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Relative Power of Models in Distributed Computing. Petr Kuznetsov TU Berlin/DT-Labs. What makes distributed computing special?. Failures and lack of synchrony Computing units are unreliable and unsynchronized (otherwise ≅ centralized system). Blind Men and the Elephant.
Relative Power of Models in Distributed Computing Petr Kuznetsov TU Berlin/DT-Labs
What makes distributed computing special? Failures and lack of synchrony Computing units are unreliable and unsynchronized (otherwise ≅ centralized system) Blind Men and the Elephant
What makes distributed system hard? • Multitude of abstractions and models • Lack of categorization, complexity classes • Unnatural? Blind Men and the Elephant
Distributed modeling jumble Sub-consensus objects? Snapshot memory? CAS, LL/SC? RW shared memory? t-resilience ? Message passing? Clouds, data centers…?
Today • t-resilience ≅ wait-freedom [BG simulation] • (t+1)-process wait-free system is equivalent to a n-process t-resilient system (t<n) • a colorless task T is solvable t-resiliently iff T is solvable wait-free by t+1 processes • Non-uniform fault models ≅ wait-freedom • Set consensus power of an adversary • Colorless tasks • Colored conjectures
Model • n processes p1,…,pn • Read-write shared memory • Atomic snapshots [AADGMS90] • Crash failures (1,0,1) W(R3,1) Snapshot(R) p3 Snapshot(R) W(R2,1) p2 (1,1,1) p1 W(R1,1) Snapshot(R) (1,0,0)
Distributed tasks Functions in distributed computing A task (I,O,Δ): • I – set of input vectors • O – set of output vectors • Task specification Δ: I→2O
k-set consensus • Processes start with inputs in V (|V|>k) • Safety: • The set of outputs is a subset of inputs of size at most k • Liveness: • Every correct process eventually outputs (wait-freedom) • k=1: consensus • wait-free (k+1)-process k-set consensus is impossible • Colorless: a process is free to adopt inputs or outputs
The wait-free model: 2 processes Full-information protocol: while not done write(view) view := snapshot(memory) Q P P reads before Q writes Q reads after P writes P reads after Q writes Q reads before P writes Wait-free consensus is impossible!
The wait-free model: 3 processes R Sperner’s Lemma: wait-free (k+1)-process k-set consensus is impossible [BG93,SZ93,HS93] P Q
What about k-resilience? • Assume 1 out of a million process may fail? • Can we solve consensus? • Can we solve k-set consensus in a k-resilient system for some n>k? No! (Otherwise we could do it wait-free)
BG agreement Part I
BG agreement [Borowsky, Gafni, 1993] Safety as in consensus: • Every output is an input • No two outputs are different Liveness: • Every correct process outputs, if no participating process fails
BG-agreement: protocol Code for pi: write(Ai,inputi) S:=snapshot(A) write(Bi,S) wait until for all pj in S, Bj≠ decide on the smallest input in the smallest Bj
BG agreement: correctness Liveness: • Suppose each participant takes 3 steps: every wait terminates (If a participant “dies” between the writes – block) Safety: Consider pt that wrote the smallest snapshot S to Bt • for all Bj≠, pt is in Bj • every pi waits until pt writes • every pi decides on the smallest input in S
BG simulation • k+1 simulators q1,…,qk+1 • n simulated processes p1,..,pn (n>k) …. p1 pn …. q1 qk+1
Simulation • Every simulator qi takes a snapshot to get the “most recent” view of pj • Run 3 steps of BG-agreement to agree on the view of pj • If the view is decided, register the view • If not proceed to the next process in round-robin • Safe: the simulated views • Live? • No! What if a BG-agreement blocks?
Simulation order • Run the BG agreements in round-robin • When done with the “write-phase” of a BG-agreement for a step of pj– proceed to pj+1 mod n p1 p2 p3 p4 q1 q2 q3
Progress • A faulty simulator may block at most one process • At most k simulators can fail • At most k simulated process fail – a k-resilient run!
Application: colorless tasks Suppose T=(I,O,Δ) is solvable k-resiliently, let A be the corresponding (full-information) protocol • Each qi starts with an input in VI • The first view of each pj is its input (each qi proposes its own input) • In the resulting k-resilient run of A, some pj output • qi adopts the first output value it sees. k-resilient k-set consensus is impossible!
