Designing a Digital Recording Studio Using Moodle and Webspiration “How the transition to the knowledge Media can enhance student learning”by Alex Wallace, Kamo High School Whangarei New-ZealandPrimary URL: http://kamohighschool.wikispaces.com/WebDisplayISTE 2010 Ning Discussion: http://www.iste2010.org/forum/topics/designing-a-digital-recordingExhibitor Links: The following exhibitors have been designated by the presenter as offering products or services related to this session's content: Inspiration Software, Inc. Presenters E-mail: alex_wallace@xtra.co.nz
Kamo High School Whangarei New-Zealand • Kamo High School1 Wilkinson AvenueP O Box 4137Kamo, Whangarei 0141New Zealand • Phone:+64 9 435 1688 • http://www.kamohigh.school.nz • 95 teachers and 1500 students • Year Levels 9-13 • Decile 5
Music TechnologyCourse Background: • The Music Technology course created at Kamo High School in 2001 was designed to develop skills and knowledge in the use of common equipment for amplification, recording and sound modification for music performance. Web based Technologies were integrated into the classroom in 2007 as a way of gathering “evidence of learning” for the practical tasks of setting up a small Public Address system and Recording systems for several NZQA Performing Arts Technology Unit Standards. • The “Design a Digital Recording Studio” online course was developed in 2009 as part of my GradDipICTEd studies at the University of Canterbury. The online course engaged students in a more meaningful learning experience and produced quality work as evidence of learning for their practical assessments. • A key component of the course design was the integration of the Web 2.0 Tool Webspiration. Students used this software to design their Public Address and Recording Systems online. The following example demonstrates the students understanding and knowledge of the recording devices and how they connect. The design also provides the written theory for the practical assessment. • The Students: • The target group consists of Year 12 secondary students who were enrolled in a year long Music Technology course. The group participated in an online course earlier in the year so many are already familiar with the procedures and environment. While most proved to be “Internet Savvy” and proficient when working in a digital environment, some did not so this was taken into consideration for the course design.
Scope and sequence of teaching activities and timeline: Initial Design process THE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN
This course overview was created in Webspiration to provide clear deadlines. This seemed to have a positive effect on students self management skills as the course progressed. (Elbaum, et al, 2002, p.25)
A hang out area (water cooler equivalent) was added to give students a place to chat about non course related content and build their online relationships. Both this area and the Live Chat activity worked well and helped to promote participation.(Collison,Elbaum,Haavind, Tinker 2000, p.19)
You tube videos were embedded into the site structure. Most students watched and commented on the valuable information they contained
Students enjoyed the graphic layout for assignment 3 and as a result produced quality work for their assignments
The web 2.0 tool Webspiration was the software application used by students to create and design their digital studios.
Student identifies cable types and signal flow This is an example of a modified template for assignment 3
Evaluation of student learning: Student’s assignments for the “Design a recording studio” online course demonstrate a sound understanding of the course product and content. Linking prior learning knowledge, an authentic learning experience (Jonassen1934. p35) and Blooms Taxonomy to provide the structure for formative assessment and learning, students were able to build and collaborate on creative ideas through online and F2F environments. The following example from the week 3 assignment “design a digital and analogue studio” shows evidence of higher order thinking and enquiry learning by the student:
Evaluation of student learning continued: Evidence of learning is clearly demonstrated in this example from a week 7 assignment which was supported by a graphic template. (Roblyer, 2006, p.42) The main objective was for students to enquire about how the audio conversion process works in a digital multi track recording studio. Students discussed and reflected on the type of USB A/D converters covered in week 2 of the course which helped them to understand how the process works using a different type of digital optical interface.
Students assignments were uploaded and managed through the mywebspiration site
Course User names database, passwords and email addresses Relevant literature and discussion forums suggested that using a spread sheet could help with course management. This proved to be effective strategy. Students Evaluations online Mywebspiration usernames and passwords Course forum participation and assignment monitoring
Some final changes were made to the course site after the holiday break to encourage student participation for the last 2 weeks. Weekly email reminders and updates A video Component was added Direct link to the course evaluations
Conclusion: At the end of the course students applied the knowledge they gained to complete an authentic task. The high quality of the work provided clear evidence that the students gained an in depth understanding of the course content and achieved the intentions of the online course. The pass rate and quality of work was much higher than those who used traditional methods. The course provided the platform for learning in both the online and face to face environments producing excellent results. Comments from students who participated in the online course were very positive and most felt they had an advantage over the other students who weren’t participating online. Here is some student feedback about the online course: • “We had an advantage over other students, we had access to valuable information.” • “When you asked questions it was good because you got answers from others too” • “I watched all the videos they taught me how to use an A/D converter” • “It was good fun I enjoyed chatting in the techie forum but we didn’t talk about tech stuff much” • “mywebspiration was easy to use and understand ” • “I used the live chat to talk to other people and help me with my work” The online course encouraged students to collaborate and promoted the use of higher order thinking skills. As a result, students gained a more in-depth understanding of the topic and produced a higher standard of work. Using these technologies motivated the students and enabled them to access, manage and edit their work from home. Alex Wallace Kamo High School
Thanks to the following participants and Institutions for their contributions towards the “Design a Digital Recording Studio” online learning trial: • The Kamo High School Music Technology students • The Kamo High School Senior Management Team and Board of Trustees • Nicki Dabner Senior Lecturer, School of Literacy's and Arts in Education College of Education University of Canterbury, Nicki Davis, Julie Mackey and the University of Canterbury New-Zealand. • References and related Literature: • Collison, G., Elbaum, B., Haavind, S., & Tinker, R. (2000). Facilitating online learning: Effective strategies for moderators. Chapter2. Negotiating space: forms of dialogue and goals as moderators. Madison: Atwood Publishing. 17-32 • Elbaum, B., McIntyre, C., Smith, A., Essential Elements: Prepare, Design, and Teach Your Online Course. Atwood Publishing Madison, W1 53704 (2002) • Inglis, A., Ling, P., & Joosten, V. (2000). Delivering digitally: managing the transition to the knowledge media. Chapter 12. A best practice framework for the delivery of online learning and new learning technology programmes. London: Kogan. 163-171 • Jonassen, D. Howland, J., Moore, J., Marra, R. M. (2003) Chapter 1: What is meaningful Learning?Learning to Solve Problems with Technology. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc. • Ministry of Education, (2006). Enabling the 21st Century Learner: An e-learning action plan for schools 2006-2010 • Wellington: Learning Media. • Roblyer, M. D. (2006) Chapter 2: Foundations of Effective Technology Integration Models: Theory and Practice, Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching (4th ed.), Upper Saddle River,NJ: Prentice Hall