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Innovative Manufacturing Solutions Supporting Industrial Progress

Explore the latest trends in manufacturing research supported by the National Science Foundation for enhanced productivity, efficiency, and sustainability in various industries.

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Innovative Manufacturing Solutions Supporting Industrial Progress

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  1. Manufacturing Research Supported by the National Science FoundationGeorge A. HazelriggProgram Director, Manufacturing Machines and EquipmentDivision of Design, Manufacture, and Industrial InnovationNational Science Foundationghazelri@nsf.gov(703) 292-7068

  2. The National Science Foundation • An independent agency of the Federal Government • Supports research in academe and small businesses • Across broad areas of science and engineering • Exclusions in human health, weapons, space • Does not perform any research in-house • Annual budget ~$5.5 billion

  3. Throughout NSF • The vision is enabling the nation’s future through discovery, learning, and innovation... • And the strategic goals are related to: • People: diverse, internationally competitive and globally engaged S&E workforce • Ideas: discovery across the frontiers of S&E, connected to learning, innovation and service to society • Tools: accessible, state-of-the-art, and shared research and education tools • Organizational Excellence: an agile, innovative organization . . through leadership in state-of-the-art business practices

  4. Staff Offices Office of theInspector General National Science Board Director Directorate forComputer andInformation Science and Engineering Directorate for Biological Sciences Directorate for Education and Human Resources Directorate forAdministration Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences Directorate for Engineering Directorate for Geosciences NSF organization

  5. Assistant Director John A. Brighton Acting Deputy Assistant Director Michael Reischman Senior Advisors Mike Roco Priscilla Nelson $536.6M Civil & Mechanical Systems CMS Chemical & Transport Systems CTS Bioengineering & Environmental Systems BES Richard Buckius ($66.2M) Bruce Hamilton ($47.9M) Galip Ulsoy ($64.4M) Design, Manufacture & Industrial Innovation DMII Electrical & Communications Systems ECS Engineering Education & Centers EEC Warren DeVries ($163.1M) (SBIR $101.2M) Usha Varshney ($70.8M) Gary Gabriel ($124.3M) ENG organization

  6. Materials Processing and Manufacturing (MPM) Manufacturing Machines and Equipment (MME) Engineering Research Centers Engineering Design (ED) Manufacturing Enterprise Systems (MES) Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Design, Manufacture & Industrial Innovation DMII Engineering Education & Centers EEC Operations Research (OR) Nanomanufacturing (NM) Manufacturing research inDMII and EEC

  7. Manufacturing Machines and Equipment (MME) Nanomanufacturing (NM) Manufacturing Enterprise Systems (MES) Scheduling Planning Maintenance/repair Evaluation/optimization Quality monitoring/control Manufacturing system design Tool design Coatings and lubrication Tool wear Simulation and modeling Health monitoring Net shape machining Chatter Manufacturing machine design Machine/tool interaction Control Hard turning Tool path generation Sensors Metrology Fabrication, analysis, synthesis Instrumentation, characterization Theory DMII academic research topics

  8. Operations Research (OR) Engineering Design (ED) Materials Processing and Manufacturing (MPM) Design alternative generation Design alternative evaluation Design optimization Design information systems Collaboration in design Design theory Net shape processing Joining/welding Forming Casting Molding Sensing and control Reduction of waste Environmentally benign processes Optimization Stochastic optmization DMII academic research topics

  9. Center for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems, University of Michigan Center for Precision Metrology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Center for Lasers and Plasmas for Advanced Manufacturing, Old Dominion University Engineering Research Centers Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers EEC research topics

  10. PREMISE—Product Realization and Environmental Manufacturing Innovative Systems Innovation for environmentally benign manufacturing Biolubricants for machining Crosscutting research

  11. Information-Based Technologies Electronics Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Systems Biotechnology Tribological and Wear Resistant Coatings· Surface coatings and modifications · Material improvements in tribology/wear Machining and Material Removal Processes· Milling, grinding, drilling, etc.· Cutting tools· Process improvements Manufacturing Process Control· Improved controllers and interfaces· Improved control processes Machine Design· Improved design of machines and equipment Additive Manufacturing ·Rapid Prototyping/Solid Freeform Fabrication Manufacturing Systems· Hardware and process-related research SBIR research topics

  12. Mission: to develop a science and engineering base for laser and plasma processing of materials, devices and systems. Research activities: Femtosecond laser applications Laser processing of materials Laser micro-machining and welding Thin film coatings Plasma technology Carbon nanotubes/nanocomposits etc. Center for Lasers and Plasmasfor Advanced Manufacturing—an NSF I/UCRC

