1. Secure Web Browsingwith OP and Chrome by
Mohan Dhawan
3. More Troubles Current browsers are plagued by
Script based Attacks
XSS, drive by downloads, pharming attacks, DNS Rebinding
Compromised / malicious plugins and extensions
Statistics for 2007
Internet Explorer had 93 security vulnerabilities, Mozilla browsers had 74, Safari had 29, and Opera had 9
301 reported vulnerabilities in browser plugins
[OP Browser]
4. Outline The problem
Related Work
OP Web Browser
Way Forward ?
5. The problem Malicious script execution
XSS, XSRF, etc.
Browsers are a multi-principal platform
data and code (lots of scripts) from mutually distrusting sites interact
iGoogle, Microsoft Live
single-application model provides little isolation or security
limited built-in security by enforcing same origin policy
too restrictive
Handling compromised / malicious plugins and extensions
have full browser privileges
plugin writers implement ad-hoc policies
6. Related Work Language Abstractions
Helen Wang et al SOSP 07
<div class = “noexecute” >
Trevor Jim et al IWWW 07
7. Related Work (contd.) Architecture
web applications should not be trusted
browsers should not be trusted
Separate browser instances with VMs
Richard Cox et al CCS 07
8. Related Work (contd.) Modify the browser
Script Accent
Domain specific “accents” for scripts and HTML object names
“An Analysis of Browser Domain-Isolation Bugs and A Light-Weight Transparent Defence Mechanism” - Shuo Chen et al. - CCS 07
Dynamic Tainting
Track flow of sensitive information inside the web browser
“Cross Site Scripting Prevention with Dynamic Tainting and Static Analysis” - Phillip Vogt et al. – NDSS 07
Different isolation policy
Enforces access using server’s X.509 certificates and keys
“Dynamic Pharming Attacks and Locked Same-origin Policies for Web Browsers” - Chris Karlof et al. - CCS 07
9. New Solutions Build browser from scratch
Keeping in mind
web 2.0 applications
secure script execution
Latest efforts
Chris Grier, Shuo Tang, Samuel King Oakland 08
10. OP Web Browser Primary Goal is to ensure Secure Web Browsing
prevent browser based attacks from happening
limit the damage in case of a successful compromise
provide ability to recover from successful attacks
11. Threat Model & Assumptions Designed to operate under malicious influence
Attacks originated from a web page could potentially target any part of the browser
Attacker can have complete control over the content
Circle of Trust
OS and JVM to enforce isolation
DNS names for labelling security contexts
12. OP Guiding Principles Simple and explicit communication between components
Clean separation of functionality and security
Explicit interfaces reduce number of control flow paths
Strong isolation between browser components
Prevents unanticipated and unaudited interactions
Monitor components to ensure faithful execution
Delegate some security logic
Compatible with existing technologies
Goal is to secure web browsing
13. OP Architecture Main subsystems
the web page subsystem,
a network component,
a storage component,
a UI component, and
a browser kernel
Each subsystem runs within separate OS level processes
SELinux sandboxing to limit subsystem interaction with OS
14. OP Architecture (contd.)
15. Subsystem Privileges
16. Browser Kernel Manage subsystems
Creates and deletes all processes and subsystems
Creates web-page instances on demand
Multiplexes between existing web-pages on user navigation
Manages communication between subsystems
interposes on all message communication
Use of OS level pipes
Mapping of subsystems and pipes prevents spoofing
Single threaded, event driven component
All messages have unique ID
17. Browser Kernel (contd.) Manages access control
Browser processes tagged with a security context
Tag depends on initial messages intercepted
Maintains detailed security audit log
Records all messages between subsystem
Helps in forensic analysis in event of system compromise
18. Web Page Subsystem HTML parsing and rendering Engine
JavaScript Interpreter
Rhino (Java based)?
