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WP3. Adaptive Composite Modeling. FP6- STREP project contract N°013517 NMP3-CT-2005-013517 Lisboa, 22 July 2007 E. CARRERA - POLITO WPLeader. SUMMARY. 1 - WP3 Overview 2 - Task 3.1: Modelling composites with piezoelectric sensors/actuators ( POLITO, IST,LPMM).
WP3. Adaptive Composite Modeling FP6- STREP project contract N°013517NMP3-CT-2005-013517 Lisboa, 22 July 2007 E. CARRERA - POLITO WPLeader
SUMMARY 1 - WP3 Overview 2 - Task 3.1: Modelling composites with piezoelectric sensors/actuators ( POLITO, IST,LPMM)
WP3 Overview Participants: POLITO (3) LPMM (4) IST (8), ISMEP (2) ULB (9) WP Leader: POLITO Start: 1 (4), End: 21 (25) Interaction: WP1,WP4,WP5
WP3 Overview Objectives: - Analytical and numerical (finite element) modelling of sandwich and laminated composites with piezoelectric layers - Analytical and numerical modelling of thermal and pyroelectric effects in piezoelectric composites - Numerical modelling of piezoceramic shunted damping. - Application and validation of the above advanced models and associated FE for various problems, such as vibration suppression of simple beams and plates due to mechanical or/and thermal loads by means of piezoelectric sensors and actuators
WP3 Overview Description of work: Task 3.1: Modelling composites with piezoelectric sensors/actuators ( POLITO, IST, LPMM) ACTIVE !! Task 3.2: Modelling thermo-piezoelectric composites with piezoelectric sensors/actuators (POLITO, ISMEP)NOT Active Task 3.3: Piezoceramic shunted damping concepts (ISMEP, ULB)NOT Active Task 3.4: Models and concepts validation (ALL)NOT Active
Task 3.1: Declared Topics (POLITO, IST, LPMM) Comprehensive coupled piezoelectric models for beam, plate and shell geometries will be developed. The model has hierarchic capabilities in the sense that accuracy can be increased by augmenting computational efforts. The following main cases will be available classical model based on known theories for laminates, such as CLT (Classical Laminated Theories) and FSDT (First order Shear Deformation Theory). The advanced theories able to describe zig-zag fields for the displacement and to fulfil interlaminar continuity of transverse shear and normal stresses; layer-wise models that have independent variables in each layer will be used for this task. Classical methods with only displacement variables and advanced methods based on Mixed Variational Theorems will be discussed
Task 3.1: POLITO SUMMARY OF THE MADE ACTIVITIES 1. Description of the made research work 2. Collaboration with other WP3 Teams 3. Cooperation with OOFELIE (computatioanal software by SAMTECH) 4 - Interaction with EADS questions
Task 3.1: POLITO: Research Work Models have been developed in the framework of the two following variational tools. PVD: Principle of Virtual Displacements RMVT: Reissner Mixed Variational Theorem The developments have been made according to the Unified Formulation by Carrera.
Task 3.1: POLITO: Research Work Displacement model Equivalent Single Layer Model Taylor Polinomial and Murakami Zig-Zag Function Layer-Wise Model Legendre Expansion
Task 3.1: POLITO: Research Work Electrical Potential Restrcted to Layer-Wise Model with Legendre Expansion
Task 3.1: POLITO: Research Work Transverse Normal Stresses for RMVT Restricted to Layer-Wise Model with Legendre Expansion
Task 3.1: POLITO –Research Work Details can be read in the papers: The two presented in SMART05 at Lisboa A paper that will be presented at AIDAA conference (Volterra, Sept 2005) A paper that will be presented at AIMETA conference (Florence, Sept 2005)
Task 3.1: POLITO Contribution SUMMARY OF THE CONDUCTED ACTIVITIES 1. Descrition of the made research work 2. Collaboration with other WP3 Teams 3. Cooperation with OOFELIE (computatioanal software by SAMTECH)
Task 3.1: POLITO Contribution Collaboration with other WP3 Teams 1. A master student (Salma Ghorbel) from SUPMECA has spent 6 weeks (June-July) in Torino working on Unidied Formulation and Mixed Methods for thermo-piezo-mechanical problems. 2. Other cooperations are welcome.
