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This article discusses the starting implementation of macro-regional strategies and the funding opportunities available through various programs and initiatives. It highlights the importance of a strategic approach and the coordination between different actors. The legal basis in the Cohesion Policy and the funding process for macro-regional projects are also emphasized.
Starting implementationEmbedding Macro-regional strategies DG REGIONAL AND URBAN POLICY Macro Regions and European Territorial Cooperation
Interreg programmes: state of adoption • INTERREG VA (cross-border co-operation) • 32 programmes adopted (out of 60) • INTERREG VB (transnational co-operation) • 10 programmes adopted (out of 15) • INTERREG VC (inter-regional co-operation) • 4 programmes adopted (out of 4) • INTERREG IPA-CBC • 7 programmes adopted (out of 12)
Starting implementation • Focus on results (performance framework) • Simplification • Strategic approach: cooperation perspective, link with macro-regional/sea-basin strategies
"Embedding" - Rationale Follow-up of the political decision (for a closer macro-regional cooperation) towards implementation 1) Identifying/"prioritising" actions/projects from the Action Plan 2) Seeking funding ESIF (Structural & Investment Funds – ERDF, ESF, EAGGF, EMFF): Interreg Coop Programmes, Operational Programmes (sectorial, regional) IPA, (Instrument Pre-Accession), ENI (European Neighbour. Instr.) CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) Horizon, COSME, LIFE ("direct" EC management) EFSI (Juncker Investment Plan) IFI, WBIF (Western Balkan Investment Framework) Donor countries, private sector, foreign investors…..etc
"Embedding" - Legal basis in Cohesion Policy CPR Regulationtakes into account the new reality to embed macro-regional strategies (and Cooperation) in Partnership Agreements and both Operational and Cooperation (Interreg) Programmes Articles CPR: Art.15.2(a)(ii); 27(3); 96(3)(e); 96(6)(a), Annex 1-Sections 3.2(1)(f) and 7.1(1), 7.1(2), 7.1(3), 7.1(4). Sections 4.5, 4.4 (OP), and 4.4 (CP). Interreg transnational programmes (VB) matching the geography of a MRS: support to implementation, through their thematic axis + specific axis on governance (TO 11)
Funding macroregional projects: How? Ring-fence budget in the programme Design calls to fund projects of macro-regional scope Ex-ante specificselection/qualitycriteria Bonus points awarded to macro-regional projects
People - to - people Coordination important: Allactors to liaise • Managing authorities to liaise with the macro-regional governance actors (National Coordinators/Thematic Coordinators) for advice on calls and projects of macro-regional scope and potential. • Discuss the macro-regionin OP/CP meetings (Monitoring Committees, other meetings) with the participation of the macro-regionalgovernanceactors. • Invite ManagingAuthoritiesto macro-regionalmeetings (Annual Forum, steering group meetings…).
Panel discussion: • Ms Merike NIITEPÖLD, Head of the Managing Authority - Interreg VA Central Baltic Programme • Ms Alessandra PALA, Head of the Joint Secretariat - Interreg VB Danube Programme • Mr Ioannis FIRBAS, General Director, National Coordination Authority for ESIF - Ministry for Economy, Infrastructures, Maritime Affairs and Tourism - Greece