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The Current Financial Crisis and Outlook Dr. Sushil Wadhwani, CBE Wadhwani Asset Management LLP. Wadhwani Asset Management LLP. November 2008. What caused the crisis?. Some of the causes recur frequently, and have been anticipated by Keynes (see Skidelsky’s* piece)
The Current Financial Crisis and Outlook Dr. Sushil Wadhwani, CBE Wadhwani Asset Management LLP Wadhwani Asset Management LLP November 2008
What caused the crisis? • Some of the causes recur frequently, and have been anticipated by Keynes (see Skidelsky’s* piece) • Some forms of investment activity are like “… a game of Snap, of Old Maid, of Musical Chairs…” (Keynes) • This time, toxic debt has been the “Old Maid” * Skidelsky, Robert (2008), “Keynes Would Have Seen it Coming”. The Washington Post, October 19
What caused the crisis? • Uncertainty and sudden changes in sentiment are intrinsic to the way financial markets work “The outstanding fact is the extreme precariousness of the basis of knowledge on which our estimates of prospective yield have to be made……We disguise this uncertainty from ourselves by assuming that the future will be like the past, that existing opinion correctly sums up future prospects, and by copying what everyone else is doing. But any view of the future based on “so flimsy a foundation” is liable to sudden and violent changes. The practice of calmness and immobility, of certainty and security suddenly breaks down. New fears and hopes will, without warning, take charge of human conduct…the market will be subject to waves of optimistic and pessimistic sentiment, which are unreasoning yet in a sense legitimate where no solid basis exists for a reasonable calculation.” Keynes – The General Theory
What caused the crisis? • Irving Fisher – economic cycles could be eliminated through policies of consumer price stability • Keynes – asset price bubbles could coexist with consumer price stability and lead to economic instability • Central banks should set monetary policy when asset price bubbles emerge - monetary policy should have “leaned against the wind” Wadhwani, S.B. (2008b), “Should Monetary Policy Respond to Asset Price Bubbles? Revisiting the Debate”. National Institute Economic Review, No. 206, October http://www.niesr.ac.uk/pubs/searchdetail.php?PublicationID=2054
Potential changes to the regulatory framework • LATW not enough, regulatory tools also needed • LOLR, deposit insurance and “too big to fail” are all pro-cyclical • Need to explore other counter-cyclical tools e.g. • Pro-cyclical bank capital • Max loan value ratios
Problems with “mopping up” after • Unable to mop up because:- • An external inflation shock • Credit crunch makes monetary policy less effective
Monetary policy after a bubble bursts • Need to be aggressive and pre-emptive • Between August 2008 – September 2008; Fed had cut by 325bp BoE had cut by 75bp ECB had increased by 25bp
Monetary policy after a bubble bursts • If we look at the pre-Lehman shock period; • US economy had been more resilient than the UK • Inflation expectations had fallen more in the US than in the UK • US dollar had gone up, British pound had depreciated
Appropriate policy after a bubble bursts • Liquidity provision • Protecting financial intermediation • Lehman, Northern Rock were questionable decisions
The current situation versus the 1930s • Blanchard (Chief Economist of IMF): • Chance of a Great Depression is “nearly nil” • “we’ve learned a few things in 80 years” • Likely to be correct as: • Bank bail-out packages are in place • Significant fiscal and monetary stimulus • Automatic fiscal stabilisers • However, note that: • 1929-32 initially about a shortage of liquidity, this time a shortage of solvency (Mankiw)
The current situation versus Japan’s “lost decade” • Japan: • Monetary and fiscal policy were too timid/slow to react • Now, the US has eased aggressively. However Europe and the UK were slow • In Japan, stringent conditions for assistance to the banks impeded recovery. It is important that we don’t repeat this mistake now
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