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Sustainability Revision

Sustainability Revision. Objectives: To develop revision and exam writing techniques. Outcomes: You will have... covered key content interpreted resources tackled past paper questions.

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Sustainability Revision

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  1. Sustainability Revision Objectives: • To develop revision and exam writing techniques. Outcomes: You will have... • covered key content • interpreted resources • tackled past paper questions

  2. Step 1: Put a word or term related to the Sustainability topic on your post-it note. Make sure your partner doesn’t see it. Step 4: Sit back and watch the frustration build!!! Icestone Step 2: Stick your post-it to your partner’s forehead. Make sure they don’t see it. Step 3: With your partner, take it in turns to ask questions. Use the answers to help you identify the hidden word / term. The first person to correctly identify their term is the winner.

  3. Sustainability Write down an unsustainable action on your whiteboard, then pass to your right. Repeat until you are unable to add any more. Write a definition of the term sustainable development on your whiteboard.

  4. Geographer Interview Imagine you are about to interview the Goggle’s CEO about their sustainability plan. Write two questions you would like to ask the CEO about the action they have taken. While you are writing your questions in the back of your book, your teacher will nominate someone in the group to play Google CEO. The nominated person can choose who starts once everyone has finished writing their questions.

  5. Past Paper Question Suggest TWO actions a large organisation could taken to become more sustainable(E) Outline the actions a large organisation could take to help achieve sustainability (C) Using examples, describe how large organisations can be made more sustainable (B) For a named large organisation, Explain the actions taken to make it more sustainable (A) Swap your book with a partner. Try to identify an additional statement that could have been used to strengthen the response further.

  6. Q. Describe the changing rate of deforestation between 2000 and 2011. (3 marks) Mark Scheme: 1 mark for identifying the general trend , i.e. increased then decreased. 1 mark for including an accurate graph reading. Final marks available for extending statements, such as identifying the fastest period of decline or the slight increase in 2009.

  7. Q. Using examples, outline the negative effects of resource extraction from tropical rainforests (4 marks) Knowledge Relay 1. Write the first sentence of an answer for the above question on a piece of paper. 2. Then pass your unfinished answer to the person on your right. 3. Read the incomplete response you have received before adding the next statement. Repeat this process until you have a complete top mark answer. If you spot a mistake in the answer you have received... Cross out the incorrect information and add a replacement statement.

  8. Q. Using examples, explain how resource extraction from tropical rainforests can be sustainably managed. Step by Step... With a partner, ‘build’ a perfect response to this challenging question. Step 1 : Getting focused... List three sustainable the actions which could be used to manage a rainforest. Pair Work Step 2: Generic to Specific... Try to add locations and company / charity names to your list of strategies. Step 3 : Adding the detail... Try to EXPLAIN how each of your strategies protects the forest.

  9. Starting with planetchallenges, play a game of word snakes with a partner. Each word added must relate to the sustainability topic. At least one letter of any new word must overlap with a word already placed on the geoabble board.

  10. You must know the actions which have been taken to try and achieve a more sustainable transport network. On your white board. a) Name the sustainable transport strategy, b) Identify where it has been used, &c) Say why its a step towards sustainability.

  11. Sustainable transport Think about arguments FOR and AGAINST the following statement… “Investment in bus networks is the best way to achieve a sustainable transport system”. Starting with person number 1 and going in number order, each person should give an FOR argument. Go round the group again, but this time give an AGAINST argument. Person number 4 conduct a group vote and agree the key points in the argument. On your own write an argument FOR or AGAINST the statement above; try to include as many of your groups ideas as possible.

  12. Sustainability Write two questions related to todays lesson; make one harder than the other. With the harder question include a hint that you might use if your partner is struggling. Person A ask your shoulder partner your questions. Try and guide your partner to the correct answer if they are struggling. Swap roles – person B now asks their questions. Repeat this with your face partner.

  13. Congratulations you been promoted.You are now the...EXAMINER D.I.Y Exam Papers

  14. Your task is to... • Design a mini exam paper and mark scheme. • You must use the correct: • Structure • Command words • Question style • Scoring System

  15. Exam Paper: Things to consider.... • Your paper must have: • 2 two point questions • 1 three point question • 1 six point question • Command words you can use: • 2 point questions: State / name / give • 3 point questions: Outline / Suggest • 6 point question: Describe / Explain • Your exam paper should include at least one questions which requires case study knowledge: • If you want the candidate to show a detailed knowledge of one location, your question should start with “For a ‘country’ you have studied....” • If you want the candidate to have the opportunity to include several locations, your question should start with “Using examples...” Remember: ONLY QUESTIONS CLEARLY REFERRED TO ON THE SPECIFICATION CAN BE INCLUDED. Unless the answer you want is a single word or number, you should give 2 lines per point.

  16. Mark Scheme: Things to consider.... It must be clear from the mark scheme how points are to be awarded and you need to include examples / expected responses. • Format for: State, Name, Give and Outline • 1 point for each correct response. • Answers likely to include: • Example 1 • Example 2 • Example 3 • For a 1 point question you must include at least two examples, for a 2 point question at least three etc... Format for: Outline 1 point for each correct statement. Additional point(s) for extending statements e.g. Supporting facts or figures. Mark scheme should include an example of a response which would score 1 mark, 2 marks and 3 marks. • Your 6 point question must be alevelled activity. • Level 1: 1 or 2 points: Basic response. • Level 2: 3 or 4 points: Some extending statements. Candidate has used some topic specific terminology. Will usually refer to a specific. • Level 3: 5 or 6 points. Clear and detailed. Accurate use of terminology. Response includes accurate case study knowledge.

  17. Exchange papers with a partner. Attempt their mini-test in full exam conditions (you will need 15 minutes). Then return the paper and ask your partner to mark your responses and provide some advice.

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