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WELCOME TO THE FIRE and LIFE SAFETY TRAINING. Continue. Purpose of this Training. Life Safety is our number one priority. We strive to ensure that all occupants of our buildings are provided with a safe and comfortable workplace at all times.
Purpose of this Training Life Safety is our number one priority. We strive to ensure that all occupants of our buildings are provided with a safe and comfortable workplace at all times. This presentation is designed to familiarize both tenants and employees on the Fire and Life Safety components of the building and the measures that are required to be taken when an alarm is activated. It also allows all tenants to provide ongoing training to employees, especially during the orientation of new employees. • Ensure the safety of all occupants • Provide training on the evacuation procedures during an alarm condition INTRODUCTION • Provide the locations of stairways, fire hose cabinets, emergency phones and other equipment
Purpose of this Training • Ensure the safety of all occupants • Provide information on the various components of the Fire Alarm System • Provide training on the evacuation procedures during an alarm condition INTRODUCTION • Provide the locations of stairways, fire hose cabinets, emergency phones and other equipment • Review the various announcements that will be heard over the Voice Communication System
Building Operations Manager Manager Security & Life Safety Tenants One Queen/20 Richmond Floor Fire Wardens Assistant Fire Wardens Stair Wardens Organization Chart Property Manager 3rd Party Security Maintenance Staff Building Operators FIRE SAFETY COMMITTEE
Property Manager;Responsibilities • Implement the Fire Safety Plan • Ensure that Tenants have been provided with a copy of all appropriate sections of the Plan FIRE SAFETY COMMITTEE • Advise the Fire Department of any revisions to the Plan
Building Operations Manager;ResponsibilitiesManager Security & Life Safety; Responsibilities • Be familiar with the evacuation procedures described in the Plan and have in his possession, a key to initiate a general evacuation alarm • Restore the fire protection systems and fire alarm system back to normal operation after an emergency condition has been cleared • Advise the Property Manager of any revisions to plan • Ensure that his responsibilities are implemented during his absence by a designated assistant FIRE SAFETY COMMITTEE
Manager Security & Life Safety;Responsibilities • Advise the Fire Department of the temporary shutdown of building’s fire protection systems and arrange for alternative measures for fire safety • Conduct fire drills as outlined in the Plan • Maintain an up to date copy of the Fire Safety Plan • Ensure that Checking, Inspection and Testing requirements of the Ontario Fire Code are implemented • Ensure that all fire safety committee members have been provided with a copy of the Plan and trained to discharge related duties • Ensure that an up to date list of all Person(s) Requiring Assistance is kept current • Ensure fire emergency procedures are posted at all exits adjacent to manual pull stations FIRE SAFETY COMMITTEE
Maintenance Staff; Responsibilities • Obtain and review a copy of the Fire Safety Plan • Perform the Checking, Inspection and Testing required under the Ontario Fire Code • Assist in the evacuation of the building occupants, as described under the emergency procedures and to have in their possession, a key to initiate a general evacuation alarm. • Participate in the fire drills as described in the Plan FIRE SAFETY COMMITTEE
Security Staff; Responsibilities • Be familiar with floor areas, exits and the location of the fire fighting equipment • Be familiar with the evacuation procedures described in the Plan and to have in their possession, a key to initiate a general evacuation alarm • Participate in the fire drills as described in the Plan • Assist in fire prevention by noting and reporting to any Building Management Staff where fire hazards exist • Assist in the orderly evacuation of the building occupants where this is necessary FIRE SAFETY COMMITTEE
Floor Fire Wardens; Responsibilities • Review the Fire Safety Plan • Be familiar with floor area, exits, location of fire fighting equipment • Provide the Management Office with up to date list of all Person(s) • Requiring Assistance • Select personnel to assist any Person(s) Requiring Assistance FIRE SAFETY COMMITTEE • Assist in the emergency evacuation procedures • Participate in fire drills • Fire prevention - report hazards to Management Office • Advise back-up Floor Fire Warden of your absence