  13. Research activities: Research on metrology technology Assessment and application of international research, development and standards Mission: to further the field of precision metrology as applied to manufacturing problems Center for Precision Metrology—an NSF I/UCRC

  14. Center goals: System level— Algorithms for RMS part family design System configuration Life-cycle economic modeling Controls— Machine reconfiguration design theory Novel machines Tools for discrete logic control systems Open architecture controllers Inspection and ramp-up— Stream-of-variation theory Monitoring and diagnostics Real-time part measurement Responsive maintenance Testbed/machining systems Center research focus areas: Manufacturing system level design—reduction in lead-time through mathematical tools Manufacturing machine level design—a new generation of reconfigurable machines Ramp-up and operations—methodology for reduction in time to reconfigure RMS testbed—realistic testing environment for RMS hardware and software Manufacturing education NSF ERC for ReconfigurableManufacturing Systems

  15. Study goals: examine research progress in Europe in the area of hybrid additive (solid freeform fabrication) and subtractive (machining) processes and find the emerging opportunities for commercialization of these processes. Activities: a team of experts visited 15 sites in 5 European countries (UK, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Netherlands) Findings: Highly organized effort to make SFF successful Substantial funding for research Close ties between industry and academe Innovative R&D going on in Europe European R&D infrastructure superior to US Freiburg/Envisiontec tissue scaffolds are the most advanced in the world Environmental impact of SFF is a concern CAD is a significant limitation Most Europeans would welcome collaborations WTEC study on additive/subtractive processing

  16. Research Objectives: Provide the predictive capability industry needs to improve machined workpiece quality by controlling machining-induced stresses while reducing distortion • Significant Results: Further validation of machining-induced stresses and the framework to apply these to general part geometries. • Approach: Utilize modeling technology to validate the prediction of machining-induced stresses and subsequent part distortion. Validation will be performed on automotive and aerospace components in conjunction with industry support. • Graphic: • Broader Impact: Benefits from distortion modeling will allow automotive and aerospace manufacturers to improve part quality and lower assembly times, resulting in significantly greater economic competitiveness Example of high flatness-toleranced mating surfaces. Courtesy of General Motors. NSF Grant Number: DMI-0237958PI: Troy D. Marusich Institution: Third Wave Systems, Inc.Title: Residual Stress Part Distortion Prediction in Machined Workpiece Surfaces

  17. Research Objectives: • Significant Results: State transition model used to describe variation propagation in a multistage machining processes A root cause identification method developed based on linear mixed model Development of a methodology for modeling, analysis, and control of variation propagation in complicated manufacturing processes. • Approach • Graphic: State transition modeling to describe variation propagation Forward analysis to identify important process stages and provide guidelines for design improvement Backward analysis to identify the root causes of quality variations D D D D Workpiece from Workpiece from C C C C Previous Station Previous Station Fixture Fixture Datum Datum Error Error Error Error D D D D Drilling Operation Drilling Operation C C C C D D D D C C Finished Workpiece Finished Workpiece C C • Broader Impact: Illustration of Variation Propagation Illustration of Variation Propagation Process control and quality improvement for manufacturing processes NSF Grant Number: DMI-0322147PI: Shiyu Zhou Institution: University of Wisconsin MadisonTitle: Modeling, Analysis and Control of Variation Propagation inManufacturing Processes

  18. Research Objectives: Explore the feasibility to design, fabricate and test a nano mechanical machining (mechanism) system on a chip (tool, tool holder and their actuation • Significant Results: Successful demonstration of world’s smallest nanomechanical machining mechanism Involvement of two middle school students to create a medium for education • Approach Design a MEMS-based machining platform. Fabricate a silicon-based nanomachining system-on-a-chip Develop a process to define nanomechanical tool Develop scheme for the SOAC installation and demonstrate feasibility of machining, analogous to macro-machining • Graphic: Nanomechanical machine tool system • Broader Impact: Mechanical machining tools for top-down nano manufacturing for difficult-to-machine materials Pushing application of traditional mechanical machining approach in nano paradigm NSF Grant Number: DMI-0236465PI: Ajay P. Malshe Institution: University of ArkansasTitle: Feasibility of a Novel Nano Mechanical Machining System-on-a-Chipfor Nanomanufacturing

