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Abstract Data Types (ADTs)

Abstract Data Types (ADTs). An ADT consists of: a set of values, and a set of operations on those values. Example: rational numbers some values: 15/7, -3/4, 123/1, 0/1 (but NOT 1/0 !) some operations: addition, multiplication, negation An ADT therefore specifies: what the members are, and

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Abstract Data Types (ADTs)

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  1. Abstract Data Types (ADTs) • An ADT consists of: • a set of values, and • a set of operations on those values. • Example: rational numbers • some values: 15/7, -3/4, 123/1, 0/1 (but NOT 1/0 !) • some operations: addition, multiplication, negation • An ADT therefore specifies: • what the members are, and • what operations are supported.

  2. What an ADT isn’t: • An ADT does not specify: • how the data is stored/represented, or • how the operations are implemented. • These details are abstracted away. • An ADT is implementation independent • An ADT is language independent. • In Java, an ADT is typically specified in an interface.

  3. Data Structures (DS) • A data structure is an implementation of an ADT. • In Java, data structures are classes. • In the Java Collections framework, the List interface specifies an ADT that is implemented by several data structures: • ArrayList (an array-based structure) • LinkedList (a linked structure)

  4. Analogy #1:an ADT is like a vending machine • You can perform only the specific tasks that the machine's interface presents to you. • You must understand these tasks. E.g. you must know what to do to buy a beverage. • You cannot see or access the inside of the machine, because a steel shell encapsulates it. • You can use the machine even though you don't know what happens inside. • If someone replaced the machine's inner mechanism with an improved version, leaving the interface unchanged, you could still use the machine the same way.

  5. Analogy #2:an ADT is like a car • Basic interface is the same: • steering wheel to determine path • gearshift (on an automatic) to determine direction (drive/reverse) • pedals to determine speed (accelerator/brake) • Underlying implementation is irrelevant • steering: recirculating ball, rack & pinion • transmission: 3, 4 or 5 speed, CVT • engine: 4, 5, 6 or 8 cylinder, gas, diesel, CNG or hybrid • Client treats them all the same!

  6. What if the interface changes? • How easy is it for people to switch from driving an automatic to a manual transmission car? • Automatic: • gear selector: drive/reverse • pedals: accelerator, brake • Manual: • gear selector: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, R • pedals: accelerator, brake, clutch • Client needs to adjust to the new interface!

  7. With an ADT • The client can only perform the operations specific to the ADT. • The client must adhere to the specifications of the operations that the ADT provides. • Thus, client must understand how to use the operations.

  8. Interacting with a List (ADT) • The client cannot access the data within the list without using an ADT operation. The principle of encapsulation hides the data within the ADT. • The client can use the ADT, even though it can't access the data directly, and does not know how it is stored. • If you vary the implementation, but maintain the interface, the client isn’t affected and doesn’t have to care.

  9. Examples of ADTs • Bag – unordered collection, allowing duplicates • Set – unordered collection, no duplicates • List – ordered collection – client determines order • Sorted list – comparator determines ordering • Stack – Last-In First-Out (insert/remove from front) • Queue – First-In First-Out (insert back, remove front) • Tree – hierarchical organization • Binary Search Tree – comparator determines ordering • a simple BST makes no performance guarantees • more advanced BSTs can make performance guarantees • Dictionary – collection of key-value pairs • Graph – collection of vertices and arcs

  10. Creating an ADT To define an ADT, we • Describe its data • Specify the operations on that data • Focus on “what”, not “how”.

  11. Bag ADT • Values: object references (unordered). • We use the new Java 5 generics to define a parameterized type. • The type of the members of the ADT is specified by a type parameter in the definition of the interface.

  12. Bag Operations • Basic operations: • add (client has no control over placement; returns a boolean) • remove (based on object identity; returns a boolean) • contains (membership test; returns a boolean) • size (how many values are in a given bag)

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