Floor Fire Wardens; If You Discover a Fire • Evacuate area and close doors • Activate the building fire alarm • Call 911 - advise them of your location, name, floor number • Fight the fire if trained to do so and confident it can be extinguished FIRE SAFETY COMMITTEE • Implement emergency procedures • Use stairs NOT elevators, use alternate route if smoke in stairway • Do not return to building until the All Clear Announcement has been made
Assistant Fire Wardens; Responsibilities • Review the Fire Safety Plan • Be familiar with floor area, exits, location of fire fighting equipment • Assist in evacuation emergency procedures • Participate in fire drills FIRE SAFETY COMMITTEE • Fire prevention - report hazards to any Building Management Staff • Advise back-up of your absence
Assistant Fire Wardens; If You Hear a Fire Alarm Alert Signal • Instruct occupants to prepare for an evacuation and to remain calm • Make occupants aware of all stairway exits • Assign 2 persons to aid those requiring assistance in evacuation • Ensure exits are unobstructed and there is no smoke in stairway, use alternate stairway exit if needed FIRE SAFETY COMMITTEE • Notify security of smoke in the stairway • Check washrooms and enclosed areas and notify occupants to prepare for the possibility of evacuation • Listen for fire alarm evacuation signal • Follow instructions of Voice Communication and Fire Department
Assistant Fire Wardens; If You Hear a Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal • Proceed to central location (elevator lobby) • Direct occupants to nearest exit stair • Advise occupants to move as far away from the building as possible • Ensure an orderly and expedient evacuation FIRE SAFETY COMMITTEE • Inform security of any injuries, fire location or persons requiring assistance • Leave via nearest exit stair • Follow instructions of Fire Department
Assistant Fire Wardens; If You Hear a Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal • Assist and control access of occupants via nearest exit stair. Do not allow the stairways to be overcrowded • Advise occupants when entering stairway to use inner most side of stairway to allow easy access of persons from other floors and to provide a clear access for Fire Fighters • Advise occupants to move as far away from the building as possible FIRE SAFETY COMMITTEE • Instruct persons to aid anyone requiring assistance • Check washrooms and other closed areas to ensure total evacuation • Close all doors behind you • Report to Floor Fire Warden that your area is “all clear”
Retail Tenant Fire Wardens; If You Hear a Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal • Ensure cash receipts are secured and turn off kitchen equipment if safe to do so • Identify and report any unaccounted persons • Leave using the nearest stair FIRE SAFETY COMMITTEE • Lower floor wardens to assist in traffic control while crossing the street to safety • Follow instructions of the Fire Department
Queen/Richmond East Core Stair One Queen West Core Stair 20 Richmond West Core Stair Stair Fire Wardens; Requirements • One Stair Fire Warden is required for each of the following exit stairs: FIRE SAFETY COMMITTEE
Stair Fire Wardens; Requirements • Review the Fire Safety Plan • Assist in evacuation of occupants • Participate in fire drills FIRE SAFETY COMMITTEE • Fire prevention - report hazards to any Building Management Staff • Select back-up Stair Fire Warden • Advise back-up of your absence
Stair Fire Wardens; If You Hear a Fire Alarm or Evacuation Signal • Proceed to your assigned stair and assist in evacuation • Hold stair door open and instruct occupants to move away from the building as far as possible FIRE SAFETY COMMITTEE • Prevent persons from entering the building until the All Clear Announcement is made • Follow instructions of the Fire Department Next
If You Discover a Fire • Leave area immediately, remove any persons in immediate danger • Close doors to affected area • Activate building fire alarm system OCCUPANTS • Call 911 - advise them of your location and floor number • Use stairways NOT elevators, if you encounter smoke use alternate stairway • Do not return to building until the All Clear Announcement is made
Prepare for evacuation, grab your purse, coat, lock your desk • Do NOT call the management office • Move close to an exit • Follow instructions of the Fire Safety Team • Listen for the evacuation signal • Prepare to evacuate customers and visitors from your area • Follow instructions heard over the Voice Communication System and the Fire Department If You Hear A Fire Alarm Alert Signal OCCUPANTS
Before opening door: feel door and handle for heat • if hot, remain in your suite and unlock door • if not hot, brace yourself against door and open slightly • close door if you feel a hot draft or air pressure and remain in suite • call 911 and alert them of your location If You Hear A Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal OCCUPANTS
