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Investigative Resources: Understanding the Intelligence/Analytical Cycle and Crime Analysis

This learning module provides an overview of the intelligence/analytical cycle, crime analysis components, criminal profiling, organized/disorganized offender model, investigative psychology, behavioral evidence analysis, geoprofiling, financial analysis indicators, and the services provided by the NCAVC, NCIC, and CODIS.

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Investigative Resources: Understanding the Intelligence/Analytical Cycle and Crime Analysis

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  1. EIGHT Investigative Resources

  2. LEARNING OBJECTIVES • Outline the intelligence/analytical cycle • Understand various components of crime analysis • Assess criminal profiling and its criticisms • Discuss the organized/disorganized offender model • Explain the practice of investigative psychology • Describe behavioral evidence analysis • Discuss the practice of geoprofiling • Recognize financial difficulty indicators used in financial analysis • Identify three major components of NCAVC and the services they provide • Describe the functions of NCIC and CODIS 8-1

  3. THE INTELLIGENCE/ANALYTICAL CYCLE • The intelligence/analytical cycle is a five-step process which is continuous: • Planning and Direction. The intelligence/analytical process must be managed from identifying the focus of the intelligence effort to delivering the finished product to the police unit requesting it. • Collection and Management. Collection is the gathering and managing of raw data/information which is then analyzed to produce the finished product. 8-2(a)

  4. THE INTELLIGENCE/ANALYTICAL CYCLE (cont'd) • Processing. Processing is how raw information from all sources is converted into a form which can be used by analysts. • Analysis and Production. Analysis and production is how the conversion of the data which has been processed is translated into the finished intelligence product. • Dissemination. The last element the five-step intelligence cycle is the dissemination of the finished intelligence report back to the end-used who requested it. 8-2(b)

  5. THE INTELLIGENCE CYCLE • Consists of five steps • Is continuous (Source: Marilyn B. Peterson, Bob Morehouse, and Richard Wright, eds., Intelligence 2000: Revising the Basic Elements (New Jersey: International Association of Law Enforcement Analysts, 2000), p. 8.) 8-3

  6. TYPES OF CRIME ANAYLSIS These are common sources of blood and DNA evidence that investigators need to be aware of in conducting crime scene searches. (Source: Steven Goettlieb, Sheldon Arenberg, and Raj Singh, Crime Analysis from First Report to Final Arrest (Montclair, CA: Alpha Publishing, 1994), pp. 13-24.) 8-4

  7. CRIME BULLETINS • One method by which crime analysts can disseminate general interest information is through the publication of a series of bulletins • Some crime bulletins deal with sex offenders 8-5

  8. TIME-EVENT CHART • One of the most useful and quickly learned methods of analyzing crime is the time event chart (TEC), which displays events in chronological order. 8-6

  9. CRIMINAL PROFILING • Criminal Profiling. The process of inferring distinctive personality characteristics of individuals responsible for committing crimes has commonly been referred to as criminal profiling (See Slide 8-7) • Criticisms of Profiling. Despite its successes, profiling as a field is not without criticisms. Include in these criticisms are: • untrained or inadequately trained profilers • promising too much and delivering too little • relying on inadequate or dated databases • overstating the meaning of physical evidence 8-7

  10. THE ORGANIZED/DISORGANIZED OFFENDER • The organized/disorganized offender is an FBI model. The organized/disorganized offender dichotomy has a strong crime scene focus. • Stage 1: Collecting inputs, which are essential for accurate profiling • State 2: Using Decision Process Models, which is the process of organizing and arranging the inputs into meaning patterns • Stage 3: making the crime assessment, which is the reconstruction of the sequence of events and the behavior of both the victim and the offender 8-8(a)

  11. THE ORGANIZED/DISORGANIZED OFFENDER (cont'd) • Stage 4: Developing the criminal profile, a process which addresses the type of person who committed the crime and that individual's behavioral organization in relation to the crime, including background information, physical characteristics, habits, beliefs, values, pre-offense behavior leading to the crime and post-offense behavior • Stage 5: Continuing the on-going investigation by those assigned to it, with the profiler making adjustments in the profile if fresh information warrants it and being available to discuss the case with those assigned on an as-needed basis • Stage 6: Following the apprehension, reviewing the agreement between the outcome and the various stages of the profiling process are examined 8-8(b)