  19. Research Objectives: • Significant Results: Determine the governing physics of tool wear with respect to corner radius, model the physics, and optimize tool corner radius Initial simulations indicate that initial temperature of the workpiece along the cutting edge that is responsible for the eventual increase in peak tool temperature • Graphic: • Approach Conduct finite element simulations to determine which aspects of the mechanics induce a temperature-minimizing corner radius. Implant thermocouples in a tube wall to be cut on the inner surface via boring. Conduct an experimental study to asses the workpiece temperature profile along the edge. Simulation results • Broader Impact: Tooling companies and end users are involved and will be provided the cutting tool selection model for their use Thermocouple setup NSF Grant Number: DMI-0100210PI: William Endres Institution: Michigan Technological InstituteTitle: Seeking to Explain the Wear-Minimizing Corner Radius

  20. Research Objectives: • Significant Results: Investigate micro/meso-scale machine tool systems and study the fundamentals of the mechanics of machining at the micro/meso-scale Enhanced understanding of chip formation including the minimum chip thickness phenomenon and factors contributing to surface generation in micro-endmilling • Approach • Graphic: Examples of micro/meso-scale machining capabilities of machine tool testbeds developed in this project: Use molecular dynamics analysis, slip-line theory, and microstructure-level finite element modeling for both single-phase and multi-phase materials. Model development for performance prediction includes models for cutting forces and machined surface generation. Micro-scale machine tool testbeds were developed. Linear and Circular Interpolation: Circle Diameters: 0.8 – 2.4 mm Varing depth of 150 in each quadrant 3-D Contouring: MMR = 2 mm3/min; f = 180 mm/min; Ra = 0.3 mm • Broader Impact: Technological improvements for miniaturization including optics, communications, bio-medical, and defense-related devices. Helical Interpolation: Circle Diameters: 2.0 mmSine wave 80 mm peak-to-valley m NSF Grant Number: DMI-0114717PI: DeVor, Kapoor, Ehmann, Ni Institution: UIUC, Northwestern, U Mich.Title: Micro/Meso-Scale Machine Tool Systems

  21. Research Objectives: • Significant Results: Topology optimization led to stl fabrication file Lattice fabrication requirements and hybrid fabrication benchmarking system developed Hybrid fabrication achieving 0.25 mm feature size The objective of this research is to create a process for the design and fabrication of structural components with optimized composite microstructures • Approach • Graphic: The emerging complementary tools of topology optimizationandhybridfabrication based on solid freeform fabrication are employed in an effort to realize the potential of optimized design of components and their composite microstructures Fractal Tree produced via hybrid fabrication process Boundary conditions Optimal density distribution • Broader Impact: This research could lead to practical procedures for the design and fabrication of lightweight, high performance structure and machine parts Optimal microstructure NSF Grant Number: DMI-0140717PI: D. Stahl, V. Gervasi Institution: Milwaukee School of EngineeringTitle: Design and Fabrication of Components with Optimized Lattice Microstructure

  22. Research Objectives: • Significant Results: Compared to traditional expensive and time-consuming molding processes, these machining methods promise a practical alternative for rapid production of precision elastomeric parts at significantly lower cost. New techniques for improving the machinability of elastomers using induction heated tools, cryogenically-cooled workpieces and more stable fixturing devices • Approach • Graphic: Conduct end-milling and orthogonal cutting tests and use finite difference and finite element techniques to address the large strain and highly deforming elasto-viscoplastic response of elastomers. Both heat transfer modeling and experiments involving induction heated tools and elastomer machining have been conducted. • Broader Impact: Improved manufacture of elastomeric products such as shock isolators, sound and vibration absorbers, rubber seals, tires, electrical and thermal insulators, footwear, tubing, and biomedical engineered polymers. NSF Grant Number: DMI-0099829PI: J. Strenkowski Institution: North Carolina State UniversityTitle: Machining Elastomers and Elastomer-Steel Composites

  23. Research Objectives: • Significant Results: Embed heat pipes in cutting tools to eliminating the use of fluids, reduce impact of cutting fluid on the environment Reduce thermal damage to tools Significant effect on temperature at tool-chip interface, tool wear reduction, and tool life prolongation in machining Machining experiments with heat pipe cooling agree with simulation results • Approach • Graphic: • Optimize the design of the embedded heat pipes • Design and build the heat pipes to achieve the most desirable temperature distribution • Conduct machining experiments to verify the analytical models (a) Carbide insert without heat pipe cooling, (b) Carbide insert with heat pipe cooling at the cutting condition: Doc: 1 mm, Feed: 0.1mm/rev, Cutting speed: 32.57 m/min, and Cutting Time: 5 min. (Photo-micrographs,  50) (a) • Broader Impact: Reduced too temperature leads to longer tool life Elimination of the use of cutting fluids. 0.5 mm (b) 0.5 mm NSF Grant Number: DMI-0342088PI: Richard Y. Chiou Institution: Drexel UniversityTitle: Investigation of Embedded Heat Pipes in Cutting Tools for Dry Machining

