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Integration of Physical and Financial risk in Australia’s National Electricity Market

Integration of Physical and Financial risk in Australia’s National Electricity Market. Les Hosking Managing Director and CEO NEMMCO. Presentation – Overview. NEM design- gross pool and contract market Settlement inefficiencies Risk management processes Reallocation- offset spot with

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Integration of Physical and Financial risk in Australia’s National Electricity Market

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  1. Integration of Physical and Financial riskin Australia’s National Electricity Market Les Hosking Managing Director and CEO NEMMCO

  2. Presentation – Overview • NEM design- gross pool and contract market • Settlement inefficiencies • Risk management processes • Reallocation- offset spot with • contract payments • Futures payments • Central clearing- Objectives/Issues

  3. NEM Design – Gross Pool • All prices via pool • Compulsory • Competing generators • Energy only • Marginal price setting • Volatile $-1k to $10k • Competing retail G G G G Pool R R

  4. NEM Design – Contract Market • Risk management for Retailers requires • Contracting around compulsory gross pool spot market • Direct generation investment (vertical integration - gentailer) • Demand side control • Contracts can take the form of contracts for differences, hedges, swaps or futures • Via bilateral, brokers and exchange traded futures • Concerns over financial market liquidity • Vertical integration (gentailers) • Beyond Q2 2010 climate change uncertainty • Futures contracts strong but not in all locations

  5. Energy $10,000 Energy $10,000 Gross Pool / Contract Market- Settlements NEMMCO Retailer buys 100MWh Generator supplies 100MWh Spot price determined as $100/MWh Settlement = $100x100 =$10,000 per hour via NEMMCO NEMMCO Retailer Generator $6,000 Contract at $40/MWh = ($100 – $40) x 100MW = $6,000 per hour Banking System

  6. Energy $10,000 Energy $10,000 Gross Pool – financial inefficiencies NEMMCO • Circular cash flows • Volatile cash flows • 33 day settlement • High prudential requirements • Credit default risks • One retailer has failed NEMMCO Generator Retailer $6,000 Banking System

  7. Prudential Management • Risks from large volatility in price • Risks from rapid payment obligations • Largest retailer (20% of NEM) with spot price at $10,000/MWh will increase exposure to NEMMCO at $1Million per minute • Risk of non payment covered by bank guarantees with NEMMCO • NEMMCO typically holds $1.5Billion to $3.5Billion in bank guarantees • Level of guarantee (Max Credit Limit) driven by energy traded, average price and price volatility • Daily review of participant exposures • Rapid payment requirements when near limits • Default then suspend if obligation not met • Rapid retailer of last resort required

  8. NEM Outstandings History

  9. Reallocation- Offset spot with contract payments • Option to offset the credit from one party (generator) in MW or $ against the debit from another (Retailer) - in line with their financial contract position • Slow to be taken up by participants • Confidentially concerns • Counterparty credit issues

  10. Energy $10,000 Energy $10,000 $4,000 Mechanics of Reallocation Reallocation of 100MW between Generator and Retailer which is valued at $10,000 Retailer buys 100MWh Generator supplies 100MWh Spot price determined as $100/MWh Settlement = $100x100 =$10,000 per hour via NEMMCO NEMMCO NEMMCO Reallocate $10,000 Reallocate $10,000 Retailer Generator Banking System Contract at $40/MWh Strike value paid direct = $4,000 per hour

  11. Growth in Reallocations - MWh

  12. Reallocation by Formula • NEMMCO is moving towards reallocation by formula • Effectively allows parties to settle derivatives via NEMMCO and net against physical spot settlement • Requires licence/exemption from Securities Regulator ASIC

  13. Energy $10,000 Energy $10,000 Reallocation by Formula Retailer buys 100MWh Generator supplies 100MWh Spot price determined as $100/MWh Settlement = $100x100 =$10,000 per hour via NEMMCO Reallocation of 100MW swap between Generator and Retailer which is valued at $6,000 NEMMCO Reallocate $6,000 Reallocate $6,000 Retailer Generator Contract at $40/MWh = ($100 – $40) x 100MW = $6,000 per hour

  14. Futures Offset Arrangement • Investigations into using positive margins from futures contracts flowing to NEMMCO • Has strong upside price stablising effect for retailers • Risks need to be understood • Complex under insolvency • Complex in segregation of accounts in clearing participant and potentially clearing house

  15. Energy $4,000 Energy $10,000 Futures Offset Arrangement Positive margins Futures Exchange NEMMCO Clearing Participant $6,000 Futures Contract Generator Retailer

  16. Central Clearing – Objectives/Issues • Shorten settlement cycle in the NEM • Align settlement times of all products • Data on amounts owing and to be paid fed to Central Clearer • A single party takes responsibility to clear all products • All payments made to Central Clearer • Prudential regime managed by Central Clearer • Central Clearer to be responsible to address defaults and “remove” defaulting parties • Synergy with market operation functions • Acceptance of compulsory central clearer by participants

  17. Conclusion ISSUES • Gross Pool Challenges • vertical integration • liquid Financial markets • Settlement Inefficiencies • offset spot/forward difficulties • protracted settlement cycle • credit squeeze • Central Clearing • outsourcing issues

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