If safe to do so, leave the building immediately via nearest stairway exit. Do Not wait for announcements • When exiting, use the inner most side of stairway to allow access of persons from other floors and to provide clear access for Fire Fighters • Use an alternate exit if smoke is in stairway • Do NOT use elevators. Close doors behind you • Follow instructions of Wardens and Fire Department • Do not return into the building until the All Clear Announcement has been made even if the Alert Alarm is heard when exiting If You Hear A Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal OCCUPANTS • Remain calm
If You Hear A Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal • If you are trapped: • return to an office and close the door • seal off all cracks and air transoms or other openings were smoke may enter OCCUPANTS • crouch low to the floor • call 911 and alert them of your location • wait to be rescued and remain calm
Retail Tenants; If You Hear A Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal • Evacuate customers from your store • Provide assistance necessary to maintain a calm orderly evacuation • Secure cash receipts • Close all doors behind you OCCUPANTS • Lock store when leaving, if safe to do so • Leave building via nearest stairway exit • Follow instructions of the Fire Department
General Description • One Queen Street East consists of a 27 storey office tower, 2 levels of retail on the ground and concourse, 2 mechanical levels and a 4 level underground parking facility BUILDING RESOURCES • 20 Richmond Street East consists of a 7 storey office tower, a mechanical level on the 8th floor and 1 basement level • Both are interconnected from the basement level up to and including the 5th floor. Together they are considered one building
Sprinkler System Standpipe System Exhaust & Stair Pressurization Fans Elevators Electro Magnetic Devices Voice Communication System Emergency Power Fire Extinguishing Equipment General Overview • The Fire Alarm System is made up of various components that act simultaneously providing the utmost in Life Safety for all occupants of the complex BUILDING RESOURCES FIRE ALARM PANEL
Heat/Smoke Detector Manual Pull Station Sprinklers Fire Hose Valve Fire Alarm Activating Devices • A Fire Alarm will sound when one of the following devices is initiated: Fire Alarm BUILDING RESOURCES
1) A fast pulsing Evacuation Alarm to be heard on the floor originating the alarm and on the floor above and below 2) A slow pulsing Alert Alarm to be heard on all other floors Fire Alarm System Floor 11 • Activation of a fire alarm initiating device will cause: Floor 10 Floor 9 Floor 8 Floor 7 Elevators FLOOR IN ALARM FLOOR IN ALARM Floor 6 FLOOR IN ALARM BUILDING RESOURCES Floor 5 3) All elevators to automatically return to the ground floor Floor 4 • If the ground floor is in alarm, the elevators will recall to the: Floor 3 Floor 2 • 8th Floor in One Queen Ground Floor • 2nd Floor in 20 Richmond
Fire Alarm System Floor 11 • Activation of a fire alarm initiating device will also cause: Floor 10 Floor 9 1) An alarm to be sent to an off site monitoring station Floor 8 Floor 7 2) Electro-magnetic locks to automatically release Elevators FLOOR IN ALARM FLOOR IN ALARM Floor 6 FLOOR IN ALARM BUILDING RESOURCES 3) All stair pressurization fans to activate Floor 5 4) All return air fans to shut down Floor 4 Floor 3 5) Smoke exhaust fans to activate and dampers on the floor of alarm to open Floor 2 6) Announcements to be made through the Voice Communication System Ground Floor
Voice Communication System • The Voice Communication System is an important component of the Fire Alarm System as it provides instructions to all occupants during an alarm condition • Messages originate from the Central Alarm Control Facility located on the ground floor of One Queen Street East BUILDING RESOURCES • Announcements are heard through speakers located in the ceilings in both common and tenant areas
Voice Communication System • The following 2 messages will be announced over the Voice Communication System shortly after an alarm has been activated FLOORS IN ALERT ALARM FLOORS IN EVAC ALARM BUILDING RESOURCES ATTENTION PLEASE (X3) We have a fire alarm activation on floor 25. Please prepare to evacuate following signal change or instruction from your Warden team. ATTENTION PLEASE (X3) We have a fire alarm activation on floor 25. Floors 24, 25 & 26 EVACUATE NOW
EVACUATION ALARM ATTENTION PLEASE (X3) We have a fire alarm activation. Please evacuate now ALL CLEAR ATTENTION PLEASE! (X3) The alarm has been investigated and is now over. Please return to your area. Thank you for your co-operation Voice Communication System • If a fire condition does exist, the evacuation alarm will be activated for the entire complex and the following announcement will be made BUILDING RESOURCES • If the alarm has been determined to be false the following announcement will be provided
