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Fascioliasis. Learning outcomes. By the end of the lecture, you should be able to: 1- Mention Causal Agent of Fascioliasis. 2- Mention systematic position of Fasciola spp. 3- Mention geographic distribution of Fascioliasis.

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  1. Fascioliasis Dr. Gamal Allam

  2. Learning outcomes • By the end of the lecture, you should be able to: 1- Mention Causal Agent of Fascioliasis. 2- Mention systematic position of Fasciola spp. 3- Mention geographic distribution of Fascioliasis. 4- Enumerate Intermediate, Definitive and Reservoir hosts of Fasciola spp. 6- Explain life cycle of Fasciola spp. 7- Mention habitat of Fasciola spp. 8- Mention mode of infection by Fasciola spp. 9- Mention pathology and clinical features of Fascioliasis. 10- Diagnose Fascioliasis. 11- Enumerate disease control strategies Dr. Gamal Allam

  3. Suggested Reading http://www.dpd.cdc.gov/dpdx/HTML/Fascioliasis.htm Dr. Gamal Allam

  4. Causal Agents • Fascioliasis is a parasitic disease caused by Fasciola hepaticaand Fasciola gigantica, parasites of herbivores that can infect humans accidentally. Dr. Gamal Allam

  5. Systematic position • Phylum: Platyhelminthes • Class: Termatoda • Genus: Fasciola 3 species of can infect human: Fasciola hepatica Fasciola gigantica Fasciolopsisbuski(live in small intestine) Dr. Gamal Allam

  6. Geographic Distribution • Fascioliasis occurs worldwide in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. • Human infections with Fasciola are found in areas where sheep and cattle are raised.  Dr. Gamal Allam

  7. Geographic Distribution…… cont. Dr. Gamal Allam

  8. Morphology of the adult • The adult is leaf-like, about 60 x 15 mm. • It has an oral sucker and a larger ventral sucker • Male reproductive system begins with two branched testes in the middle of the body • The ovary is a branched organ Dr. Gamal Allam

  9. The ovum is: • Size: about 150 x 80 . • Shape: Operculated, oval in shape. • Colour: Yellow in colour. • Content: Contains immature embryo. Dr. Gamal Allam

  10. Life cycle • The parasite lives in the bile ducts of man and herbivorous animals which are the definitive hosts. • The ova pass with bile to the intestine to come out with faeces. • In water, the ovum needs two weeks to mature and amiracidiumcome out. It swims in water until it finds the snail intermediate hostLymnaea cailliaudi. • Inside the snail it metamorphoses into sporocystthen rediae and finally cercariae in about 6 weeks. Dr. Gamal Allam

  11. The cercariae swim in water and within 2 hours they settle on grass and water plants and even in water where they encyst formingencysted metacercariae )the infective stage). The encysted metacercaria can keep alive for about 6 months. • The definitive host is infected by ingestion of vegetables or water containing the metacercariae. • The cyst dissolves in the intestine and the metacercaria finds its way to the liver through the peritoneal cavity and reaches the bile ducts in about 6-8 week. Dr. Gamal Allam

  12. Life cycle Dr. Gamal Allam

  13. Life Cycle

  14. Important points • Definitive host: man • Reservoir host: herbivorous animals • Intermediate host: snail Lymnaea cailliaudi • Infective stage: encysted metacercaria • Diagnostic stage: eggs in stool • Mode of infection: ingestion of encysted metacercaria in water or plants Dr. Gamal Allam

  15. Clinical Features • During the acute phase (caused by the migration of the immature fluke through the hepatic parenchyma), manifestations include: • abdominal pain, • hepatomegaly, • fever, • vomiting, • diarrhea, • eosinophilia, and can last for months. • In the chronic phase (caused by the adult fluke within the bile ducts), the symptoms are: • biliary obstruction, • inflammation, • liver Rot.  Dr. Gamal Allam

  16. Liver Rot Dr. Gamal Allam

  17. Halzoun syndrome (Pharyngeal fascioliasis): It is a disease characterized by pharyngitis and laryngeal oedema. It is limited to the Middle and Far East. The disease occurs due to adult Fasciola adhering to the posterior pharyngeal wall. The condition is caused by consumption of raw, infected sheep liver Dr. Gamal Allam

  18. Mode of infection • Humans can become infected by ingesting metacercariae-containing freshwater plants or metacercariae-contaminated water. • Pharyngeal fascioliasis occur by eating raw infected liver. Dr. Gamal Allam

  19. Laboratory Diagnosis • Microscopic identification of eggs is useful in the chronic (adult) stage. • Eggs can be recovered in the stools or in material obtained by duodenal or biliary drainage.  Dr. Gamal Allam

  20. Laboratory Diagnosis….cont. Dr. Gamal Allam

  21. Disease Control • Treatment of infected animals. • Snail control. • Avoid eating raw vegetables before washing them. • Avoid drinking infected water. • Avoid eating raw liver to prevent halzoun syndrome

  22. 1- One of the following parasites belongs to Trematodes: Fasciola hepatica 2- Operculated egg is present in: Fasciola hepatica 3- Encysted metacercaria is the infective stage of: Fasciola hepatica Dr. Gamal Allam

  23. 4- Halzon occur in: Fasciola hepatica 5- Lymnaea snail is the intermediate host of: Fasciola hepatica Dr. Gamal Allam

  24. Thank You Dr. Gamal Allam

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