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This staff brief provides updates on Team DBTH's performance, finance, patient safety strategy, upcoming CQC visit, introduction of the bedside folder, and recent events. It also announces the launch of Hospital@ and DrDoctor. The brief concludes with farewell wishes to retiring staff members.
Our strategic objectives www.dbth.nhs.uk
Questions from last time? ? ? ? ? www.dbth.nhs.uk
Thank you • Despite issues last week with power and heat, Team DBTH continued to work hard, ensuring patients received the best care. • We understand that conditions were challenging and we would like to thank every single one of you for your dedication during this time. www.dbth.nhs.uk
Performance update (1/2) 91.4% 6/7 Four Hour Access Target National standard is 95% Cancer targets All achieved except one 86.6% 96.6 Referral To Treatment Trust target is 89% Rolling 12 month HSMR Trust target of 100 www.dbth.nhs.uk
Performance update (2/2) 76% Appraisal Rate 4 C.Diff and MRSA cases Trust below trajectory Statuary & Essential Training (SET) 84.73% 101% Nursing workforce Planned versus actual 4.39% Sickness Absence www.dbth.nhs.uk
Finance update £5.178m Deficit • Our third month deficit position is £2.783m. • A strong performance, this was ahead of plan. • Our year-to-date position, with additional funding, is a £5.178m deficit. • By 31 March, we are expecting to break-even if all financial targets are met in agreement with NHSI. • Colleagues can help in this journey by sharing their cost-saving ideas – details on how to do this are in the Buzz and on The Hive. £13.2m CIP for 19/20 www.dbth.nhs.uk
Star awards shortlist • The shortlist for the Star Awards 2019 is now available on the Hive. • This year we had more than 300 nominations. • The ceremony will be held Thursday 19 September at the Doncaster Dome. • If you plan on attending, get your tickets now as they’re selling fast! www.dbth.nhs.uk
Patient Safety Strategy • The NHS’ new Patient Safety Strategy was published this month. • The strategy looks to enable the health service’s ambition to continuously improve safety by building a related culture and system. • As a Trust we welcome this strategy and are pleased to note that we have already made good progress towards the ambitions of the document. www.dbth.nhs.uk
The CQC is coming • We’re expecting a visit from the CQC in September. • To help you prepare we have created a short booklet that will be delivered to wards/services soon. • We are also hosting a series of Friday Lunchtime Lectures in August (the first being this Friday). • Please attend one of these sessions and encourage colleagues to do the same. • Its important that we see the inspection as a time to share what a fantastic job Team DBTH do each and every day. www.dbth.nhs.uk
Bedside folder • This month we introduced the ‘Sharing How We Care For You’ folder. • This 36 page booklet outlines to patients what to expect when receiving care at the Trust. • This recent innovation is the result of inpatient surveys, and has been developed by a number of colleagues. • A digital version of the folder is available on the Hive. www.dbth.nhs.uk
We Care into the Future • Earlier this month, in partnership, the Trust hosted the We Care into the Future event at the Doncaster Dome. • Over 250 professions within health and social care were showcased to local 12 to 13 year olds with over 800 in attendance. • The event was very well received and a fantastic advert for Team DBTH. www.dbth.nhs.uk
In July we launched Hospital@ at DRI, which replaces all non-urgent evening and weekend bleeps. • With over 90% training compliance, the go-live has been extremely successful. • This week we will also launched DrDoctor, our new text message reminder service for patient appointments. • Missed appointments costs the Trust millions, and we hope this new system will help us to reduce ‘did not attends’. • The service goes live 2 August in select departments. FORECAST www.dbth.nhs.uk
Uniform group • As a Trust we appreciate how hot and uncomfortable it has been recently. • As such, we will convene a new Uniform Group to coordinate and decide on any changes to clothing during extremes of weather and other considerations. • In the meantime, please continue to follow Met Office guidance and drink plenty of fluids. www.dbth.nhs.uk
Award-winning • Our Clinical Therapies Team won the AHP Research Impact Award 2019. • The Adult Speech and Language Therapies Team won the AHP Quality Improvement Award System 2019. • E-Procurement Manager, Sonia Simpson was been named ‘Professional of the Year’ by NHS Skills Development Network, the Procurement Team were also named as ‘Team of the Year’ by the NHS Skills Development Network. • The South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Nursing Bank Management schemewas awarded the ‘Workforce Contribution in Health & Social Care Systems’ www.dbth.nhs.uk
Hello and goodbye • Moira Hardy, Director of Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals, retired 31 July 2019. • Simon Marsh, Chief Information Officer, retires 2 August, Ken Anderson will become interim. • Emma Challans, Deputy Chief Operating Officer, will depart the Trust 1 September for a 12-month secondment. • Suzanne Bolam, Head of Therapies, will retire in November 2019. • Dr Amjid Mohammed will step down as Head of Service for DRI’s Emergency Department in mid-August to focus on Smart-ER. • Paula Hill has been appointed Freedom to Speak Up Guardian. www.dbth.nhs.uk
Workforce plan • We will soon publish our Workforce Plan for 2019 to 2022. • The focus of this plan is to: • Retain staff • Develop existing talent into new and existing roles • Attract new workers • Enhance care and support careers • Introduce a robust approach to workforce planning. • The plan will be shared with all-staff shortly. www.dbth.nhs.uk
Hosted networks • Recruitment is now underway for the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw ‘Hosted Network Teams’ • This follows the publication of the Hospital Services Review which each trust in the area agreed to be the ‘host’ to a network for one particular speciality covered within the review. • As a Trust, we will host Gastroenterology meaning we will coordinate the running of the network. • This doesn’t mean directly providing services at other trusts, nor taking clinical or financial control of other providers. www.dbth.nhs.uk
Stay in touch Keep up-to-date with the Trust by following our social media accounts and checking our website (link in the bottom right corner). Instagram @DBTH_NHS Facebook @DBHNHS Twitter @DBH_NHSFT FB Staff group DBTH Staff www.dbth.nhs.uk