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Millennium Development Goals in the Republic of Moldova. Initial MDGs. Initial MDGs were defined in 2004. Goal 2. Ensure universal access for all children to gymnasiums (lower secondary education)
Initial MDGs Initial MDGs were defined in 2004. Goal 2. Ensure universal access for all children to gymnasiums (lower secondary education) Target 1. To increase net enrolment ratio in gymnasium education from 88% in 2002 to 88.9% in 2006, 93.8% in 2010 and 100% in 2015. Target 2. To increase proportion of 3-5 years old children covered by pre-school education up to 75% in 2007,and up to 100% among 6-7 years old children, as well as to reduce the gap between urban and rural vulnerable groups and middle-income groups down to 5%. Goal 3. Promote gender equality and empower women Target 1. To extend the participation of women in political and social life.
Revised MDGs 2 • 2007 –Analysis of progress in achieving targets and revision of most of them Goal 2. Ensure universal access for all children to general education (primary and lower secondary education) Target 1. To increase gross enrolment ratio in general education from 94.1% in 2002 to 95% in 2010, and 98% in 2015. Target 2. To maintain literacy rate of 15-24 year olds at the level of 99.5%. Target 3.To increase proportion of 3-6 years old children covered by pre-school education from 41.3% in 2002 to 75% in 2010 and 78% in 2015, and proportion of 6-7 years olds from 66.5% from 2002 up to 95% in 2010 and 98% in 2015, as well as to reduce the gap between urban and rural vulnerable groups and middle-income groups down to 5%.
Revision of MDG 2 and indicators • Enrolment indicators in both primary and gymnasium education demonstrate downward trends and a new target was defined: Ensure universal opportunities for all children to receive general mandatory education
Revision of MDG 2 and indicators • Due to the recent trend when children go to school before they reach 7 years it was decided to use gross enrolment ratio rather than net enrolment ratio in order to assess accessibility of education. • The dynamics in gross enrolment ratio demonstrates that the chances to achieve the 2015 target are low.
Revision of MDG 2 and indicators • Regarding literacy rate it was decided to maintain literacy rate of 15-24 year olds at the level of 99.5%. • 2004: population census data. Between censuses: Labour Force Survey. • In Moldova, almost all 15-24 year olds have completed, at least, primary education.
Revision of MDG 2 and indicators • Age group was changed from 3-5 years to 3-6 years as the latter is the coverage with pre-school education. • New indicator: Proportion of pupils of grade 1 who have been enrolled in pre-school education. • The target in pre-school education enrolment was changed to 98% just as in primary and gymnasium education.
Revision of MDG 2 and indicators Gross enrolment in pre-school education achieved the level of 2010 (77.1%), and net enrolment of 6-7 year olds almost achieved the level of 2010 (93.1%).
In Moldova, there are differences in pre-school and primary education enrolment between urban and rural areas, whereas the differences in pre-school and primary education enrolment between boys and girls are insignificant.
Data Sources for Measuring MDG 2 • Data of the Ministry of Education were used for preparing MDG 2 in 2004 • Some gaps in data recording and lack of consistency in data submission by the Ministry of Education impeded MDG 2 progress monitoring and international comparisons of Moldova • After MDG 2 was revised, the data of the National Statistics Office (NSO) are used. The NSO’s Web site contains a list of selected indicators for monitoring MDGs as well availability of data and metadata which to the extent possible are based on the international standards
Metadata for MDGs Metadata were defined in 2010 but only for the indicators which are measured by NSO Metadata structure: • indicator definition • goal and objective • method of computation • level of data disaggregation • frequency of measurements • deadlines of data submission/dissemination • data sources • international comparability • time series • consistency with other indicators • contact data • date of recent metadata update
Statistical survey of primary and general secondary educational institutions in Moldova is based on statistical report No.1-ShGL“Activities of Primary Schools, Gymnasia and Lyceums” Statistical survey of pre-school educational institutions is based on statistical report No.85 “Activities of Permanent Pre-School Institutions” Complete enumeration Frequency – annual Information on schools is provided as of beginning of school year (20 September), and on pre-school institutions it is provided as of end of calendar year Data Sources for Measuring MDG 2
Data Quality Data verification: Phase I – departments (units) of education, youth and sport: • Number of children and number of classes according to rate-making as of 1 September • Economy departments – availability of after-school centers Phase II – provincial statistics departments (units): • Number of educational institutions according to lists received from NSO taking into account newly opened and suspended ones • Availability of statistical codes Phase III – NSO – logical and arithmetical checks, consistency among sections, comparison with previous year data
Computation Issues • To compute enrolment indicators in Moldova we use de-jure population as there are no demographic data on de-facto population by age groups In 2011, the data were obtained data on de-facto population only for 7-15 age group, for which enrolment indicators were computed. Thus, for example, gross enrolment ratio in mandatory education using de-jure population is 90.3% and using de-facto population it is 98.7%. • There is no sufficient clarity in the interpretation of some indicators which complicates definition of these indicators, computations and international comparisons Thus, for example, proportion of pupils starting grade 1 who graduate general mandatory education is not computed. • There is no consistency in the names of indicators and indicators sometimes change during revisions and while reports are prepared • Drop-out rates in general mandatory education are not computed yet.
Coordination and Participation in Monitoring MDGs 2005 – First National Report “Millennium Development Goals in the Republic of Moldova” 2010 – SecondNational Report “Millennium Development Goals in the Republic of Moldova” In 2011, as assisted by the UNDP Project “Consolidating the National Statistical System”,activities were launched to assess quality of MDG indicators from the perspective of data source quality, including for MDG 2 education indicators
Future Perspectives • Need to compute de-facto population by age groups in order to receive real picture of enrolment • Net enrolment ratios for 7-15 age group need to be computed in order to measure progress in ensuring universal participation in mandatory education. And as Moldova has not achieved the international target of universal primary education it is useful to divide this indicator into two subgroups: 7-10 and 11-15 years old. • To introduce computation of drop-out rates and proportion of pupils starting grade 1 who reach last grade of general mandatory education into statistical practice, which is possible with UNESCO technical assistance
Dissemination of MDG 2 Data • Ministry of Economy annually publishes data in DevINFO: http://www.devinfo.md/devinfoapp.aspx?cl=IND
Dissemination of MDG 2 Data • Starting from 2010 the indicators for which NSO is responsible are available at the Web site, including metadata for each indicator http://www.statistica.md/public/files/Metadate/ODM/ODM1_TR2_IR2.pdfin Romanian)