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Does Clustering helps the economy ?

European Economic Congress Katowice, May 16, 2011. Does Clustering helps the economy ?. Dr Ir Michel Morant CEO Tech Tranfer Office University of Liege, Belgium Member of the board of LIEU, belgium Chair-Elect Proton Europe. Clustering is not new.

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Does Clustering helps the economy ?

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  1. European Economic Congress Katowice, May 16, 2011 Does Clustering helps the economy ? Dr Ir Michel Morant CEO Tech Tranfer Office University of Liege, Belgium Member of the board of LIEU, belgium Chair-Elect Proton Europe

  2. Clustering is not new • In the 19th century, the development of large companies was based on integrated industry • Transport of goods and people was the main problem • Steel industry : concentration around cool, iron mines, but including all needed tasks (trains, engineering, but also clothes, shoes for the workers) • Textile : around high quality water availibility : textile machines, tissue makers, elctric motors, … • In the 80’s, Italy launched technology districts : • f.i. Ceramica in Bologna : ceramic makers, engineering, machines for ceramic industry, design, marketing, R&D, exportation … all SMES’s in one dynamics • In the 90’s, automotive industry worked more and more according the « Just in time » concept : that means a lot of suppliers, managing the storage themselves, .. This is again a manufacturing based clustering European Economic Congress, Katowice, May 2011

  3. What is new in clustering ? • Globalisation : • Transport is not a challenge any more (or not yet) • Information is available everywhere, everywhen • Competition is global : products, goods, workforces, knowledge, education • 360° scopes for all activities of a company : • Markets, customers : domestic, international • Suppliers, partners : domestic, international • Human resources : mobility of people • R & D, Innovation : all disciplines can be involved • To much information kills information • How can this be managed by SME’s ? Even by industry ? Sharing experience and information in a focused field is today the main purpose for clustering European Economic Congress, Katowice, May 2011

  4. Focused field ? • Experience : • Industry know how for developing products, for producing, for exportation • people recruitment, continous education, … • Suppliers, service suppliers, soft innovation • Accouncy, tax engineering • International marketing • General purpose information : IP, entrepreneurship • Information : • Science and technology information • Market information • New methods • Cross–sectorial >< Sectorial • Cross-sectorial : focus on science park • Sectorial : focused on a market area European Economic Congress, Katowice, May 2011

  5. Science Parks :Cross sectorial based clustering • A community of high tech companies in position to exchange experience and information : • Permanent updating of technologies • Permanent exchange between academic science and industry needs • Good access for hiring young high educated people • Continuous education for high tech based companies (IP, marketing, ..) • Entrepreneurial community • Science park can be extended, by using new communication technologies • Specialized services to help SME’s : IP management, consultants for EU projects, for R&D projects • A national and international network of communities • SPOW in Wallonia, France Incubation, .. • IASP on international level • Europe Entreprises Network (EEN) , European Business Network (EBN) European Economic Congress, Katowice, May 2011

  6. Technology based ClustersA bottom-up dynamics • A community of companies sharing a common interest in the market : • Shared marketing : common presence in the fairs, • Echange of know how and experience to reinforce products • Sharing information of tenders, or market cahnges • Quoting together to some calls • Common actions to the customer opinion (leaders) • Shared continuous high tech master classes, or seminars • Exemples : • TWIST : digital cinema cluster • Eco-Construction : new techniques for economic and ecologic houses • Photonic : the use of light (laser industry, satellites, telescopes, …) • In total 14 in Wallonia European Economic Congress, Katowice, May 2011

  7. More than a Clusters …The Pole of Competitivenes • A top-down /bottom-up initiative • Sharing a common agenda between • Large companies • SME’s • Universities and research centers • The governement • Sharing common agenda for • Determining priorities for R&D • Lauching call for R&D projects (one call a year, FP7 like system) • Determining priorities for improving the skills of workforces • 6 Poles in Wallonia : • BioWin, SkyWin, Mecatech, Logistics, Wagralim, GreeWin European Economic Congress, Katowice, May 2011

  8. The Triple Helix system (H. Etzkowitz) Government IP policy Funding R&D Clustering policy Industry/SME’s Product development Research Knowledge transfer Continuous education University KTO European Economic Congress, Katowice, May 2011

  9. Research project MINT • MINT : Maintenance Intelligente (Steel Industry) • Purpose : Develop predictive maintenance in heavy proces (flat steel industry) • Pole of competitiveness Mecatech : call « smart systems » • Lead Industries : CMI (Equipment), ArcelorMittal • SME’s : ASB (sensors), Indium (sensors), Synthesis Metal (process) • Spin-offs : V2i (vibrations), Pepite (data mining) • Private research center: CRM • University Labs : ULg (Microsys, Cedia, VIS, Hololab, ASMA), ULB (sensors), UMons (sensors) • 15 partners • Total budget total : 8,7 M€, 50% funded by the governement.

  10. Conclusions • Clustering aims at • reducing the gap between ideas and product • Helping to rise the relevant information for a given context • Clusters can be based • on geographical considerations, and be cross sectorial • On a technology sector • Clusters can be more than a cluster, fostering common agendas • Cluster should have appropriate support from the government European Economic Congress, Katowice, May 2011

  11. Thank you for your attention • Some more information can be found on : • www.interface.ulg.ac.be • www.reseaulieu.be • www.spow.be • www.iasp.ws • clusters.wallonie.be • www.polesdecompetitivite.eu European Economic Congress, Katowice, May 2011

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