promote the sustainable management of both the man-made and the natural environment and its resources. To this end, increased knowledge on the interaction between the climate, the biosphere, ecosystems and human activities is sought and new environmentally-friendly technologies, tools and services are developed. • What will be funded? • As environmental problems extend beyond national borders and natural resources are under pressure, Europe needs a new sustainable relationship with the environment. • Funded actions focus on: • predicting changes in climate, ecological conditions, earth and ocean systems; • tools and technologies for monitoring, prevention and mitigation of environmental • pressures and risks including health risks; • sustainability of the natural and man-made environment. • Funding in this area will also improve competitiveness and strengthen the position of • European industries in world markets for environmental technologies. • Budget • The EU has earmarked a total of € 1.9 billion for funding this theme over the duration of • FP7.
Open Call : FP7-ENERGY-2011-2 • Identifier: FP7-ENERGY-2011-2 • Publication Date: 20 July 2010 • Budget: € 137 000 000 • Deadline: 07 April 2011 at 17:00:00 (Brussels local time) • OJ Reference:OJ C196 of 20 July 2010 • Specific Programme(s): Cooperation • Theme: Energy • Restrictions to Participation: See eligibility criteria in the work programme • Additional Information: • Collaborative Projects with predominant demonstration component: Please note the specific requirements mentioned in the relevant Guide for Applicants • All information related to the SET-Plan (Technology Roadmaps and Implementation Plans of the European Industrial Initiatives) can be found on the following website: http://ec.europa.eu/energy/technology/set_plan/set_plan_en.htm
2.Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme http://ec.europa.eu/cip/ • The CIP runs from 2007 to 2013 with an overall budget of • € 3621 million. • The CIP is divided into three operational programmes. • Each programme has its specific objectives, aimed at • contributing to the competitiveness of enterprises and • their innovative capacity in their own areas, such as ICT or • sustainable energy: • 1.The Entrepreneurship • and Innovation Programme (EIP) • 2. The Information Communication • Technologies Policy Support Programme • (ICT-PSP) • 3. The Intelligent Energy Europe Programme (IEE)
The objective of the Intelligent Energy - Europe II Programme (“IEE II”) • is to contribute to secure, sustainable and • competitively priced energy for Europe, by • providing for action1: • to foster energy efficiency and the rational use of energy resources; • to promote new and renewable energy sources and to support energy diversification; • to promote energy efficiency and the use of new and renewable energy sources in transport.
Intelligent Energy - Europe covers action in the following fields: • (SAVE),Energy efficiency and rational use of energy resources including: • improving energy efficiency and the rational use of energy, in particular in the building and industry • sectors; supporting the preparation and application of legislative measures. • (ALTENER),New and renewable energy resources including: • Promoting new and renewable energy sources for centralised and decentralised production of • electricity, heat and cooling, and thus supporting the diversification of energy sources; • Integrating new and renewable energy sources into the local environment and the energy systems; • supporting the preparation and application of legislative measures. • (STEER) Energy in transport to promote energy efficiency and the use of new and renewable • energies sources in transport, including supporting initiatives relating to all energy aspects of • transport and the diversification of fuels; promoting renewable fuels and energy efficiency in • transport;supporting the preparation and application of legislative measures. • Integrated initiatives combining several of the specific fields referred to SAVE, ALTENER and • STEER or relating to certain EU priorities. They may include actions integrating energy efficiency and • renewable energy sources in several sectors of the economy and/or combining various instruments, • tools and actors within the same action or project.
IEE Priorities 2011are Investments made by European stakeholders in sustainable energy triggered by the project (measurement unit: EUR). Cumulative renewable energy production triggered by the project (measurement unit: toe). Cumulative energy savings triggered by the project (measurement unit: toe) Cumulative reductions of greenhouse gas emissions triggered by the project (measurement unit: tCO2e). SAVE: Energy efficiency (indicative budget: 12 million €) Energy efficiency is a cornerstone of European energy policy. It is by far the most effective way to improve the security of energy supply, to reduce carbon emissions and to foster competitiveness. Activities funded under SAVE aim to tap the large potential for energy savings by improving energy efficiency and the rational use of energy resources, in particular in buildings, products and industry. Activities to promote energy efficiency in transport are covered separately under STEER. Activities under SAVE may facilitate implementation of the EU legislation relating to energy efficiency, support preparation of new legislative measures and influence energy behaviour, so that society uses less energy while enjoying the same or an even better quality of life. In 2011 SAVE will cover the two following Key Actions: Energy-efficient products: for actions to help transform the market towards more energy-efficient products and systems, supporting and complementing the legislation in this area. Industrial excellence in energy: for actions to increase the competitiveness of European industries, in particular of SMEs, by empowering them to save energy.