provides strong isolation
Plugins are separate OS level processes
provide better isolation
Xvnc server which renders the visual content
19. Web Page Subsystem (contd.)
20. UI, Network & Storage Subsystems UI is built in Java
do not render content directly
Each web page instance renders its own content
File System is accessed only through UI system
Storage component uses sqlite-db to store persistent data like cookies
Network subsystem implements HTTP
21. Browser Plugins Allow browsers to view additional mime types
loaded as a DLLs or shared objects
Communicate with the browser through a well defined API
Run in the same address space as the browser
Complicates security as they are given unchecked access to browser internals
Successful attack on a plugin can lead to a full system compromise
Plugins writers may implement their own adhoc security
22. Plugins and OP Each instance is treated as a separate process
assigned a label (security context) by the kernel
By inspecting the messages
Plugin Access Control done by browser kernel
Uses the same security mechanisms and policies as for the rest of the browser subsystems
23. OP and Plugin Security Plugin Security Policies
Provider domain policy
allows a plugin in a page to use the permissions of the plugin content source
Plugin freedom policy
allows additional outgoing network accesses for plugins to support peer-to-peer applications
can only talk to network and storage subsystems
24. Formal Verification OP browser modeled using Maude (reasoning engine)
both interpreter and language
Formally specify browser components in terms of invariants over finite space
Program invariants include access control policies
Visual invariants include UI tampering
Address bar spoofing
Maude checks for states that violate invariants
25. Attack Analysis Build a dependency graph between browser level objects
Objects connected by causal events
Backtracker graph generation algorithm is used
Backward algorithm is used to find origin of an attack
Forward algorithm is used to track effects of an attack
Great analyzing tool once an attack has occurred
26. Performance Evaluation
27. Discussion Apply OS principles for security
Process abstraction to provide protection and isolation
Process management
How long to cache the web page instance ?
Messages to subsystems analogous to syscalls
Access to protected resources via the kernel
Browser kernel intercepts all messages
Plugins are like device drivers
Hard to secure
OP provides protection against buggy plugins
Not against malicious ones
28. Discussion (contd.) Performance
No micro-benchmark performance figures
Comparative analysis of how OP stands out with other browsers
combating the known web exploits (e.g. XSS, XSRF etc.)
Future works
Enhance OP browser to prevent common attacks
DNS rebinding
Automated detection of crashed and malfunctioning subsystems to trigger recovery actions
29. Way Forward ? Chrome
Developed by Google
Apple’s WebKit
Open source rendering engine for chrome
Developed for web 2.0 applications
Browsers are multi-principal
30. Design Goals New Age browsers must be
More stable
More secure
Simpler user interface
31. Legacy Browsers
32. Chrome Design Different processes for different tabs
separate address space
No fragmentation of memory unlike legacy browsers
isolation offers protection
Separate thread for JavaScript
33. Speed : WebKit and V8 Webkit
Efficient memory usage
Easily adapted to embedded devices
Easy interface for developers
Virtual machine for JavaScript
Provides safety and platfrom independence
Hidden class transition
34. Hidden Class Transition function Point(x,y){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
35. Machine Code Generation
36. Speed (contd.) V8
Machine code generation
Dynamic code generation
Cache code for future reference
Garbage collection
Heap segmented as new space and old space
GC entails
Stop program execution
Process only part of the heap in most GC cycles
Always know precise location of all pointers and objects
Updates all pointers to object if it moves to old space
37. Chrome features Separation of the browser and tabs processes
Tabs no longer bound to a window
Privacy mode
Read-only mode
No logging
No history saved
Session cookies deleted on closing the window
Web apps have their own chrome
38. Security and Safe Browsing Malware and Phishing
Huge monetary incentive
Chrome continuously downloads lists of phishing and malware sites
Security from malware
All processes stripped of their rights to read / write to sensitive areas
Cannot interact among themselves
39. Security Levels
40. Sandboxing
41. Plugins Plugins run as a separate process
Unlike legacy browsers where plugins, HTML and JavaScript run as a single process
42. Overall Picture
43. Google Gears Adds a set of API to the browser for developers
Plugin that extends browser capabilities
Create web apps that can run offline
Key features
A local server, to cache and serve application
A database, to store and access data from within the browser
A worker thread pool, to make web apps more responsive
Open standard
44. Discussion Similarities with OP
Browser split into components
Each within its own protection domain
Both have a main process
Browser Kernel, Chrome Process
Plugins are executed as separate processes
No details about extension handling
Differences with OP
Separate thread for JavaScript VM
Separation of browser and tabs
45. Discussion (contd.) New Features
Dynamic code generation
Phishing and Malware protection
Open Issues
Secure script execution
Handling malicious plugins and extensions
Framework for web 2.0 applications
46. Conclusion OP uses OS features to secure web browsers
Chrome extends OP, adds security and speed
47. Thank You