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Revolutionary Critical Pedagogy. Peter McLaren. Peter McLaren. McLaren’s Philosophy.
Revolutionary Critical Pedagogy Peter McLaren
The critical pedagogy which McLaren supports and practices advocates non-violent dissent, the development of a philosophy of praxis guided by a Marxist humanism, the study of revolutionary social movements and thought, and the struggle for socialist democracy.
Artwork by Robbie Conal for the cover of Capitalists and Conquerors. It is opposed to liberal democracy, which only serves to facilitate the reproduction of capital. It advocates a multiracial and anti-imperialist social movement dedicated to opposing racism, capitalism (both in private property and state property forms), sexism, heterosexism, hierarchies based on social class, as well as other forms of oppression.
It draws its inspiration from philosophers of revolutionary praxis such as Paulo Freire, Raya Dunayevskaya, and other philosophers, social theorists and political activists and supports all those who yearn and struggle for freedom. Paulo Freire
Critical pedagogy is opposed to both state terrorism and individual acts of terrorism. As Freire writes in The Pedagogy of Freedom, "Terrorism is the negation of what I call a universal human ethic."
Critical pedagogy is driven by the engine of class struggle in both national and international arenas.
McLaren’s Works McLaren, P., Macrine, S., and Hill, D, (Eds). (2010). Revolutionizing Pedagogy: Educating for Social Justice Within and Beyond Global Neo-liberalism. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Nocella, A., Best, S., & McLaren, P. (Eds.) (2010). Academic Repression: Reflections from the Academic Industrial Complex. San Francisco: AK Press. Martin, G., Houston, D., McLaren, P. & Suoranta, J. (Eds.) (2010) Havoc of Capitalism. Educating for Social and Environmental Justice. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. Sandlin, J.A. & McLaren, P. (Eds.). (2009). Critical Pedagogies of Consumption: Living and Learning in the Shadow of the "Shopocalypse”. New York and London: Routledge. McLaren, P. & Jaramillo, N. (2007). Pedagogy and Praxis. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. (Review [2]) McLaren, P. (2006). Rage + Hope. New York: Peter Lang. (Review [3]) McLaren, P. (2005). Capitalists and Conquerors. Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield. McLaren, P. & Farahmandpur,'R. (2005) Teaching Against Global Capitalism and the New Imperialism. Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield, 2005) McLaren, P. (2005). Red Seminars: Radical Excursions into Educational Theory, Cultural Politics, and Pedagogy. Hampton Press. 'Marxism Against Postmodernism in Educational Theory (with Dave Hill, Mike Cole, and Glenn Rikowski) Che Guevara, Paulo Freire, and the Pedagogy of Revolution (Rowman and Littlefield, 2000) Revolutionary Multiculturalism: Pedagogies of Dissent for the New Millennium, (Westview Press, 1997) Counternarratives, (with Henry Giroux, Colin Lankshear and Mike Peters, Routledge, 1997) Critical Pedagogy and Predatory Culture, (Routledge, 1995)
References • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_McLaren • http://pages.gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/mclaren/