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1. Neo - new

1. Neo - new. Neotype Neophyte. 2. Psuedo – false, counterfeit. psuedonym. 3. Idio – ones own particular aspecty. idiosyncrasy. 4. Ideo - idea. ideology. 5. Auto - self. automaton. 6. Orama - view. panorama. 7. Cracy – rule, government. Democracy.

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1. Neo - new

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1. Neo - new • Neotype • Neophyte

  2. 2. Psuedo – false, counterfeit • psuedonym

  3. 3. Idio – ones own particular aspecty • idiosyncrasy

  4. 4. Ideo - idea • ideology

  5. 5. Auto - self • automaton

  6. 6. Orama - view • panorama

  7. 7. Cracy – rule, government • Democracy

  8. 8. Cosm – order, world, universe • cosmic

  9. 9. Volv – Turn Evolution revolution

  10. 10. Thesis – put, place position Antithesis Thesis

  11. 11. Sci – to know omniscience conscience

  12. 12. Pug – fight pugnacious pugilist

  13. ROOTS Week Eight

  14. 1. Ab – from, away from • Abject • abdicate

  15. 2. Act – to do • Counteract • Transact

  16. 3. Bi – two • Bisect • bilingual

  17. 4. Chlor - green • Chlorophyll • Chlorine

  18. 5. con, com - with • Conform • Congregate

  19. 6. Cred - believe • Credence • Credo

  20. 7. ecto- outer • ectoderm • ectoplasm

  21. 8. Hypnos - sleep • hypnosis • hypnotize

  22. 9. lum- light • luminary • luminous

  23. 10. Mem – keep in mind • memoir • memorandum

  24. 11. nom– name • ignominy • misnomer

  25. 12. para– beside, alongside • paradigm • parable

  26. ROOTS Week Nine

  27. 1. Ambi – both, around • Ambiguous • ambiance

  28. 2. Ethno – race, culture • Ethnocentic • Ethnic

  29. 3. flex, flect– bend • Deflect • inflection

  30. 4. opt, oct - eye • Oculist • optimum

  31. 5. Plasm - form • Plasma • cytoplasma

  32. 6. Port – carry, bring • Deport • Export

  33. 7. Pseudo – not true • Pseudonym • Pseudopod

  34. 8. Retro - before • Retroactive • Retrospective

  35. 9. Sub - under • Subconscious • Subterranean

  36. 10. Sym (n) – with, together • Symmetry • Synergy

  37. 11. Penta - five • Pentagon • Pentameter

  38. 12. Mit – go, send • Mitigate

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