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Improve your spelling and punctuation with our online editing station. Learn where full stops and capital letters should be placed correctly. Utilize resources like a dictionary, working wall, and friends to enhance your writing skills.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. t EDITING STATION: SPELLINGS Do any of your spellings look wrong? Make sure they are correct. To help, you can use: • Dictionary • Working wall • Your friends • [Fill in other resources here] Commonly misspelled words: [Fill in your chosen words here] www.teachwire.net

  2. t EDITING STATION: FULL STOPS AND CAPITAL LETTERS Full stops go at the end of sentences. Here is an example: The sun was shining. ✅ The birds were flying. ✅ They do not go at the end of every line: The sun was. ❌ shining The birds were. ❌ flying Capital letters go at the beginning of sentences and are also used for names, places, days of the weeks and months of the year (proper nouns): James goes on the train to London every Friday. ✅ www.teachwire.net

  3. EDITING STATION: [Fill in your focus here] [Fill in your introduction here] • [Fill in your examples or resources here] [Fill in additional information here]: [Fill in additional information here] www.teachwire.net

  4. EDITING STATION: [Fill in your focus here] [Fill in your introduction here] • [Fill in your examples or resources here] [Fill in additional information here]: [Fill in additional information here] www.teachwire.net

  5. EDITING STATION: [Fill in your focus here] [Fill in your introduction here] • [Fill in your examples or resources here] [Fill in additional information here]: [Fill in additional information here] www.teachwire.net

  6. EDITING STATION: [Fill in your focus here] [Fill in your introduction here] • [Fill in your examples or resources here] [Fill in additional information here]: [Fill in additional information here] www.teachwire.net

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