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1. Responsibilities . to learn or not learn is the student's own responsibilityYour responsibility as a teacher is to set up classroom tasks so that they will choose to learn . 2. Immersion . opportunities for subject language learning need to be meaningful, functional genuine activities for the st
1. Cambournes Literacy Learning Model And other things to think about This is the model of literacy learning I try to follow. Cambourne is an Australian educator who currently works in pre-service teacher education.
There are 12 points I want to share with you.This is the model of literacy learning I try to follow. Cambourne is an Australian educator who currently works in pre-service teacher education.
There are 12 points I want to share with you.
2. 1. Responsibilities to learn or not learn is the students own responsibility
Your responsibility as a teacher is to set up classroom tasks so that they will choose to learn
3. 2. Immersion opportunities for subject language learning need to be meaningful, functional genuine activities for the students
Your job as a subject language teacher is to be creative and design meaningful, genuinely functional activities
You are in charge of the learning environment make sure it work for you! ..literature mirrors our own lives and provides a window into distant peoples, times, and places..
From Literature as Mirrors and Windows Lee Gilda, 1998
Try to find literature or something else in your subject area to hook your students into your subject environment...literature mirrors our own lives and provides a window into distant peoples, times, and places..
From Literature as Mirrors and Windows Lee Gilda, 1998
Try to find literature or something else in your subject area to hook your students into your subject environment.
4. 3. Engagement comes about through student choice
Your job as a subject teacher is to think about how to provide student choice and still meet the expectations
Learning occurs when you have forgotten everything else that was not important to you
Engage your students in your subject area.
This is difficult but critical if you want to fully engage all your students.
Nothing wrong with limiting the choices first then having the students choose. This is difficult but critical if you want to fully engage all your students.
Nothing wrong with limiting the choices first then having the students choose.
5. 4. Demonstration Teacher- modeling & scaffolding - you have to walk the talk!
You want to see the students model your behaviours in their work.
You need to be enthusiastic about what you teach or dont do it! Think back to the best subject area teachers you had. They walked the talk.Think back to the best subject area teachers you had. They walked the talk.
6. attitude Attitude is more important than the past, than successes, than what other people think or say or do.
It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill.
It will make or break a school, a company, a student, a home..
The remarkable things is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.
Sometimes we can not change the fact that some colleagues and students will act in a certain ways. Maintaining a positive attitude especially when you have a difficult class or when you are assigned to teach a subject area you dont feel completely confident in is a way to maintain your sanity. The longer I live the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.
Maintaining a positive attitude especially when you have a difficult class or when you are assigned to teach a subject area you dont feel completely confident in is a way to maintain your sanity. The longer I live the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.
7. attitude We can not always change the inevitable
The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have and that is our attitude..
I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it!
And so it is with you
We are in charge of our attitude!
Be positive.Be positive.
8. 5. Expectations Clarified teachers need to say how much time and what they expect rubric, a demonstration, a model
in other words never assume they got it the first time!
clarify more than once what you expect!
Get students to tell you what they heard you say. For some of you this was very boring but it is amazing how many of you still needed to hear and see important points many times. We are all so different in out learning styles.For some of you this was very boring but it is amazing how many of you still needed to hear and see important points many times. We are all so different in out learning styles.
9. 6. Risk-taking Use it, try it - reassess it - explore rather than focus only on correct answers
This means letting go of your power and handing power over to the students!
Believing your students will learn
Go for possibilities by taking your students from where they are to somewhere else! It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before to test your limitsto break through barriers
Promise yourself that you will try something new each year. This will keep your teaching growing and fresh.
Most students can and will learn if you hook them.
Look at your struggling students in a new light by taking them beyond where they were. This means they might not meet the expectations but they are better off than when they were in your class.It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before to test your limitsto break through barriers
Promise yourself that you will try something new each year. This will keep your teaching growing and fresh.
Most students can and will learn if you hook them.
Look at your struggling students in a new light by taking them beyond where they were. This means they might not meet the expectations but they are better off than when they were in your class.
10. 7. Instruction mini-lessons or whole class?
you have to decide as you go and take your lead from the students.
Go for those teachable moments.
Some things are just fun to do!
11. Instruction ..I do not think one can explain growth. It is silent and subtle. One does not keep digging up a plant to see how it grows.
Emily Carr (1871-1945) Canadian artist and writer
Remember you dont have to assess every task you do pick and choose!
12. 8. Approximation Its ok to be close, Accept/ Access -practice -mastery takes time
Remember you are with learners who have yet to master the concepts and skills
Most kids will remember how you made them feel not what you taught them
13. 9. Responses/ Feedback Give time to sharing of drafts and reactions to text with peers
This develops trust but also helps to build a community of learners Often teachers dont see this as valuable time spent in class. But I it is even in our jam packed curriculums.Often teachers dont see this as valuable time spent in class. But I it is even in our jam packed curriculums.
14. 10.Celebrate/Demonstrate think of real ways to do this i.e. the culminating tasks need to be authentic and fun!
Display work for the school, community and parents Publishing books, in English, holding science fairs or even doing displays of student projects for a day.Publishing books, in English, holding science fairs or even doing displays of student projects for a day.
15. 11. Assess/Reflect Do this together- Whats missing?
Ask students what they would have done differently? What they liked?
Do it in large groups and in small groups to suit the situation
Everyone will grow both you as a teacher and your students.
This is on the idea of helping you grow as a professional.This is on the idea of helping you grow as a professional.
16. 12. Some last thoughts about what you write on report cards Here are different ways to think of behaviours:
Irritable sensitive
Hyperactive energetic
Aggressive assertive
Plodding thorough
Remember that report card comments are kept by law in Ontario for 75 years. Think long and hard before you write something about a student Words can wound deeply and your words will remain as a matter of record for many years to come.Remember that report card comments are kept by law in Ontario for 75 years. Think long and hard before you write something about a student Words can wound deeply and your words will remain as a matter of record for many years to come.
17. Some last thoughts about what you write on report cards Here are different ways to think of behaviours
Lazy relaxed
Immature late blooming
Phobic cautious
Scattered divergent
Daydreamer imaginative