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Guitar III and IV 6th night Spring 2004

A comprehensive review for Guitar III and IV students focusing on various songs, chords, melodies, and techniques for a collaborative learning experience. Includes detailed instructions on practicing popular songs and developing group harmony.

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Guitar III and IV 6th night Spring 2004

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  1. Guitar III and IV 6th night Spring 2004

  2. Do That’ll Be The Day from book as a review • For Guitar IV work on the introduction and maybe the solo. • Note that this is a shuffle feel. Triplets with middle one as a rest.

  3. Blackbird – at this point should be 3/4th of the way through the song. Moving Lines With Pedal Point

  4. On the 2nd measure the thumb will strike the 3rd string (picking hand). Otherwise the pattern is index striking the 3rd string. But for that type of rhythmic pattern you will have the thumb strike the 3rd string.

  5. Knock, Knock, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door Simple Melody and Chords

  6. Start with learning the Chords • Do in 1st position then once that is mastered move to Barre chords. • Once the chords are learned do the melody. • You will need to figure it out. Hint is that the Chord Rules and the melody is mainly in the chords. • As a group have each person play the chords and then the melody. Help each other out. The sum of the parts is greater than the whole.

  7. Notes in the G chord are G, B and D D is D, F# and A Am7 are A, C, E and G C is C, E and G. The melody follows the notes in the chord for the most part.

  8. Whole Song • This means as a group there should be each part. • Everyone should learn the words to the song. • At least one of you should sing the song. • For 3 parts, one could play a bass type line, another the barre chords and the last one fills on top or arpeggios. • You might even want to write a hook to the song. • A hook is a melodic idea.

  9. Put it all together • This will take some time working as a group. • Best if you can work in class and maybe even some out of class. • Most important thing is that you start to sound like one voice not 3 or 4 separate voices.

  10. Walk Don’t Run Study in A Aeolian – Old Time Rock Instrumental

  11. Start With The Chords • The progression is as follows: 4/4 ||: Am G | F E7 : || Best to do as E form of Barre Chords (6th string root).

  12. Start with learning these chords. Main chords in the song and the part of the introduction. A bass line is in the music.

  13. A 2nd guitarist would play this. These are only the root and the 5th of each of the chords. Really just a simple power chord. This is played 2 times during the intro. If you have an electric guitar turn the reverb up on this (all the guitars used reverb on this). In any case palm mute the notes. Do that by placing your picking hand palm lightly on the bridge so that just a small part of your hand touches the strings right at the bridge nut.

  14. Counting 1 & 2 (& 3) & 4 ( & 1) & 2 ( & 3 ) & Fingering 2 0 2 3 0 2 3 0 2 1 0 This whole line is an A Aeolian mode. It also contains the C major scale (C to C). Watch the timing and to learn the notes say them as you play them.

  15. Counting 1 & 2 (& 3) & 4 ( & 1) & 2 3 4 Fingering 2 0 2 3 0 2 3 0 2 0 3

  16. Now the whole fist line.

  17. Count 1 & 2 (& 3 4) (1) & 2 & 3 4 1 2 3 (& 4) (& 1) & 2 & 3 & 4 & This whole first part is in 1st position so the fingering is 1st fret = 1st finger, 2nd fret = 2nd finger, 3rd fret = 3rd finger and 4th fret = 4th finger. Be sure to get this whole part down before moving onto the next section!!

  18. Count • & 2 & 3 & 4 & ( 1 & 2) (& 3) (4 1) (&2) & 3 & 4 & (1) (&2) & (3 4) • This part is using chords. First the C chord (1st position) then the Am Chord 1st position Count (1 2 3 4 ) 1 & 2 (& 3 ) & 4 (&) 1 & 2 (& 3) & 4 ( 1 2 ) (3 4 ) Again this starts with the A minor chord in 1st position then for the 2nd measure it is an F chord broken up appreciated. For the 3rd measure it is an E chord appreciated. Then it ends on an A minor chord (3rds).

  19. Put all the parts together. • If playing in a group • 1st person does bass line. • 2nd person does chords. • 3rd person does the melody. • Notice the sound of minor throughout this song. This is very similar to many other songs in rock, folk and ethnic styles.

  20. Fingerpicking style of “Landslide” • Very similar to outside – inside style. • Has a definite swing to it. • The fingers move into the 2nd and 3rd strings.

  21. What you play Count What you play 1 Thumb plays the 5th string & Index finger plays the 3rd string • Thumb plays the 4th string & Middle finger plays the 2nd string • Thumb plays the 5th string & Index finger plays the 3rd string 4 Thumb plays the 4th string & Middle finger plays the 2nd string

  22. First Chords to Landslide 4/4 ||: C | G/B | Am7 | G/B : || G/B means a G chord with a B note In the bass (lowest note). G/B Am7 1 2 2 4 0 0 X X X 0 0 0 Landslide Fleetwood Mac Picking

  23. Fingerpicking This is a good song to try the fingerpicking to. Dylan

  24. (E) (A) (E) (E) (B7) (E) (A) (A) (E)

  25. For The Next Class • The E form of the CAGED chords and scale. • The Power chords – Sunshine of Your Love and others. • Start memorizing the names of the notes on guitar • Work on correct right hand position. • Outside - Inside Fingerpicking

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