Central Alarm Control Facility The CACF is located on the ground floor of One Queen Street East containing the following: • Fire Alarm control and enunciator panels • Voice communication controls BUILDING RESOURCES • Annunciation of all smoke dampers (open-closed) • Manual controls for smoke dampers, exhaust fans and stair pressurization fans • Manual release of electro-magnetic locks
Queen Street Yonge Street Victoria Street N Richmond Street Central Alarm Control Facility CACF Location BUILDING RESOURCES
Fire Protection Equipment Sprinkler Systems • Awet sprinkler type system is provided throughout the complex from the ground floor upwards • A dry sprinkler type system is provided throughout the parking garage levels and the attic of 20 Richmond St. E. BUILDING RESOURCES • The above noted systems will automatically activate during a fire condition when the temperature level near a sprinkler head reaches a certain degree set point. • Both systems are connected to the fire alarm panel through electrically supervised control valves
Emergency Power Emergency power is provided by a diesel generator to the following fire protection systems: • Fire Alarm System • Fire Elevator, Fire Pumps BUILDING RESOURCES • Smoke Exhaust Fans • Emergency Lighting • Stairway Pressurization Fans and Smoke Exhaust Fans
One Queen-Typical Floor Plan E X I T EXIT STAIRWAYS E X I T
20 Richmond Street -Typical Floor Plan E X I T EXIT STAIRWAYS EXIT EXIT E X I T
Cross-over Floors Purpose: Cross-over floors provide unobstructed access from one stairway to another on the same floor. EXIT STAIRWAYS Designated Floors • 5th floor • 8th floor • 14th floor • 19th floor • 22nd floor • 26th floor
MANUAL PULL STATION • Upon discovery of fire, pull the manual pull station to activate audible alarm. • EMERGENCY PHONE • Break glass, open door and lift handset to establish direct communication with the building’s Central Alarm Fire Centre (CAFC) PROTECTION EQUIPMENT
10 lbs. ABC extinguishers are provided in each fire hose cabinet • FIRE HOSE CABINETS • Located throughout the complex, typically at each exit • Fire Extinguishers • Multi purpose extinguishers are provided in mechanical rooms PROTECTION EQUIPMENT
Fire Prevention Good fire prevention is an effective method for implementing fire safety in the building. • Avoid careless storage practices • Do not obstruct sprinkler heads with items stored and stacked under or around them • Ensure that articles such as boxes and storage racks do not obstruct doorways FIRE PREVENTION • Be familiar with your responsibilities during a fire condition in the building • Avoid over loading circuits, extension cords (octopus), improper use of extension cords and other electrical problems that could cause a spark or fire
Evacuation Of Person(s) Requiring Assistance • Person(s) Requiring Assistanceshould be evacuated via ramp or left beside the elevators under the supervision of a rescuer • The Fire Department will effect a rescue via the elevators if it is safe to do so PERSONS REQUIRING ASSISTANCE • If it is life threatening for Person(s) Requiring Assistance to remain on the floor use one of the following techniques to transport them via the stairways • NOTE: Inform Supervisory Staff of the evacuation so they can clear the stairway while you transport the Person(s) Requiring Assistance
The Back Pack Lift; Evacuation Of Person(s) Requiring Assistance • The rescuer would kneel at the front of the Person(s) Requiring Assistanceand place the person’s arms up and over the rescuer’s shoulders and across his/her chest • The rescuer should then lean forward and raise slowly to standing position PERSONS REQUIRING ASSISTANCE
Two Rescuer Seat Carry; Evacuation Of Person(s) Requiring Assistance • The rescuers position themselves on either side of the Person(s) Requiring Assistancewith their hands grasping the other’s upper arm or shoulder PERSONS REQUIRING ASSISTANCE
Two Rescuer Seat Carry; Evacuation Of Person(s) Requiring Assistance • The Person(s) Requiring Assistancewould place his/her arms firmly around the rescuers’ neck PERSONS REQUIRING ASSISTANCE
Two Rescuer Seat Carry; Evacuation Of Person(s) Requiring Assistance • The rescuers would lean forward placing their free arms under the Person(s) Requiring Assistancelegs and firmly grasp each other’s wrists PERSONS REQUIRING ASSISTANCE
Two Rescuer Seat Carry; Evacuation Of Person(s) Requiring Assistance • The rescuers then lift using their legs and carefully step forward PERSONS REQUIRING ASSISTANCE
Two Rescuer Extremities Carry; Evacuation Of Person(s) Requiring Assistance • Place Person(s) Requiring Assistanceon the stairway landing • One rescuer lifts the individuals legs under the knees, the other under the shoulders with fingers locked across the individuals chest • Rescuers, keeping backs erect, slowly raise to a standing position PERSONS REQUIRING ASSISTANCE Next