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Chapter-7. ERP Implementation Lifecycle. Different Phase of ERP implementation are-. Pre-Evaluation Screening Package Evaluation Project Planning Phase Gap Analysis Reengineering Configuration Implementation Team Training Testing End-User Training Going Live
Chapter-7 ERP Implementation Lifecycle
Different Phase of ERP implementation are- • Pre-Evaluation Screening • Package Evaluation • Project Planning Phase • Gap Analysis • Reengineering • Configuration • Implementation Team Training • Testing • End-User Training • Going Live • Post Implementation Phase
Company Management Go ahead Pre-Evaluation Screening ERP Vendors Package Evaluation Project Planning Gap Analysis Reengineering Configuration Implementation Team Training Testing End-User Training Going Live Post Implementation Phase ERP implementation Lifecycle
Pre-Evaluation Screening • Pre-Evaluation Screening is the phase which starts when company decides to go for a ERP System, the search for perfect solution starts. • It is very time consuming process to select few where all claims be the best, it is just superficial study of package. • Not all packages are same each has its own weakness and strength. • While making the analysis it is good to investigate the origins of the different packages. • Some packages can be good in some areas while in other sectors they may not. • Once few packages are screened detailed evaluation process starts.
Package Evaluation • Package Evaluation process is one of the most imp phase of the ERP implementation , because the package you select will decide failure or success of project. • There is little room for error in this as ERP packages are so expensive once purchased can not switch to another. • While making the analysis the imp point is nothing is perfect , imp here is whether it is a perfect fit or goodfit. • It is impossible to get a system which will perform exactly as the company does business but aim is to get least no of differences.
Few imp points to remember while evaluating software includes. • Flexibility & Scalability. • Complexity • User Friendliness • Technology • Quick Implementation • Amt of Customization Required • Ability to support multi site planning & control. • Local support infrastructure . • Total cost i.e license , training, customization etc.
Project Planning Phase • This is the phase which plans that designs the implementation process. • In this phase details of how to go about implementation , schedules and deadlines etc are decided. • Roles and responsibilities are identified and assigned. • This is phase which will decide when to begin, how to do it and when the project is supposed to be completed and what to do in contingencies. • Their is a committee for this and which is suppose to meet periodically through out cycle to review process and chart future course of action .
Project schedule • This is the phase that designs the implementation process. • In this phase the details of how to go about the implementation are decided. • Time schedules, deadlines, etc for the projects are arrived at & the project plan is developed. • Roles are identified & responsibilities are assigned. • The resources that will be used for implementation efforts are decided & the people who are going to be in-charge of implementation are identified. • Team members are selected & task is allocated. • This phase decides when to begin the project, how to do it & when is it suppose to be completed. • Planning is done by the committee constituted by team leaders.
Decision of the phase • This phase plans ‘what to do’ in case of contingencies, how to monitor the progress of the implementation. • This phase also decides what control measures should be installed & what corrective measures or actions should be taken when things get out of control.
Team leader • The project planning is usually done by a committee constituted by the team leaders of each implementation group. • The committee will be headed by the ERP in-charge (i.e. the CIO or COO). • The committee will meet periodically to review the progress & chart the future course of action.
GAP ANALYSIS • Importance of Gap Analysis • Gap analysis is a phase in the ERP implementation, where the organization tries to find out the gaps between the company’s existing business practices & those supported by the ERP package. • This is the process through which companies create a complete model of where they are now & where they want to head in the future.
Main objective • The main objective is to design a model, which both anticipates & covers any function gap. • It has been estimated that even the best ERP package meets only 80% of the company’s functional gaps.
Different ways of finding gaps • One of the most affordable, but most difficult, solutions entails altering the business to ‘fit’ the ERP package. • Another solution is that the company can simply agree to live without a particular function. • Other solutions include: • Pinning your hopes on an upgrade or updating of software. • Identifying a third-party product that might fill the gap. • Designing a custom program. • Altering the ERP source code.
RE-ENGINEERING: • It is in this phase that the human factors are taken into account. • Two different connotations • 1st one is the controversial, involving the use of ERP to aid in downsizing efforts. • There have been occasions where high level executives have invoked the reengineering slogan & purchased an ERP package with the aim of reducing number of employees. • While every implementation is going to involve some change in job responsibilities, so it is the best to treat ERP as an investment as well as cost-cutting measure, rather than a downsizing tool. • ‘Downsizing’ is a business practice that may have its place, but it should not be cloaked within the glossier slogan of ‘reengineering’. • The 2nd use of the word re-engineering in the ERP field refers to an ERP implementation model initially designed & used.
