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BrainSTEPS Return to School Concussion Management Teams (CMT)

BrainSTEPS Return to School Concussion Management Teams (CMT). Brenda Eagan Brown, M.S.Ed ., CBIS Program Coordinator www.brainsteps.net eaganbrown@biapa.org 724-944-6542. BrainSTEPS Brain Injury School Re-Entry Model Program. S trategies T eaching E ducators P arents S tudents.

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BrainSTEPS Return to School Concussion Management Teams (CMT)

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  1. BrainSTEPSReturn to School Concussion Management Teams (CMT) Brenda Eagan Brown, M.S.Ed., CBIS Program Coordinator www.brainsteps.net eaganbrown@biapa.org 724-944-6542

  2. BrainSTEPSBrain InjurySchool Re-Entry ModelProgram

  3. Strategies Teaching Educators Parents Students BrainSTEPS

  4. The BrainSTEPS Program Funded by: 1. PA Department of Health 2. PA Department of Education Implemented by: 1. Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania - Beginning our 5th academic year

  5. What is BrainSTEPS? • Brain injury consulting teams available to families and schools throughout Pennsylvania. • Teams are extensively trained in the educational needs of students returning to school following brain injury. • Teams work with local school staff to develop educational programs, academic interventions, strategy implementation, and monitoring of students.

  6. BrainSTEPS Encompasses Acquired Brain Injuries • Traumatic Brain Injury (includes Concussions) • Non-Traumatic Brain Injury (Any child who has a brain injury that occurs AFTER the birth process can be referred!)

  7. BrainSTEPS Provides Services to: • All public schools in PA • All cyber charter schools in PA • All cyber online schools in PA

  8. 30 BrainSTEPS Teams 27 Intermediate Unit teams & 3 large school district teams 300+ Active Team Members All Colored Areas = Trained BrainSTEPS Teams White = Intermediate Unit regions without BrainSTEPS teams

  9. What BrainSTEPS Can Do: • Conduct observations of the student • Communicate with the LEA and medical professionals/physicians to ensure a smooth re-entry and ongoing communication through recovery. • Gather medical, rehabilitation, & educational reports to assist in making educational recommendations.

  10. What BrainSTEPS Can Do: 4. Create & provide a training for the school on the educational impact of the student’s specific brain injury. Educate and support district staff & family. 5. Provide Peer Trainings, so peers understand how brain injury has impacted their classmate.

  11. 6. Consult on all aspects of the student’s educational plan & make recommendations to the district team. • Assist in transitioning a student from grade to grade or school to school by training new teachers

  12. BrainSTEPS Teams monitor students annually until graduation.

  13. Concussions in Pennsylvania: Annually, approx. 22,000 children ages 0-21 years sustain concussions.

  14. Concussion: Incidence Centers for Disease Control: 3.8 million sports and recreation related concussions are estimated to occur in the United States each year.

  15. Concussion: Definition A concussion is a type of TBI, caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head that can change the way your brain normally works. Concussions can also occur from a blow to the body that causes the head to move rapidly back and forth.

  16. The majority will recover within the first 3-4 weeks. Until recovered, students should receive accommodations in all settings to promote cognitive rest.

  17. There is no set timeline for concussion recovery • Typically a child can fully recover from a concussion as long as their brain has had time to FULLY HEAL.

  18. Concussion management within school: Communication MUST flow between: • School team • Physician • Family • Student • Coaches, & athletic department (if athlete) • BrainSTEPS team

  19. Return to Learn While it is true that an athlete must be 100% symptom-free before Return to Play, they do NOT need to be 100% symptom-free to Return to Learn. Striking a balancebetween the need for rest while keeping up with academic contentis the biggeststruggle for districts and students.

  20. LEA Concussion Management Is there a recommended protocol to help districts manage the Return to Academics for students with concussions? YES!

  21. Concussion Management Team (CMT)

  22. 1st week Post-Concussion: LEA

  23. 1-4 Weeks Post-Concussion: LEA

  24. 1-4 Weeks Post-Concussion: LEA

  25. 4 weeks Post-Concussion: BrainSTEPS

  26. 4-8 Weeks Post-Concussion: LEAFor those students who need ongoing accommodations

  27. 4-8 weeks Post-Concussion If the answer is YES to all 3…

  28. 4 – 8 weeks Post-Concussion If YES to all 3…

  29. 4 – 8 weeks Post-Concussion If the answer was NO to any 1 question…

  30. 4 – 8 weeks Post-Concussion If NO to any 1…

  31. Concussion Management Team(s) (CMTs) will be Trained for FREE: • BrainSTEPS Concussion Return to School Videoconference Training • January 15, 2012 • 9:00 am-12:00 pm • If they are registered at www.brainsteps.net

  32. How to Establish and Register Your Concussion Management Team(s): • LEAs should identify 2 individuals per district or per school building (preferred). LEAs may also choose to have one CMT per grade (i.e., 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th). • Academic Monitor • Symptom Monitor • LEAs are to register each CMT by clicking the link at www.brainsteps.net. By registering each CMT, they will receive information on the upcoming CMT training. • 3. BrainSTEPS will support students at 4 weeks post concussion and continually offer update training and resources to the CMTs.

  33. Register Your Concussion Management Team(s) ASAP: www.brainsteps.net

  34. The Jan. 15, 2013 training objectives : • Pediatric concussions and concussion etiology • Concussion impact on classroom performance • Strategies to reduce student symptom severity and promote recovery • Matching of accommodations to specific symptoms • How to fully implement the BrainSTEPS Concussion Return to School Protocol • Specific responsibilities that the Academic Monitor and Symptom Monitor hold while serving on the CMT

  35. Teacher’s Desk Reference: Concussion This will be IN PRINT & Available from PaTTAN KOP shortly!

  36. BrainSTEPS Concussion/mTBI Return to School Protocol This will be in print & available from KOP PaTTAN shortly!

  37. BrainSTEPS Concussion Return to School Protocol FLOW CHART

  38. Instructions for Administrators regarding how to establish & register Concussion Management Teams (CMT)

  39. For More Information on the BrainSTEPS Program For more information – please contact: Brenda Eagan Brown, M.S.Ed., CBIS Program Coordinator BrainSTEPS - Brain Injury School Re-Entry Program Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania Phone: 724-944-6542 Email: eaganbrown@biapa.org To Register: www.brainsteps.net

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