Franklin's portrait, with lightning flashing inside, is surrounded by the words: "scientist, citizen, inventor, writer, soldier, diplomat, leader, statesman, printer, essayist" To the right is his famous quote at the 1776 Declaration of Independence meeting, "Gentlemen, we must now all hang together, or we shall most assuredly hang separately." Benjamin Franklin(1706-1790) • "Nothing but money is sweeter than honey." Franklin wrote that. But for him, money was merelya means to an end. At age 42, he retired from business, a rich man, to devote himself to public causes and scientific experiments, library, a fire insurance organization, a night watch, a city hospital, a city college, (the future University of Pennsylvania), and the American Philosophical Society, which still meets in Independence Hall.
Benjamin Franklin's Kite Experiment • When Franklin published his findings, they created a sensation. He became known as “The Newton of Electricity.” But the pure scientist was also an inventor of useful things, among them: bifocals, the Franklin stove, the lightning rod, the copying press, and a device, believe it or not, for electrocuting(电刑) turkeys.
Some Sample Maximsfrom Poor Richard's Almanac byBenjamin Franklin it will drive thee have no rivals • Drive thy Business, or • He that falls in love with himself will • Where there's Marriage without Love, there will be • Write with the learned, pronounce with • Three may keep a secret, if • Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for • A good conscience is a continual • When befriended, remember it. When forget it. • Light-heel'd mothers make daughters. • A sleeping fox catches no • No gains without Love without Marriage. the vulgar(粗俗). two of them are dead. that's the stuff life is made of. Christmas. you befriend, leaden-heel'd poultry(家禽). pains.
A Versatile Person, Franklin Was Also an Inventor of Franklin Stove and Bifocals • Here is a Franklin stove, also known as the circulating(循环, 流通) stove.
Bifocals • Bifocals are eyeglasses that have corrective lenses containing two different lens powers. A person wearing two different styles of cosmetic(化妆) contact lenses, which may owe a lot to B. Franklin