The BPR approach to an ERP implementation implies two separate, but closely linked implementations involved on an ERP site i.e. a technical implementation & a business process implementation. • The BPR approach emphasis the human element of necessary changes within the organization, which is generally more • Time consuming & has received its share of criticism for creating bloated budgets & extended projects. • The ERP market shifts to a mid-market focus & as all implementation are becoming more cost sensitive; the BPR approach has come under some real scrutiny.
RE-ENGINEERING Human factor taken into account Downsizing effort bPR APPROACH
CONFIGURATION • IMPORTANCE OF CONFIGURATION • This is the main functional area of the ERP implementation. • Business processes have to be understood & mapped in such a way that the arrived solution matches with the overall goals of the company. • THE PROTOTYPE • A prototype- a simulation of the actual business processes of the company- will be used. • The prototype allows for thorough testing of the ‘to be’ model in a controlled environment.
As the ERP consultants configure & test the prototype they attempt to solve any logistical problems inherited in the BPR before the actual go-live implementation. • STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES • Configuring a company’s system reveals not only the strengths of a company’s business process but also- & perhaps more importantly- its weakness. • It is vital to the health of the company & to the success of the ERP implementation that those configuring the system are able to explain what won’t fit into the package & where the gaps in functionality occur.
CONFIGURATION Main functional area Solution match with goals Prototype-allows for thorough testing Attempt to solve logistical problem Configuring reveals strengths & weaknesses Important for success of ERP implementation
IMPLEMENTATION TEAM TRAINING • When the configuration is taking place the implementation team is being trained not how to use the system, but how to implement it. • This is the phase where the company trains its employees to implement & later run the system. • The ERP vendors & the hired consultants will leave after the implementation is over. • Good in-house team • For the company to be self sufficient in running the ERP system, it should have a good in-house team that can handle the various situations. • Thus, it is very vital that the company recognizes the importance of this phase & selects those employees who have the right attitude- people who are willing to change, learn new things & are not afraid of technology- & good functional knowledge.
8. TESTING: • This is the phase where you try to break the system. • Here we reach a point where we are testing real case scenarios. • The system is configured & now we must come up with extreme case scenarios- system overloads, multiple users logging on at the same time with the same query, users entering invalid data, hackers trying to access restricted areas & so on. • The test case must be designed specifically to find the weak links in the system & these bugs should be fixed before going live.
9. GOING LIVE • On the technical side, the work is almost complete- data conversions is done, databases are up & running, & on the functional side, the prototype is fully configured & tested & ready to go operational. • The system is officially proclaimed operational, even though the implementation team must have been testing it & running successfully for some time. • But once the system is ‘live’, the old system is removed & the new system is used for doing business.
10. END USER TRAINING: • Success & failure • The success or failure of an ERP system depends on how the actual users use the system. • The most successful implemented ERP packages fail due to lack of end user training. • People are divided into groups • ERP system changes the job descriptions of the people, so it is important to identify the people who are going to use the system. The current skills of the people are identified & they are divided into groups. • Every group is provided training on the new system. • Training sections • The training section gives the overall view of the system & how the individual actions will be affecting the entire system.
Every employee is also provided with the training of the job profile which he is going to perform. • The training section should address about the new technologies & how people will be successful in making the change over. • Atleast the end user training is important because the success of an ERP system depends upon it & this phase is equally difficult.
END USER TRAINING Success or failure Lack of training Change job description Groups all formed & training provided Training gives over all view of system Employee provided training Address new technologies Important & equally difficult
POST IMPLEMENTATION (MAINTENANCE MODE): • Important factors • One important factor that should be kept in mind is that the post implementation phase is very critical. • Once the implementation is over the vendors & the hired consultants will go. • Necessary enhancements & upgrades • There should be people within the company who have the technical processes to make the necessary enhancements to the system as & when required. • The system must be upgraded as & when new versions or technologies are introduced. • Training is needed • Everyone who uses these systems needs to be trained on how they work, how they relate to the business process & how a transaction ripples through the entire company whenever they press a key. • The training will never end; it is an ongoing process; new people will always be coming in & new functionality will always be entering the organization. • Maximum value for these input • Living with ERP system will be totally different from installing them. • However, an organization can only get the maximum value of these inputs if it successfully adopts & effectively uses the system.
POST IMPLEMENTATION Most important & critical factor Vendors & consultants will go Necessary enhancements & upgrades are made Training is needed for those who use the system Training is an ongoing process Maximum value for this input
IMPLEMENTATION TEAM TRAINING Team is being trained for implementation of system Run the system Vendors & consultants leave after implementation is over Good in-house team for handling various solutions Select employees who have: RIGHT ATTITUDE WILLING TO CHANGE LEARN NEW THINGS AND NOT AFRAID OF TECHNOLOGY