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Teachers Protests – March 2007- For better pay, job security and Against Religious interference in the classroom. ‘ unity- unity teachers unity’. Teachers Protest March 2007- ‘Teachers prefer to die rather than accept discrimination’. Teachers demonstration March 2007 ‘shame shame’ .
Teachers Protests – March 2007- For better pay, job security and Against Religious interference in the classroom • ‘unity- unity teachers unity’
Teachers ProtestMarch 2007- ‘Teachers prefer to die rather than accept discrimination’
Teachers demonstration March 2006 ‘I teach children love and freedom so that they live in a civilised, cultured world. There is no other lesson’
Student demonstration 7th March 2007, Tehran University ‘freedom, equality’
Students Protest March 2007 ‘abolish sexual discrimination’
Student protests March 2007 – Tehran‘death by stoning a sign of barabarism’
Student protests of Dec 2006 16th Azar, is the Student’s Day in Iran, in memory of three students killed by Shah thirty years ago. In the last decade, this day has always been the day when the students show their anger against the Islamic Republic.
Death to Chauvinism - long live democracy3deaths, 3suicides – 1 week in this university
Teachers /workers protestagainst poor pay and religious interference in class room
The placard reads:“Fascist president, Polytechnic is not your place.” Protests against Ahamdinejad the week of Holocaust denial conference in Tehran
Incompetent minister resign, resignPhotos of Ahmadinejad held upside down
Inside the Hall while Ahmadinejad is talking • His photos held upside down
Short Film of the same protest • Students shout ‘ death to dictator’ • ‘shame on the security forces, shame’ • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUbwHXwooMw
May day protest 2004‘we workers from Moble-iran, haven’t been paid for 8months’‘we oppose exemption of workshops with less than 10 employees from cover of Labour legislation’
Leftwing bloggers Tomorrow is red
Equality – Freedom - weblog • Azadi Barabari Reports on workers struggles in Feb- Protests against Ossanlou’s court case (Tehran Bus workers leader)
Red Earth- student blog Reports on arrests of students , organises protests From Popper’s Humanism to Pentagon’s Militarism Iraq a bloody criminal theatre
Revolt68.blospot • Links to about 40 illegal student bulletins
Against Current • Student protests are orgnaised here
Protest in Tabriz against Tehran papers insult on Azerbaijanis
We don’t wont nuclear power – we don’t want huge salarieswe work so that we can live - we don’t live so that we can work
Labour minister : be warnedwe have no bread or water to give to our children
Commite hamahangi • One of two main organisations uniting workers struggles
Sacked workers website • Sacked and unemployed workers