  12. PROFILE CHARACTERISTICS OF ORGANIZED AND DISORGANIZED MURDERS (Source: Robert Ressler, Ann W. Burgess, and John E. Douglas, Sexual Homicides: Patterns and Motives (New York: Free Press, 1992), pp. 121-122, 130.) 8-9

  13. INVESTIGATIVE PSYCHOLOGY • Although more than a few psychologists and psychiatrists are involved in profiling, investigative psychology is associated with the work of Englishman David Canter • Canter, an environmental psychologist, was asked by New Scotland Yard in 1985 to integrate investigative and psychological concepts • The model he developed rests on five factors • Interpersonal Coherence assumes that offenders will deal with their victims in a manner similar to the way they treat people in their day-to-day lives 8-10(a)

  14. INVESTIGATIVE PSYCHOLOGY (cont'd) • The Significance of Time and Place may provide analysts with clues about the offender's mobility and even his residence • Criminal Characteristics are used by researchers and analysts to place offenders into broad categories, from which subcategories can be selected or developed • Criminal Career is an assessment as to whether the offender may have engaged in criminal activity before and what type of activity it most likely was • Forensic Awareness draws in part from Step 4 above, criminal career. It is an assessment of the scene and evidence to determine if the offender has any special knowledge of evidence gathering procedures used by the police 8-10(b)

  15. BEHAVIORAL EVIDENCE ANALYSIS • BEA is a deductive criminal profiling method. In operation, BEA is a four-step process: • Equivocal Forensic Analysis. “Equivocal forensic analysis” refers to a review of all physical evidence which questions all assumptions and conclusions • Victimology. Victimology is the thorough study and analysis of the victim's characteristics 8-11(a)

  16. BEHAVIORAL EVIDENCE ANALYSIS (cont'd) • Crime Scene Characteristics. These characteristics may include, among many other things, method of approach, method of attack, method of controlling the victim, location, nature, type, and sequence of sexual acts, materials used, verbal statements, and precautionary acts taken by the offender. • Deduction of Offender Characteristics. The fourth step is more artful and therefore a matter of expertise rather than science. Offender characteristics fall into two categories: “hard” and “soft.” 8-11(b)

  17. GEOGRAPHIC PROFILING • Geographic information system (GIS) software provides the capability to superimpose different types of data on a map • Geoprofiling/GP is an investigative strategy that uses the locations of a series of crimes to determine the most probable area of the offenders residence • GP does not “solve” crimes; it does prioritize suspects and their likely addresses • This allows investigators to focus their resources and strategies, e.g., saturation patrol, surveillance, and neighborhood canvasses 8-12

  18. FINANCIAL DIFFICULTY INDICATORS • Business Indicators of Financial Difficulty. Examples include but are not limited to: • Decreasing Revenue • Increasing production costs, e.g., labor and material • Increased competition, better products available • Costly rental and lease agreements 8-13(a)

  19. FINANCIAL DIFFICULTY INDICATORS (cont'd) • Personal Indicators of Financial Difficulty. Examples include: • Bounced Checks • Costly rental and lease agreements • Inability to pay current bills, e.g., utilities • Lenders impose or refuse loans or credit • Payment of bills by cashier's check, certified check, or money order 8-13(b)

  20. THE NATIONAL CENTER FOR THE ANALYSIS OF VIOLENT CRIME • NCAVC, which is operated by the FBI, is organized into three components: • The Behavioral Analysis Unit provides investigative and operational support for complex and time sensitive cases typically involving threats and acts of violence • The Child Abduction and Serial Murder Investigative Resources Center (CASMIRC), mandated by the Congress in 1998 • The Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (VICAP), facilitates cooperation, coordination, and communication among law enforcement investigations, violent serial offenders 8-14

  21. THE NATIONAL CRIME INFORMATION CENTER • NCIC has been operated by the FBI since 1967 • NCIC which provides a nation-wide telecommunication link between police agencies has repeatedly demonstrated its value to federal, state, and local agencies • The newest version of the FBI’S system, NCIC 2000, came on line. 8-15

  22. NCIC 2000 DATABASES • The new NCIC 2000 has dramatically improved the prior system • As a result law enforcement will have more information available in a timely fashion (Source: Louis Freeh (director of the FBI), NCIC 2000 press release, July 15, 1999, p. 2.) 8-16

  23. CODIS • With the marrying of DNA and computer technology, a counterpart of Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) could be created • By 1998, the FBI’S Combined DAN Index System (CODIS) was fully operational, tying together local, state, and federal DNA files • States enacted laws requiring the collection of DNA samples from certain categories of offenders 8-17

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