Works both ways • n simulators p1,…,pn can k-resiliently simulate a wait-free run on q1,..,qk+1 • what matters is the number of failures, not the number of simulators All k-resilient systems are equivalent! (with respect to colorless tasks)
On Non-Uniform Fault Models Part II
Uniform fault models • Processes failures are IID • P(pi fails)=ε • P(no faults)=(1-ε)n • P(t or less faults)=I1-ε(n-t,t+1) • t-resilience: at most t faults • wait-freedom: at most n-1 faults
But… • Processes may fail • In a correlated way • In non-identical way
Non-identical faults • Processes p,q,r • p and r fail independently • q is unlikely to fail • Possible runs: • pqr (no faults) • pq (r fails) • qr (p fails) • q (p and r fail) p r q
Correlated faults • Processes p,q,r • p and q share unreliable hardware • q and r share unreliable software • It is unlikely that both hardware and software fail • Possible runs: • pqr (no faults) • p (software fault) • r (hardware fault) r p q
Generic adversaries[Delporte et al., 2009] • A - set of process subsets • The model = all runs with in correct sets in A • A= {p,qr,rs} p r s p q r s
Hitting sets • A={p,qr,rs} Hitting set of A p q r s p q r s A can solve 2-set consensus Can it solve consensus? Yes: for all S in A, h(AS)=1
Commit-adopt [Gafni, 1998] Liveness: • Every correct process returns Safety: • Return (adopt,v) or (commi,v) where v was proposed • If one value proposed, only (commit,*) is returned • If one returns (commit,v), then only (*,v) is rerurned
Commit-adopt: wait-free protocol Code for pi: write(Ai,inputi) S:=collect(A) if |vals(S)|=1 then write(Bi,inputi) else write(Bi,fail) S:=collect(B) if there are no fails in S then return (commit,inputi) if for some j, inputj is in S return (adopt, inputj) return (commit,inputi)
Commit-adopt: correctness Liveness: immediate Safety: • If all proposals are the same – every process commits • At most one non-fail value in B • If a process commits: the value is seen by every terminated process in B
Leader-based consensus vi := inputi while true r++ (u,vi) := CommitAdoptr(vi) if u = commit then return vi vi := get the estimate from the Leaderi Safety provided by Commit-Adopt Liveness if, eventually, the same correct leader is elected
Electing a leader using Afor all S in A, h(AS)=1 shared C[1],…,C[n] \\ shared counters R[1],…,R[n] \\ the most recent rounds while true r++ R[i]:= r wait until for some S in A: for all j in S, R[j]≥r for all j not in S: C[j]++ \\ increment the counter Leaderi := argmin(C[1],…,C[n])
Set consensus number of A setcon(A)= • 0, if A is empty • maxS in Amina in S setcon(AS,a) +1, otherwise AS – all S’ in A, subsets of S AS,a – all S’ in AS, not containing a A = {pqr,pq,pr,p,q,r}, setcon(A)=2: S = pqr and a = p, we have AS,a= {q, r} and setcon(AS,a) = 1
A = {pqr, pq, pr, p, q, r} for S=pqr, a=p, AS,a={q,r} and setcon (AS,a) = 1 setcon(A)= setcon (AS,a)+1=2 A1={pqr,pq,pr,p} A2={q,r}
Partitioned adversary A=A1,…,Ak setcon(Ai)=1 there exists S in A, such that for all a in S: AS,a is in Ai+1,…,Ak setcon(AS,a)=k-i
Characterizing setcon setcon(A)=k if and only if A solves k-set consensus but not (k-1)-set consensus A with setcon(A)=k solves a colorless task T if and only if T is solvable (k-1)-resiliently n-process system with A ≅ k-process wait-free
Sufficiency Solving k-set consensus with A, setcon(A)=k • Split A into A1,..,Ak, each of setcon 1 • Run k parallel leader-based consensuses – at least one terminates • Adopt the first returned value
Necessity Suppose A can solve (k-1)-set consensus k processes solve (k-1)-set consensus as follows: • “Leveled” BG-simulation, starting from level k • At current level L, simulate steps of S such that setcon(AS)=L • If blocked simulating a step of p on level L go to simulating S’ in AS,p such that setcon(AS’)=L-1 • If a higher level “unblocks”, return to it k k-1 … 2 1
Asymmetric progress conditions[Imbs et al., DISC 2010] • Make progress if • p1 participates (wait-free for p1), or • at most one process is eventually up (obstruction-free for the rest) • A={p1*,p2,…pn} • setcon(A)=2 • A1={p1*} • A2={p2,…pn}
What if we use stronger objects? • Suppose we can use k-process consensus objects • What is the min k such that consensus is solvable? • Suppose k≤n-1 • 2 process solve wait-free consensus as follows: • BG-simulation (a slow simulator blocks up to n-1 simulated processes) • Start with simulating all in round-robin • If blocked – simulate the first unblocked process • If blocked – go back to simulating all • Eventually, either all advance, or exactly one runs solo
Summary • t-resilience ≅ wait-freedom [BG93] • Adversaries ≅ wait-freedom [GK10a] • What about complexity? • Task solvability undecidable for >2 processes [HR97,GK99] • What about colored tasks? • Extended to generic tasks [GK10b]
References • E. Borowsky and E. Gafni. Generalized FLP impossibility result for t-resilient asynchronous computations,'' STOC 1993 • E. Gafni and P. KuznetsovTurning Adversaries into Friends: Simplified, Made Constructive, and ExtendedOPODIS 2010 • E. Gafni and P. KuznetsovRelating L-Resilience and Wait-Freedom via Hitting Sets ICDCN 2011 • D. Imbs, M. Raynal, G. Taubenfeld On Asymmetric Progress Conditions DISC 2010
Colorless distributed tasks VI –set of input values VO-set of output values Val(U) denotes the set of values in vector U • In is in Δ (Out) • Val(In) is subset of Val(In’) • Val(Out’) is subset of Val(Out) Out’ is subset of Δ(In’)