Task 3.1: POLITO - OOFELIE • The new platform oofelie, which means Object Oriented Finite Element Led by Interactive Executor is the resulting software of research conjointly led since 1991 at LTAS (Laboratoire de Techniques Aéronautiques et Spatiales, Belgium) and at INTEC (Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnologico para la Industria Quimica, Argentina). • It is now developed and maintained by Open Engineering (a subsidiary of the Samtech group).
Oofelie • The main ideas are: • To build a new architecture to answer strong coupling needs to challenge problems of the future • To reduce costs in building a unified multidisciplinary toolkit • To reduce the gap between algorithm design and its industrial implementation • To take benefits of object oriented methodology
MAIN FEATURES of OOFELIE • it is written in C++ • it has an interpreter : it allows e.g. to develop "à la Matlab" (command files) • it is modular : as a consequence of C++, it has several reusable components (e.g. math utils, etc) • it is portable: runs on different architecture • it has a quite evolved memory management system • it can be interfaced with the commercial graphical interface of the Samtech group: Samcef Field • It is a good basis for code developing and it is very extensible • It is distributed under a community licence and the source code is downloadable via CVS
Modules of OOFELIE OOFELIE solve coupled problems in different fields with several modules: OOFELIE::VibroAcousticsOOFELIE::PiezoElectric OOFELIE::OptoThermoMechanics OOFELIE::NLThermoMechanics, Phase Change & WeldingOOFELIE::NLElectroStaticOOFELIE::ElectroMagnetoDynamicsOOFELIE::MEMS-NLOOFELIE::FSI (Fluid Structure Interaction)
WORK DONE AT OPEN ENGINEERING WITH OOFELIE The unified formulation has been introduced inside oofelie adding a new class of element for plates with 4 nodes based on the Principle of virtual displacement (EDx – LDx). Since shape functions as well as assembling procedures and system solving routines are already implemented inside OOFELIE, the basic interface to communicate the new element with the classes that manage the element is restricted to the evaluation of the stiffeness matrix. Tests of the implemented element have been performed for mechanical and thermal loaded plates
Example Multilayer cantilever plate under mechanical load The results given by Oofelie are match perfectly the ones given by the C0zFem code A 2 layers 0/90 Orthotropic material
WORK TO DO Future works will focus on : • The implementation of the element based on the Reissner’s mixed variational theorem (LMx – EMx) • The development of the graphical interface of the C0z elements with SAMCEF Field • Extension to coupled problems: Piezomechanical and thermopiezo
Task 3.1: POLITO Contribution: EADS Questioning The following experiments could be of POLITO interest The considered multilayered (any configuration with piezo-electric layers and pathces) structures can be beams or flat or curved panels with any geometrical boundary conditions (simply-supported is the favorite one). 1. Vibration testing Closed cicuit - Open Circuit. Calculation of the first 1-5 frequencies.
Task 3.1: POLITO Contribution: EADS Questioning 2. Static Electromechanical testing Actuators/Sensors 2.1 Case of applied potential 2.2 Case of applied pressure 2.3 Case of applied charge Measurements of displacements, some stresses, Electrical variables (potentential, charge, displacements)
Task 3.1: POLITO Contribution: EADS Questioning 3. Thermo-Electromechanical testing Actuators/Sensors 2.1 Case of applied potential 2.2 Case od applied pressure 2.3 Case of applied charge 2.4 Case of Uniform heating (temperature is the same in the top and bootm surfaces) 2.5 Case of non-uniform heating (temperature is different in the top and bottom surfaces).
Task 3.1: POLITO Contribution: EADS Questioning 3. Control, closed loop experiments 3.1 piezo-mechanical 3.2 thermo-electro-mechanical
Task 3.1: POLITO Contribution: EADS Questioning 3. Control, closed loop experiments 3.1 piezo-mechanical 3.2 thermo-electro-mechanical