IEE Priorities 2011 ALTENER: New and renewable energy resources (indicative budget: 16 million €) Renewable energy sources (RES) can provide a wide range of sustainable energy services. Renewable energy can be produced locally within the EU, delivering secure supplies of electricity, heating and cooling and energy for transport without additional greenhouse gas emissions or negative effects on climate change. RES are becoming more competitive. Policies supporting use of RES are making manufacture and supply of RE technologies and production of bioenergy sources (solid, gaseous and liquid) more attractive as business opportunities. Action supported under ALTENER should build on existing EU policies and legislation and help to increase use of RES in the EU. ALTENER projects may include one or more of the following Key Actions: - Electricity from renewable energy sources (RES-e): for actions to increase the share of renewable electricity in Europe’s final energy consumption. - Renewable heating/cooling (RES-H/C): for actions promoting use of RES for heating and cooling applications. - Bioenergy: for actions promoting increased production and use of biomass, bio-liquids and biogas in energy markets.
CIP > ICT PSP http://ec.europa.eu/cip/ict-psp/index_en.htm • Activities supported by ICT-PSP • Funding goes mainly to pilot actions, involving both public and private • organisations, for validating in real settings, innovative and • interoperable ICT based services in areas such as: • ICT for health, ageing and inclusion; • Digital Libraries; • ICT for improved public services; • ICT for energy efficiency and smart mobility; • Multilingual web and Internet evolution. • Networking actions for sharing experiences and preparing the deployment of innovative ICT based solutions in such areas are also supported, as well as the monitoring of the Information Society through benchmarking, analyses and awareness raising actions. • http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/activities/ict_psp/index_en.htm
CIP > Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (EIP)http://ec.europa.eu/cip/eip/index_en.htm • February 2011 : 2011 Call will be launched on 28 April with closing date of 8 September. Complete information will be available on the launching day. • http://ec.europa.eu/environment/eco-innovation/index_en.htm
EIT http://eit.europa.eu/ • Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) are to become key drivers of sustainable economic growth and competitiveness across Europe through world-leading innovation. • The KICs will be driving effective “translation” between partners in ideas, technology, culture, and business models, and will create new business for existing industry and for new endeavours. • What charaterises the KICs? • The core activities of the KIC will bring together the innovation web to stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship, through entrepreneurship education, co-location, top quality leadership and management, combined with simplicity and a ‘CAN DO’ approach. • http://eit.europa.eu/kics1/what-is-a-kic.html
EIT http://eit.europa.eu/ KIC • >KIC InnoEnergy www.innoenergy-initiative.com • Boosting innovation for sustainable energy • >Climate KIC • http://www.climate-kic.org/ • Climate-KIC was launched as an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) designated to drive innovation in the area of climate change adaptation and mitigation through an integrated European network of global and regional partners from the private, public and academic worlds.
LIFE + http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/funding/lifeplus.htm • LIFE + Fund (EUR 2 143 million): european fund for the environment • Environment Policy and Governance/ Horizontal management approach : « The life programme deals with a number of cross-cutting policy-issues, seeking, for example, to demonstrate cost-effective means of improving energy efficiency and to promote elternative energy technologies and good practices on a larger scale. Projects funded include energy plans supporting sustainable energy sources, as well as initiatives for demand-side management that incorporate a mix a of legal, regulatory, financial, communication, and training measures. »
LIFE + (11/10/2010) LIFE+ 2011 call for proposals Update February 2010 The 2011 call for proposals will be published in the second half of February 2011, with a deadline for submission on 18 July • Specific targets for 2011 • Climate change • Nature and bio-diversity • Health and environment • Natural resources and waste
ERDF : European Regional Development Fund European Territorial Cooperation • Interreg IV C EUR (321 million 2007-2013)« share knowledge and transfer experience to improve regional policy » • http://www.interreg4c.net • INTERREG IVC's last open call for projects runs from 1st December 2010 to 1st April 2011.
