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www.ant-iss.pl. We are software & industrial automation company that provides innovative solutions integrating hardware, processes & production with IT systems. 10 years on the market, more than 200 applications, own software , 20 engineers and programmers .
www.ant-iss.pl We are software & industrial automation company that provides innovative solutions integrating hardware, processes & production with IT systems. 10 years on the market, more than 200 applications, own software, 20 engineers and programmers. Working for the best companies gives us a lot of satisfaction. ANT - Kraków Poland + 48 12 296 50 antiss@ant-iss.pl
Speciality of ANT A large number of our clients are companies manufacturing a high volume of goods. We implement dedicated systems, dependent on production technologies and structure, which are designed to automatically monitor the operation of both machines and personnel. • Increased efficiency is achieved by: • Presentation of real-time performance against the standards applicable to the specific machine line and product • Instant reporting on irregularities such as: a reduction in the number of cycles, increased waste, anticipated delays in series manufacture • Automatic recording of any event affecting the series manufacture: stoppages and breakdowns as well as response and refit times • Elimination of hand written documentation and subsequent manual input and analysis in software such as Excel
References More than 200 applications in various branches of industry. We can say,that we havequite big experience
Our software, solutions, achievements Web based, production management system that integrates people, machines, lines, products, tools and energy consumption. AFP brought a mean grow of OEE about 20%: Better assets utilization Downtime reduction Energy optimization. Production execution, Visualization & Reporting. Software platform for industrial applications development. Gathers all real-time data sources and lets to create processing, web visualization and reporting applications. Having ANT Studio we can offer dedicated systems that break all limitations. More than 250 licenses sold Innovative GPRS telemetry solutions basing on own ANT-GPRS-3i modems integrated with ANT Studio. Thousands devices and meters are read everyday. Our systems balanceheat distribution in the biggest cities or control radio broadcast devices as well ANT cloud solutions makes telemetry easier than ever.
Enterpriselevelintegration Insightto the machines, lines and plants around the world Unified system architecture from the machine up to headquarter level, high performanceand integrationoptions .Web based accessfor authorisedusers. – this the reasons that makes the AFP grows in enterprises
Machinelevelintegration Web-based system with disufed agent structure Real-time, on-linereporting and KPI visualization, avaiable for allauthorisedusers via web browser. Heavy-duty, industrial designterminals delivered in the best on market price! Ready to insert, 230V powered, digital input signals acquisition module
ANT Factory Portal – deviceintegrationrange Real-time, automated data acquisition from devices. Auto identify. Data transmission Sensors, meters, signals
Automation first. Data are collected automatically Stop losses of time for paperwork! Real-time data from devices Terminal & bar codes as a quickworkerinterface Processexecution and monitoring PROCESS
Successstories Bulbsproduction lines. Betterlineutilizationand lossesreduction
Successstories Toothpastetubesmaking and filling lines. Downtime and lossesreduction, maintenancescheduling
Successstories Lancia Longheroneweldingline. ANDON and visualization shorter production time.
Successstories Spring waterfilling lines. Bottles volume increase to equivalent of next production line.
Successstories Weldingrobots – automotiveindustry Automatic reporting system eliminatesallpaperwork.
Successstories Weldingrobots – automotiveindustry Automatic reporting system eliminatesallpaperwork.
Keyreasons to select ANT solutions • One supplier - single source – • for software, hardware and integration service. • Our system exploreallareas of plant: • production, maintenance, logistic, quality and energymanagement. • 200 applications in various branches of industry. • Experience and knowledge. • We builddedicated system fitted to customerneeds. • Web access for unlimitednumber of authorisedusers. • Integration with: ERP, Excel, and other 3th party aplications.
Contactus ANT sp. z o.o.ul.Wadowicka 8a30-415 Kraków, Poland Ifyou want to ask about the technical feasibility or system valuation?tel: +48 12 296 50 40fax. +48 12 296 50 41e-mail: antiss@ant-iss.plSupport for customers:tel: +48 12 296 08 55e-mail: antiss@ant-iss.pl www.ant-iss.pl