  24. Research Objectives: • Significant Results: The three-year study will develop fundamental models for the design and operation of drilling process for burr minimization in precision products. Drilling burr formation mechanism will be better understood Drill tools and process will be designed to enhance drilling efficiency • Approach • Graphic: Finite element modeling, single layer Evaluate, model, and design of drill bit and feed motion for burr minimization/prevention Finite element modeling of multi-layered drilling and inter-layer gap formation Database on burr/chip formation Uniform burr Crown burr Steady-state Initiation Development • Broader Impact: Initial fracture Improved drilling for complex operations Standardized hardware, reduced inventory, reduced cycle times Final burr Simulation of drilling burr formation NSF Grant Number: DMI- 0300549PI: David A. Dornfeld Institution: University of California at BerkeleyTitle: GOALI: Development of Comprehensive Drilling Simulation Tool

  25. Research Objectives: • Significant Results: • To establish compelling new content in the workshop (E-Colloquium and textbook) • To continue active initiatives for engaging dialogues • To raise the level of scholarship in the community • To broaden our audience to industry, academic, and non-engineering sections • A level of understanding of the impact and importance of decision making in design. • Polling questions provide a candid way to assess community consensus. • An established community with more formal publication avenues being initiated. • An understanding of decision theory principles and the importance of recognizing the corporate environment, customer input, and validation in design. • Approach E-Colloquium Series and Textbook Polling Questions Quarterly Newsletters Town Hall Face-to-Face Meetings • Graphic: • Broader Impact: • Impacts any decision making field or sector • Industry involvement is increasing and the application of the research is becoming more pronounced. NSF Grant Numbers: DMI-0139702 , DMI-0140411, and DMI-0139817 (ED)PIs: Linda Schmidt, Kemper Lewis, and Wei Chen Institutions: University of Maryland, University at Buffalo, Northwestern UniversityTitle: E-Volving the Open Workshop on Decision-Based Design

  26. Other, Transportation and 1+% Manufacturing, Utilities, 10% 22% Wholesale trade, 11% Software, 6% Services, 14% Finance, Real Estate, and Insurance, 22% Retail, 14% Source: National Association of Manufacturers, U.S. Department of Commerce Contribution to US GDP Growth(1992-2000)

  27. 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% Data Source: US Dept of Labor, NAM GDP calculations using 1982 constant-weighted price index 0% 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Mfg Share of US Employment Mfg Share of US GDP US Manufacturing Contributionsto GDP and Employment

  28. Past Growing economic sector Generation of high-paying jobs Major role in national defense Pride in American products Future Stagnating growth in traditional areas Loss of jobs due to outsourcing and productivity increases Questionable role in national defense Loss of association of products by nation of manufacture Manufacturing—past/future

  29. To think that the value of goods is equal to what people pay for them E.g., agriculture: cost has decreased, but we still value eating. A big mistake

  30. We have a strong agricultural industry today not because of economics, but because of a strong pro-agriculture Federal policy Agriculture • 1850-2000 • Huge loss in jobs (75% to 1.5% of labor force) • Huge decreases in food prices • Huge domestic food industry emerges • Value of food production is higher than ever • Food production is a national security issue

  31. The case for manufacturing • Products remain highly valued as their price drops • People will continue to consume manufactured goods • A strong domestic manufacturing base leads to associated industries, some in the service sector • A strong domestic manufacturing base is crucial to national security

  32. It will not benefit us to support a second-rate industry Maintaining a strongdomestic manufacturing base • Will take a positive Federal policy toward manufacturing • Will require a strong S&E talent base • Will demand the development and implementation of new technologies • Will require that we move into new product areas and new industries

  33. The need for manufacturing research • Maintains national competitiveness • Keeps domestic products in the marketplace • Strengthens domestic industries • Increases the value of our workforce • Improves the environment • Strengthens national security

  34. The role for NSF • The creation of entirely new ideas that result in • New products • New industries • New economic sectors • Enhance competitiveness • Strengthen engineering education to support the nation’s manufacturing enterprise

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