”RETS: Renewable Energies Transfer System” Programme: INTERREG IV C « Regional initiative Project » Duration: 1st January 2010 to 31st December 2012 (36 months) www.rets-project.eu
The RETS project in short • Challenge: to tackle the challenges of renewable energies (RES) for local and regional authorities (and in particular those with less than 25,000 inhabitants) in association with the expertise of existing competency centres that produce research and provide services on RES. • These small sized authorities have to combat issues linked to their territorial competitiveness and access to project management skills for the implementation of complex projects (energy–mix). • Objective: improve the knowledge and competencies of local and regional policymakers (decision makers, civil servants …) in renewable energies, so as to facilitate the deployment of coherent and value added strategic renewable energies policies. • How: through the creation of a European community for local authorities on RES • physical tools for meeting and exchanging viewpoints • virtual platform for collaborative exchange and transfer of good practice through an innovative online approach. • Partners: 12 partners from 9 EU Member States: France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, UK, the Netherlands, Romania, and Slovenia. The panel contains local authorities, universities, energy agencies and associations, more or less advanced in their policy and experiences. • Budget: 1 908 715,00 euros with 1 484 054,25 euros ERDF co-financing
The RETS project history • RETS has grown up out of a local experience in renewable energies (RES) in North Alsace, France: • The PEREN project (www.peren.org) • Duration: June 2006 until June 2008 • Cluster with more than 35 committed partners (enterprises, farms, cooperatives, associations and local authorities) working in renewable energies in Northern Alsace • The project encouraged the emergence and implementation on a local level of new projects and the deployment of new actions. • Two key project elements: • Scientific and technical committee with more than 50 members covering the main RES themes • A collaborative IT platform facilitating both the monitoring of strategic and technological developments in RES and also the detection, development, realisation and support of new RES projects in the local area • The PEREN success has led ADEC to seek out other existing initiatives and projects working in similar areas on a European level • The RETS project objective is to develop synergies between the different experiences to: • provide a platform for exchanging and transferring experience on an interregional level • give usable tools based on existing initiatives, to local authorities to help them develop and implement their policies in renewable energies
Synergies with other projects • INTERREG IV A project: IT2Rhine • Duration: 01/01/2009 – 31/12/2010 • Linked activities: working group dedicated to Green IT, including a survey of Green IT practices of IT companies in the Upper Rhine area (survey made in October 2009) • INTERREG IV B project: GREENOV • Duration: 01/03/2010 – 28/02/2015 • Linked activities: development of the sustainable renovation sector by stimulating the innovation capacity of SMEs working in this field: • Contribution to the transition to low-carbon cities and sustainable economy • Improvement of the knowledge and expertise on sustainable renovation of existing buildings • Project partners are key stakeholders involved in the fields of eco-innovation (eco-construction, energy…) • Aim to set-up a European cluster on sustainable renovation based on the structuring of a supply chain (supply side lever) and the engagement of the public sector (demand side lever)
RETS project outputs • The aim of RETS is to make local and regional authorities (initially the members of the consortium) competent in the set-up and management of RES projects in their zones. • Communication and marketing: • Basic marketing materials: logo, general project presentation, fact sheet, leaflet, results brochure • 1 web portal • Launch, Intermediary and Final conference • 10 issues of the project newsletter • Press conferences/ press releases • Exchange of experience & good practices: • Identification and dissemination of 45 good practices on Regional Initiatives in renewable energies • 6 study visits • 10 interregional seminars in the partner regions • Good practices guidebook on RES for local authorities (paper and digital format) • RES policies collaborative tool: • Training of the expert group on the competitive intelligence software • Training of local authorities on the wiki application • Publication of 25 collaborative articles on RES on the web portal • Creation of 85 collaborative articles (from draft to final) on the collaborative tool • Translation of 25 article abstracts into the partner languages • Reports on the feedback and impact of the collaborative tool
ERDF : European Regional Development Fund European Territorial Cooperation Interreg IV B NW http://www.nweurope.eu 8th Call for proposals open from 4 March to 1 April 2011 /
Interreg IV B NW http://www.nweurope.eu • Priority 1: Developing the NWE knowledge-based economy by • capitalising on our capacity for innovation • Priority 2: Sustainable management of natural resources and • of natural and technological risks • Priority 3: Improving connectivity in NWE by promoting • intelligent and sustainable transport and ICT solutions • Priority 4: Promoting strong and prosperous communities • at transnational level
REGULATION (EU) No 1233/2010 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL • of 15 December 2010 • amending Regulation (EC) No 663/2009 establishing a programme to aid economic recovery by granting Community financial assistance to projects in the field of energy
Basic rules for your EU energy project • Your project will have to: • have an innovative character show clear and substantial benefits in support • of Europe's environmental policy objectives while taking economic • concerns into account; • provide significant replication, wider application and broader marketability; • demonstrate a European added value and an international project • dimension; • be well thought-through from a technical and project management • perspective; • be cost-effective delivering higher quality through appropriate effort levels.
Good questions to ask before starting in general • 1. Your context? >> environment, barriers2. Your goals? >> What you want to change3. Your results? >> The specific initiatives4. Your targets? >> Groups affected or influenced5. Your consortium>> reliable, representative and credible6. Your EU added value?7. Your ability to manage ? Thecommunication and dissemination of results?