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This project aims to provide opportunities for young individuals and recent graduates in Vietnam to enhance their employability skills and increase their chances of finding employment. Through various services and programs, participants will gain valuable experience and support to navigate the job market successfully.
“Opportunities for the young and graduates employability in Vietnam”VOYAGE PROJECT SUSTAINABILITY UNIVERSITY OF PADUAAula Canova, Palazzo Storione, Riviera Tito Livio 6PADUA, ITALY – 9-13 APRIL 2018
Contents • AlmaLaureaSustainability in brief • Management Structure • Services to Universities • Price Policy to Universities • Services to Companies • Intro to VOYAGE Sustainability
AlmaLaureaSustainability In 1994 AlmaLaureastarted with fewuniversities.Today 75 ItalianUniversities join the Consortium and itrepresents 91% of the ItalianGraduatesPopulation. Nowadays the ConsortiumisSupported by the ItalianMinistry of HigherEducation
The Management Structure of AlmaLaureaConsortium Firms Graduates Universities Technical and scientific management Marketing and services dissemination unit Quality control unit Students’ Help Desk Survey Team IT systems, dissemination and web services Administration and human resources
AL sustainability: Services To Universities • CV Database • The AlmaLaurea database is the piller on which all the services that the Consortium provides to students, graduates, universities and companies are based. Currently it contains more than 2.680.000 curriculum vitae. • Surveys • Every year AlmaLaurea surveys the profile and employment status of graduates 1, 3 and 5 years after graduation. At the request of the individual universities, the Consortium carries out surveys on the profile and employment status of PhDs and Master's graduates. • Placement Services • PLACEMENT PLATFORM: an extensive range of services that support the university placement office. More than 50 universities use it. Through the Platform each university can publish job offers that only students and graduates of that university can apply to. • JOBS AND INTERNSHIPS BULLETIN BOARD allowing companies to publish job offers and/or internships, both extra curricular and curricular. • INTERNSHIP MODULE included in the Placement Platform for managing the elaboration and approval of training agreements and projects. It automatically gathers assessments from trainees and company tutors. • EVENTS MODULE to support external recruiting events (meetings between students/graduates and companies). Companies can set up their own exhibition spaces where students and graduates can submit their CVs in the days before the event.
AL sustainability: Services To Universities • Other services • Postgraduates courses notice board: a service available to the consortium universities that allows them to promote their curricula (first- and second-level master's, master's degrees, PhDs, specialization and advanced education courses, specialization and doctorate schools) • Alumni Platform allows the creation of a network of former university students • AlmaOrièntatiis an orientation programme for high school graduates. The programme elaborates an individual orientation profile that suggests to the student the educational or professional course of study best suited to his or her aspirations, and illustrates the concrete experience of those who have made the same choices and are currently employed.
AL sustainability: Price-Policy for Universities • Progressive membership of Universities • Membership contribution and participation sum: • a one-off payment, depending on the total number of graduates of each university (between € 2,582.00 and € 5,164.00) • An annual fee for participation and inclusion in the database, proportional to the number of graduates, determined annually by the Board of Directors. The current fee amounts to € 5.96 + VAT per graduate. • The fee covers all services provided by AL: Graduates Profile Annual Report, Placement services developed at each University office, CV database, other services (Alumni Platform, Postgraduates courses notice board, AlmaOrièntati) • 5€+VAT per telephone interview (Graduate Employment Condition Survey at 1, 3, 5 years at graduation)
AL sustainability: Services to Companies AlmaLaurea S.R.L. Itis a LTD company entirelyowned by the Consortiumwith offices in Bologna (headquarters), Rome, Milan and Padua Itactsas a centralizedplacement office havingaccess to the wholeAlmaLaureagraduates’ CVsdatabank Itprovidesdifferentkinds of competitive fee-basedplacementservices to registered companies: HUMAN CAPITAL SELECTION RECRUITING ONLINE EMPLOYER BRANDING
Recruiting online services by AlmaLaurea S.R.L. Self-service searchCVstool Companies are able to look for a candidate with specific characteristics according to more than 100 search variables among 2.5 million CVs available in the databank so to find the candidate who best meets their requirements Job/internshippinboard Companies are able to post online jobs and internshipoffers; they can also informpotentialcandidatesabout the posting throughalert mailing Easy recruitment Companies receiveapplicationpackages in response to job postingthat include soft skills and English proficiencyassessments
EmployerBrandingservices by AlmaLaurea S.R.L. Company profile Companies can publish on the AlmaLaurea’s website statements, pictures or videos that promote their vision and recruitment strategies B.E.S.T. (Best Evaluated Session’s Talents) Companies can get in touch with new graduates just in concomitance with the 3 graduation sessions planned every year so to disseminate their vacancies ST.AR.T. (Students ARising Talents) Companies can get in touch with the best graduates holding a master degree, at national level or filtered by belonging university M.I.T.O. (Matching Italian Talent Organizer) An innovative career day: companies can set up and invite only the target profiles they wish to meet during the career days organized by AlmaLaurea S.R.L.
Human capital selectionservices by AlmaLaurea S.R.L. Recruiting days Companies can invite to the university recruiting days just the candidates targeted by using the search parameters provided by the AlmaLaurea’s databank CV screening Once the job posting made by the company, AlmaLaurea S.R.L. verifies the candidates’ profiles and provides the company only with the matched profiles CV pre-screening AlmaLaurea S.R.L. selects a restrictednumber of candidates (4 to 6) that match the company requirements and assesses the candidates in terms of availability for job interview, workplacepreferences, remunerationexpectations, IT and languagesskills, earlieststarting date Assessment center The pre-selected candidates are individually assessed in terms of soft skills so to highlight weaknesses and strengths with respect to the requirement needs
Intro to Voyage Project Sustainability • Commitment of Universities and Partners to work for the Project Platform to survive beyond the project life. • Sustainability implies the centralization and migration of the system in Vietnam, that is the structuring of the system in a centralized manner (a single node) to accommodate data from all the partner universities and allow a shared management and arrangement, together with the different nodes at each university level (each university, via the web, is able to access its own services). • The "Consortium" has to deal with Technical Activities as the management of the system hardware, software update, system evolution, regular maintenance and system exploitation (survey production).
VoyageSustainability September 2017-Platform transfer
For anyfurtherinformation, pleasecontact: international@almalaurea.it www.almalaurea.it/en