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Morphology and Histology of the Large Intestine and Rectum

Detailed insights into the anatomy of the rectum, anal canal, and sphincters, covering parts not extensively discussed in textbooks. Includes key anatomical features and arterial territories. Literature references provided for further exploration.

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Morphology and Histology of the Large Intestine and Rectum

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  1. Kálmán M:Morphology and histology of thelargeintestine and rectum Tothelecturesfor EM 1-8 and 9-17 onMarch 21 and 22, 2019. Mainlythepartsnotemphasizedinthetextbook.

  2. The main points: The rectum is not ’rectus’ i.e. straight, butS-shaped, theopeningdirectedposteriorlyratherthandownward! The lowercurvaturecontactstheprostateorthevaginalfornix. The analcanal has 3 parts intestinal (columnar: columnae and sinuses) – intestinalepithalium belowit: thepectinate line – epi-ectodermalborder hemorrhoidal (venousplexus) stratifiedsquamousepithelium. belowit: white line, and a shellowgroove (note: attheborder of the 2 subdivisions of ext. sphinter, seelater) cutaneouskeratinizedstratifiedsquamousepithelium The analcanal is belowthefloor of thepelvis (notyetlectured) The externalvoluntarysphincteronsists of 3 parts: deep, supeficial and subcutaneous. Thalastone is most important. The longitud. smooth has tendon-likeelongations, whichformconnectivetissueslings (conjointfibromuscularlayer) aroundthefascicles of thesubcutaneousext. sphincter) The territories of arteriescorrespondtothedevelopmentalorigins: superiorrectal (most part) – hindgutderivative middlerectal (small, approx. thesinuses) - cloacalderivative inferiorrectal - proctodeumderivative, ectodermal, belowthepectinateline.

  3. The Riolanarcades The term ‚small’ or ‚first’ Riolanarch (theanastomosisbetweenthesup. and inf. Pancreaticoduodenalarteries is inuseactuallyonlyinourinstitute; itisnotappliedinthetextbooks. The mame ‚arch of Riolan’ is most probablyincorrectlyappliedonthemarginalartery; it is theanastomosis – orarch – of Drummond. WhicharterywasdescribedbyRiolanit is alreadynotclear; most probablyitwastheso-calledmeanderingmesentericartery, whichalsointerconnectsthemiddle and leftcolicarteriesbutin a more proximaland sinuous line. Forliterature, seethenextpage. Note: these and similarnames of authors (eponymes) arenotto be learnedbystudents; weusethemonlyas a homagetotheelders.

  4. Papershelpingclarifythr ‚Riolan’ question. Onlyforenthusianisticvolunteers! Note: thefirstonewaswrittenby dr. Ágnes Nemeskéri and herco-workersfromourinstitute. Szuák, András; Halász, Vanda; Gáti, Endre; Harsányi, László; Nemeskéri, Ágnes (2016) FirstReportonArterialAnastomosisBetweenTransversePancreatic and LeftColicArteries. CaseStudies Journal Vol 5, Issue 2, Page 1 Lange, J.F., Komen, N., Akkerman, G., Nout, E., Horstmanshoff, H., Schlesinger, F., Bonjer, J., Kleinrensink, G.J., 2007. Riolan’sarch: confusing, misnomer, and obsolete. A literaturesurvey of theconnection(s) betweenthesuperior and inferiormesentericarteries. The American Journal of Surgery. 193, 742-748. Walter, T.G., 2009. MesentericVasculature and CollateralPathways. Semin. Intervent. Radiol. 26(3), 167-174. FisherDf, Fry WJ. CollateralMesentericCirculation " Surgery, Gyencology and Obstetrics. 1987, 164(5):487-492 Gourley EJ,  Gering SA. "The MeanderingMesentericArtery: A HistoricReview and SurgicalImplications." Disease of the Colon & Rectum. Vol 48:5 (2005) pp 996-1000 (thefigure is takenfromthispaper). Douard R, Chevallier JM, Delmas V, Cugnenc PHClinical interest of digestivearterialtrunkanastomoses. SurgRadiolAnat. 2006 Jun;28(3):219-27.

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