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Morality, Ethics and Philosophy. Definitions. Morality : set of beliefs and practices about how to lead a good life. Ethics : A rational reflection on morality. Why discussing moral issues is important 1. Controversies and dilemma 2. How to lead a good life?.
Definitions Morality: set of beliefs and practices about how to lead a good life Ethics : A rational reflection on morality
Why discussing moral issues is important 1. Controversies and dilemma 2. How to lead a good life? Why Ethics? Why Philosophy? Why appealing to philosophy? Useless discussion: mere confrontation of opinions / feelings Philosophy: No ready made answers: clarification of positions Search for the truth through rational discussion Analysis and Arguments
Is Homosexuality Wrong because Unnatural? Soazig Le Bihan - University of Montana
Outline The argument that homosexuality is wrong because unnatural What is it to be ``natural”? Is homosexuality ``unnatural”? Is what is ``natural” morally right? Conclusion
Outline The argument that homosexuality is wrong because unnatural What is it to be ``natural”? Is homosexuality ``unnatural” Is what is ``natural” morally right? Conclusion
The argument P1 Homosexuality is unnatural P2 What is unnatural is morally wrong CC Homosexuality is wrong The Argument against Homosexuality Assessment: P1? Is there any sense of ``natural” under which homosexuality can be said to be ``unnatural’’? P2? In what sense, if any, is what is ``unnatural’’ morally wrong?
Outline The argument that homosexuality is wrong because unnatural What is it to be ``natural”? Is homosexuality ``unnatural” Is what is ``natural” morally right? Conclusion
1. Natural = Non-Artificial Ex: Artifacts, Culture Unnatural = what we do that animals don’t do What is it to be natural? 2. Natural = what follows the Laws of Nature: Ex: gravity Unnatural = supernatural and miracles 3. Natural = Most common behavior Ex: wolves live in packs, dogs have four legs Unnatural = out of the ordinary 4. Natural = to serve its natural function Ex: eyes to see, fire to regenerate the forest Unnatural = whenever something does not serve its function
The argument that homosexuality is wrong because unnatural Outline What is it to be ``natural”? Is homosexuality ``unnatural” Is what is ``natural” morally right? Conclusion
1. Natural = Non-Artificial Homosexual behavior in the animal realm is common Observed in more than 1500 species – all levels Homosexuality is not unnatural in this sense Is Homosexuality Unnatural? (1) 2. Natural = what follows the Laws of Nature: By definition, nothing violates the laws of nature (except for miracles) Homosexuality is not unnatural in this sense • In the two first senses, homosexuality is not unnatural • The argument fails under these senses of natural
Is Homosexuality Unnatural? (2) 3. Natural = Most common behavior Even if common, homosexual behavior remains a minority Homosexuality is unnatural in this sense 4. Natural = to serve its natural function Sexual organs: reproduction Homosexuality is unnatural in this sense • In the above two senses, homosexuality is unnatural • We need to look at the second premise in order to assess the argument
Outline The argument that homosexuality is wrong because unnatural What is it to be ``natural”? Is homosexuality ``unnatural” Is what is ``natural” morally right? Conclusion
Natural = Morally Right? (1) Two questions: • Is what is “unnatural” morally wrong? • Is what is “natural’’ morally right?
Natural = the most common behavior 1.a. Is doing something different from the majority always doing something wrong? No – great scientists and blind people 1.b. Is doing the same things as the majority enough to be morally right? No – lying Natural = Morally Right? (1) • The argument against homosexuality does not stand under this sense of natural
4. Natural = serving its proper function 4.a. Is using things for a different purpose than their natural function always doing something wrong? No – swimming and climbing with our legs 4.b. Is using things for their natural function enough to be morally right? No – Peeping Tom Natural = Morally Right? (4) • The argument against homosexuality does not stand under this sense of natural
Outline The argument that homosexuality is wrong because unnatural What is it to be ``natural”? Is homosexuality ``unnatural” Is what is ``natural” morally right? Conclusion
About Homosexuality: The argument that homosexuality is morally wrong because it is unnatural fails: There is no meaning of “natural” which makes the two premises of the argument true Careful ! This does not show that homosexuality is right either! Conclusion About Ethics Appeal to philosophy for moral questions -- Ethics When doing ethics, one commits to abide by the rules of rational reasoning.