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Chapter 1 Quiz. Why does Dad turn on the TV? What does Dad tell the kids about Moses Henderson? What is meant by a ‘Christian name’? What shows that the Watsons are not well off financially? What does Momma say about Birmingham? Does Dad agree? What is the Brown Bomber?
Chapter 1 Quiz Why does Dad turn on the TV? What does Dad tell the kids about Moses Henderson? What is meant by a ‘Christian name’? What shows that the Watsons are not well off financially? What does Momma say about Birmingham? Does Dad agree? What is the Brown Bomber? Why does Dad send the boys out to the car? How do Byron and Kenny get along? Why does Byron need Kenny’s help? How does Dad react when he sees Byron stuck to the mirror? Who eventually gets Byron free? How?
Ch 2 quiz • Who is Larry Dunn? What is his title? • How does being Byron’s brother help Kenny? • Why does Kenny get to go to different classrooms? • Why is Kenny afraid to go to Mr. Alums’ class? • What does he say to his class about Kenny? • Why is Kenny afraid to see By after reading in Mr. Alums’ class? • What is the deal with Kenny’s eye? • What does Byron teach Kenny about his eye and how he should look at people? • What book is Kenny going to order? • When does Kenny have trouble on the bus?
Ch 2 cont’d 11. What does the driver do when students are late for the bus? 12. Who does the driver stop for as he heads toward Clark? 13. What do the other kids do when the tow boys get on the bus? 14. What does Kenny think of the new kid?
Watsons ch 3 quiz • Why is Kenny upset when Mrs. Cordell has Rufus sit next to him? • Why does Kenny give Rufus part of his lunch? • What does Rufus do with half of the sandwich? • What does Rufus say would happen to the squirrel in Arkansas? • Why is LJ not a good playmate?
Ch 3 cont’d 6. Why does rufus stop sitting next to Kenny on the bus and eating lunch with him? 7. What does Momma tell Kenny to do about Rufus? 8. Why do you think that Momma meets Rufus at the bus stop?
Ch 4 quiz • Why doesn’t Momma understand cold weather? • Why does she make them wear so many clothes? • What is Kenny’s job once he gets his jackets off at school? • How does Joey feel about wearing so many clothes? • What does By tell Joey and Kenny about why they wear so many clothes?
Ch 4 cont’d 6. What does it mean to wear gloves ‘kindergarten style’? 7. What does Kenny do to help Rufus? 8. What happens to Kenny’s 2nd pair of gloves? 9. How does By get the gloves back? 10. Why do Kenny and Rufus leave the school grounds?
Ch 5 quiz • What does Momma say she will do if By plays with matches again? • Why is Momma afraid of fire? • What does By do when he locks himself in the bathroom? • What does Momma bring from the kitchen? • Why does Joetta decide it’s ok to burn Byron? • Why does she not burn him?
Ch6 • What does Momma tell By and Kenny to do for her? • What arrangements had Dad made with Mr. Mitchell? • What does Mr. Mitchell say when Kenny says to put the food on the welfare list? • According to By, what welfare food has the family eaten in the past? • Why does By think mourning doves are the “coolest birds in the world”? • What happens to the dove on the telephone wire?
Ch 8 Quiz • How do Momma and Dad start acting ‘real strange’ after talking to Grandma? • What ‘final touch’ does Dad add to the Brown Bomber? • Why does he let Rufus and Joey add it to the car? • Why does Dad hide his toothbrush? • Why does Dad make everyone go outside? • What had Dad added to the car? • How does Momma react when she sees the record player?
Ch 9 • What is dad doing when Kenny gets up? • Why does dad say By must go to Birmingham? • How does Kenny feel about Dad talking to him like a grown-up? • What does Mrs. Davidson give to Joetta? • Why does she not like it? • What is Momma’s notebook for? • How does Kenny bug By in the car?
Ch 10 quizzzzzz • What is the deal with the bathrooms at the rest stop? • Why should By get used to ‘outhouses?’ • Why don’t the boys want to hold Joey’s head while she sleeps? • Why is Momma upset when Dad doesn’t stop in Cincinnati? • Why are Joey and Kenny scared at the rest stop in Tennessee? • What frightens By about being in Appalachia? • What does Dad say the air feels like? • What does Dad tell the kids to do with their fingers?
Ch. 11-12 • What does Kenny hear when he wakes up in the car? • What does everyone keep asking Dad? • Why did Momma go along with not stopping? • Why doesn’t Grandma Sands have a meal ready when they arrive? • Why do Kenny and By have trouble sleeping? • Why can’t Mr. Roberts and Toddy hunt anymore? • What can Kenny hear Momma talking about before he goes inside? • Who does Grandma Sands say Mr. Robert is? • Why does Momma stop asking about Mr. Robert? • Where is he taking Dad and By?