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Transportation Committee Meeting – Non-Public School Issues. Pottsgrove school district SEPTEMBER 19, 2013. Context
Transportation Committee Meeting – Non-Public School Issues Pottsgrove school districtSEPTEMBER 19, 2013
Context • PGSD implemented a transfer system for its non-public school students this year. While this system provides reliability and flexibility, some families have been negatively impacted and desire changes. • Purpose • CMD and Mr. Nester have worked diligently to develop ideas which may improve the system and resolve some of the issues. We will be presenting these ideas for discussion tonight. Setting the stage
Define a plan to address the concerns expressed Define a timeline for implementation Establish a future date on which we will review the impact of the decisions Expected outcomes
Treat everyone with respect Do not interrupt each other Express ourselves completely and concisely Engage each other’s thoughts, ideas and opinions Stay focused on the topic under discussion Norms
Student safety • Different age students riding together • Early pick-up times • Length of rides • Not getting to school on time • Lengthy layover times Summary of issues presented
Buses in same location every day • Transfer is segregated from other bussing • Seating Charts • Drivers monitor transfer • PGSD staff monitors transfer in AM Student safety
Some of the non-public schools are K-12 Others are K-8 Not unusual to have students from various grade levels riding together Different age of riders
Earliest pick up times are approximately 6:45 am Transfer time is approximately 7:20 am Early pick up times
2012–2013 average ride times ranged from 16 minutes to 1 hour • 2013-2014 average ride times range from 30 minutes to 71 minutes • Less deviation in length of runs • More predictable Length of Runs
ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE Not getting to school on time
2 buses have been identified as arriving at the afternoon transfer point approximately 15 minutes before other buses Lengthy Layover times
Option #1 – Move Transfer Point to LPE • Pros: Improves likelihood of on time arrival at PJP and VFB – approximately 5 minutes closer • Cons: None Noted Potential changes to AM Runs
Option #2 – Provide Transportation Hubs • Alternate collection points • Proposed • Laura and Farmington • High and Pleasantview • Hilltop • Pros: Provides an option for families in those areas to drop their children at these locations at a later time • Cons: Will the hubs be used? Potential changes to AM Runs
Option #3 – Provide a Two Tier Transfer System • Early transfer – 7:15 (PJP, BTC, CCS Sec, VFB, HC, Berks and IC) • Late transfer – 7:35 (SF, WM, CCS El, Wynd, SA) • Pros: Get to school on time Later pick up for some students Students take same bus to school • Cons: Students must learn new transfer system Drivers must learn new routes Another month of transition Potential changes to AM Runs
Option #1 – Provide Transportation Hubs • Alternate drop off points • Proposed • Laura and Farmington • High and Pleasantview • Hilltop • Pros: Provides an option to drop off student at the hub prior to completing the transfer cycle • Cons: Will the hubs be used? Potential changes to pM Runs
Option #2 – Provide a Two Tier Transfer System • Early transfer – 3:15 (PJP, BTC, WM, SA) • Late transfer – 3:35 (SF, CCS, Wynd, Berks, IC) • Pros: Eliminates layover for early arrivals Less students and fewer buses at transfer • Cons: Students must learn new transfer system Another month of transition Potential changes to pM Runs
Option #3 – Early Buses Drop Students on way to Transfer Point • Affects only PJP and BTC • Pros: Eliminates layover for early arrivals Some students get home much earlier Others should not be impacted • Cons: Limited number of students benefit Potential changes to pM Runs
Relocate AM Transfer Point to LPE Provide Transportation Hubs in AM to provide options to parents Implement the two tier transfer system in the afternoon to minimize layover time and get students home promptly Study the two tier transfer system for the morning and consider implementing next year Recommendations