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Discover the magnificent experience of fishing with our Crystal River fishing charter. Our charter service comes in various packages and we offer highly affordable service too. Explore our services on our site. Visit now!
BOOKNOW352-634-4002 HOMEPROGUIDES3 SPECIALTYCHARTERS3 BOATS3 GALLERY3 REPORTSTESTIMONIALSNATURECOASTINFO3 CONTACT ReelFloridaFishingCharters BOOKNOW CrystalRiverandHomosassaFishingTripswith “WorldFamous” ReelFloridaFishingCharters Join Capt. Kyle Messier and the professional guides of Reel Florida FishingChartersastheytakeyouonajourneyofalifetimethrough the mangrove mazes of Crystal River and Homosassa in search of someofthe“Worlds”mostsoughtafterinshoregamesh. ReelFloridaFishingChartersisthepremiershingguideserviceof theNatureCoastofFlorida. Specializing in light tackle andyshing adventures, Reel Florida FishingChartersisaU.S.CoastGuardlicensedandinsuredcharter shingcompanybasedinCrystalRiver,Florida. Priiiiivacy-----Terms
BOOKNOW352-634-4002 HOMEPROGUIDES3 SPECIALTYCHARTERS3 BOATS3 GALLERY3 REPORTSTESTIMONIALSNATURECOASTINFO3 CONTACT TypesofSpecialtyCharters Scalloping Adventures The Nature Coast’s Scallop Seasonhasbeenafanfavorite for decades. This under water Easter egg hunt is a family friendly activity that provides childrenandadultswithhours of exciting fun. For a true Nature Coast experience checkout our VIP scallop trip that includes a day of scalloping and a manatee swim. FishingCharters The Crystal River and Homosassaareasofthe “NatureCoast”areatrue sherman’sparadise. With overtwenty di erentspecies ofsh inhabiting our local watersannually,it’snowonder why anglers travel from all over the “World” to try their luck at a shing experience of alifetime.Allanglersno mattertheirexperienceorskill level are welcome and encouragedtoshareadayout on the water with Reel Florida FishingCharters. ManateeTours Crystal River is home to the “WORLDS” largest population oftheendangeredWestIndian Manatee. It’s also the only destinationinthe United States that permits swimming withthesegentlegiants. Considerexploringthepristine waters of Florida’s Nature CoastwithaManateesnorkel tour. WhyChooseReelFloridaFishing WeFishasaTeam WeAreFullTime AllTripsAreCustomizable Priiiivacy----Terms
BOOKNOW352-634-4002 Capt.KyleMessierandthecrewof Hiringafull-time shingguidecan TheNatureCoastofFloridaprovides ReelFloridaFishingCharterswork makethedierencebetweenanok visitorswithanumberofdierent togetherasateamtoensurethatall dayoutonthewateroraTruly outdooroptionsthroughouttheyear HOMEPROGUIDES3 SPECIALTYCHARTERS3 BOATS3 GALLERY3 REPORTSTESTIMONIALSNATURECOASTINFO3 CONTACT ofourboatsandanglerscatch sh. INCREDIBLE shingday.Asafull-time andbeingabletocreatespecically Having multiple full time guides on thewaterdailyhelpstoensurethatall ofourboatsndshandstayonsh. shingguidethatputsinmorethan 250 days a year Capt. Kyle prides himself on providing arst class serviceforallofhisvisitinganglers. customizabletripsforallofourguests is one of the bene ts of booking with Reel Florida Fishing Charters. Want to sh the morning tide before hoping in the water for some scalloping? Sure! Would you like to see a manatee duringyourdayout? Done!Wewillourbestto accommodate! AllInclusiveFishingTrips WorldClassDestination WeAreKidFriendly We provide everything needed for a successful day out on the water. All baits, tackle,shing licenses, rods, reels,andcoolerswithiceandwaters areprovided.Attheendofthetripwe lletandbagyourfreshcatchaswell. AnglersocktotheNatureCoastfrom all over the World in pursuit of some of the best ats shing found anywhere on the planet. Targeting Trophy Tarpon, Snook, and Red sh is ourgame!Andthebeautifulbackdrop of the mangrove-laden shorelines is theperfectsettingforastoriedshing adventure. All of our guided trips are kid friendly andweencourageallfamiliestobring their children along. Capt. Kyle o ers speci cally tailored shing charters thatcatertochildren’sshortattention spans. As a past certi ed teacher himself Capt. Kyle understands the importance of keeping our future anglers engaged and entertained throughouttheday. RecentFishingReports BigOl”BlackDrum Have you ever been to one of those large family gatherings whereoneofthegrandparentsor great parents is talking about a family member only to throw the words “Bless His Heart” into the story?Usuallythosewordsare FishOnandNew BoatAlert! How many of you enjoy a nice warm cup of co ee to get you going before you start the day? Howawesomewoulditbetoput a Tarpon in the air or land a couple of Snook all before most folkspourtheirrstcupof TarponandScallopingAction Welcome to Tarpon Country ladies and gentlemen!!! It’s that timeofyearagainwhereanglers from all over the world descend ontotheatsofCrystalRiverand Homosassa looking to accomplishonegoal/lifelong Priiiivacy----Terms
theprecursorforastoryof coee?Thetrendasoflatehere quest:CATCHABIGASSTARPONtheprecursorforastoryof coee?Thetrendasoflatehere quest:CATCHABIGASSTARPON BOOKNOW 352-634-4002 struggles or... alongtheNature... ONFLY! Yearafteryear... readmorereadmorereadmore PROGUIDES3SPECIALTYCHARTERS3BOATS3GALLERY3 NATURECOASTINFO3 HOME REPORTS TESTIMONIALS CONTACT Testimonials MywifeandIhavebeenshingwithKyleoutof CrystalRiverandHomosassaforseveralyears.Besides alwaysputtingusonthesh,hisoutgoingpersonality 4pleasure.Wewouldhighlyrecommendhimtoanybody andpatiencemakeshingwithCapt.Kyleareal 5 interestedinshingtheNatureCoast. –JimandMarshaPhelps,Dunnellon,FL JimM July26,2020. ChrisH July24,2020. EdrickF May7,2020. Trophy Tarpon on a Fly Rod! Captain Kyle Messier guided a friendandmyselfona3day tarponadventureinJune2020.I Great day with Capt. Jeremiah Tookmynephewscallopingwith Capt. Jeremiah. What a perfect day.TheCapt. madesurethe May yshing with KyleMessier Imetwith Kyleforthreedays of yshingfor Tarpon,RedFish, andSnookintheCrystalRiver Tripadvisorratingscore:5.0of5,based on26 reviews. Map Satellite Pete'sPierMarina 1SW 1stPlCrystalRiver FL34429USA ViewonGoogleMaps Priiiivacy----Terms
BOOKNOW352-634-4002 HOMEPROGUIDES3 SPECIALTYCHARTERS3 BOATS3 GALLERY3 REPORTSTESTIMONIALSN ATURECOASTINFO NTACT 3CO KeyboardshortcutsMapdata©2022GoogleTermsofUseReportamaperror Sponsors&Organizations ContactUs LikeUsOnFacebook FollowUsonInstagram SubscribetoourNewsletter 352-634-4002 Crystal River, FL kylemessier@yahoo.com Subscribe Contact ViewonInstagram Copyright© ReelFloridaFishingCharters2019-2021 Priiiivacy----Terms